Your Subconscious Mind is really your soul and this soul is infinite. Your Subconscious Mind is in direct contact with the Universal Super conscious Mind of God. Your Subconscious Mind is the Creator. It will create into reality whatever the Conscious Mind commands and you control your Conscious Mind, or at least you are supposed to.
How simple can it be? You tell God WHAT you want and God tells you HOW to get it. This is not a new concept. The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you.” I’m really amazed when you quote this. People say that they all know it, but very few believe it and even fewer use it to their good.
The “Doubting Thomases” are our Conscious Minds. We grow up hearing the word, “No,” a hundred times a day. Our mindset becomes anything we want that is good for us we can’t have. No wonder we stop asking. No wonder we can’t handle rejection. No wonder we think there is not enough to go around. Plain and simple, our parents brainwashed us, just as their parents brainwashed them. It goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, where the story goes they ate the forbidden fruit and we have been paying the price ever since. What nonsense this story is. What an injustice to humankind from those who started this fairytale. God has condemned us to Hell for eternity just because Adam ate an apple. I don’t think so. Some religions have started man out with an original sin, through no fault of you and me. No wonder we are all basket cases. What happened to love and kindness? People want to make God in their likeness: judgmental, cruel, vindictive, unforgiving, unkind, unreasonable, and all the other un-'s in the dictionary. God is none of these things and shame on those who would have us believe differently.
Today’s Exercise: Spread the truth. No soul is ever lost.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Some religious teachings have started humankind out with an original sin, through no fault of ours. I don’t know about you, but I have enough of my own problems without inheriting somebody else’s.
For anyone following the Law of Attraction, success and happiness. Here's some of my knowledge.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Credit Scores Affecting Your Life
Your credit scores can effect almost every thing you do today. For instance, if you are buying a home, a car, or even renting an apartment you can be denied because of your beacon score. If you are looking for a new job your beacon scores may determine if you get the job or not. Other major areas such as: Getting Insurance, Refinancing your mortgage or just about anything today can be effected by credit reports. Well save yourself the frustration and disappointment of being denied because of your credit reports.
The fair credit reporting act states that you have the right to challenge the validity of any entry on your credit report, However if you don’t do it right you could make it worst instead of better. So don’t take any chances, Let a professional Law Firm, with a proven track record help you to get back your credit worthiness.
Go to for all the details. Today a good credit report is a most that you cannot do without. Put the credit pros on you side.
Hope you find this useful, comment. Peace, Len
The fair credit reporting act states that you have the right to challenge the validity of any entry on your credit report, However if you don’t do it right you could make it worst instead of better. So don’t take any chances, Let a professional Law Firm, with a proven track record help you to get back your credit worthiness.
Go to for all the details. Today a good credit report is a most that you cannot do without. Put the credit pros on you side.
Hope you find this useful, comment. Peace, Len
Monday, December 27, 2010
These are the most profound words I have ever read. It is like a command from God.
Okay How do I accomplish that?
First ask the question WHAT CAN I BE?
Second wait until you hear perfect silence.
Third listen to the voice of your SubConscious Mind.
You may hear one or you may hear many suggestions. Pick the one that appeals to you the most. Then set this as your goal. Learn everything you can about achieving that goal. Start now TO BE WHAT YOU CAN BE.
Go forth with TENACITY, quitting is not an option, thinking of quitting is not an option.
Happy Holidays, Len
Okay How do I accomplish that?
First ask the question WHAT CAN I BE?
Second wait until you hear perfect silence.
Third listen to the voice of your SubConscious Mind.
You may hear one or you may hear many suggestions. Pick the one that appeals to you the most. Then set this as your goal. Learn everything you can about achieving that goal. Start now TO BE WHAT YOU CAN BE.
Go forth with TENACITY, quitting is not an option, thinking of quitting is not an option.
Happy Holidays, Len
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Happiness Is Knowing
What a beautiful world it will be when you wake up and know that you know and you know that you know it. If you don’t know what I just said then that glorious day has not arrived for you yet. Today could be that day, when you know that you are one with the universe and with God. You needn’t struggle nor do anything grand. You just are. The day you say, “I am,” and know it, is the day the veil will be lifted from your eyes. You will no longer fear death, for death is just the first step to eternity. You will return from whence you came; the wonders of the universe will be at your beck and call.
How different the world will look to you and you will wonder why you have never seen the beauty of a cockroach before. The sun will shine brighter, the air will smell sweeter, and the water will taste like a mountain spring. All around you stress and anger will still abide, but you will not know it.
Nothing will ever go wrong in your world and you will wonder why you took so long to let go of your Ego. You will wonder why you were so gullible to believe that God might condemn you to eternal damnation. You will not only seek the truth, but you will also spread the truth, for we have lived too long believing in Dark Age philosophies and falsehoods. The truth is in your heart; trust in your inner voice for the line of communication to God is open, never to be closed again.
Today’s Exercise: Open your heart, open your eyes, read the words of Buddha in the front of the book.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You will not only seek the truth, you will also spread the truth, for we have lived too long believing in Dark Age philosophies and falsehoods.
How different the world will look to you and you will wonder why you have never seen the beauty of a cockroach before. The sun will shine brighter, the air will smell sweeter, and the water will taste like a mountain spring. All around you stress and anger will still abide, but you will not know it.
Nothing will ever go wrong in your world and you will wonder why you took so long to let go of your Ego. You will wonder why you were so gullible to believe that God might condemn you to eternal damnation. You will not only seek the truth, but you will also spread the truth, for we have lived too long believing in Dark Age philosophies and falsehoods. The truth is in your heart; trust in your inner voice for the line of communication to God is open, never to be closed again.
Today’s Exercise: Open your heart, open your eyes, read the words of Buddha in the front of the book.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You will not only seek the truth, you will also spread the truth, for we have lived too long believing in Dark Age philosophies and falsehoods.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
What You See Is What You Get

Take a long look at this shape.
Is it convex or concave? Some of you will say it’s convex, others it’s concave. The truth is you’re both right. It is both convex and concave depending how you look at it. If you focus to the left of the shape it will appear concave, if you focus to the right it will appear convex. However, it cannot be both at the same time.
When you focus one way the other becomes invisible to you. Think about that, and how it applies in your life and on your job. Does this mean that you are creating your reality from moment to moment by the choices and distinctions you make about the objects around you? I believe it does; I believe you play a very large part in creating the world you will live in by the way you decide to see it. We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
“Change the way you see things and the things you see will change.”
Today’s Exercise: Let your mind show you the world.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Monday, December 13, 2010
What is the Meaning of Forever?
When you say forever what do you mean? I say it means right now, this moment. Time according to Einstein is an illusion. Time is right now and that’s all. Too many people live in the past or dream about the future, but they never let right now count for anything. Yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow never comes. How easy is it to get caught up in the world of physical things, a world that is constantly moving away from us? We do the same things today that we did yesterday, yet, somehow we expect today to be different than yesterday.
We know someday our bodies will die, but we act as if it will never happen to us. Only when we have an incurable disease do we plan for death. Death to the majority of the world is the end, but to the enlighten few it is just the beginning. Well, not quite the beginning, because we are infinite, we had no beginning nor will we have an end. We only have now and now is forever. Cheer up, it’s not that deep. This journey has a purpose; that purpose is to pursue happiness and success. It’s not that hard. Happiness is something that you decide ahead of time. All truly happy people are already a success. Simple, right? Think about it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the mirror, put that smile on your face and keep it there forever.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: All truly happy people are already a success.
We know someday our bodies will die, but we act as if it will never happen to us. Only when we have an incurable disease do we plan for death. Death to the majority of the world is the end, but to the enlighten few it is just the beginning. Well, not quite the beginning, because we are infinite, we had no beginning nor will we have an end. We only have now and now is forever. Cheer up, it’s not that deep. This journey has a purpose; that purpose is to pursue happiness and success. It’s not that hard. Happiness is something that you decide ahead of time. All truly happy people are already a success. Simple, right? Think about it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the mirror, put that smile on your face and keep it there forever.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: All truly happy people are already a success.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Follow Your Dreams
There is no such thing a good job or a bad job. There is only work you hate or work you love. If you want easy work, find work you love to do and do it. Too many people are wasting their lives because they do not enjoy their work. The father, who forces his son to go to the same college he went to and become a doctor like him, can’t figure out why his son won’t speak to him. The mother who tries to make her daughter a starlet because she never made it, is stunned when her daughter overdoses on drugs.
You were not born an attorney, a movie star, or a miner, you were born to follow your dream not someone else’s. It takes courage to follow your dreams.
I get a kick out of some of the movies you see about a small town. There is always some teenager or a young person who can’t wait to get out of town because there’s nothing there, yet, these people are totally unprepared to be a success anywhere. It is not the place or the time that determines success, it’s the person. Some of the richest men and women in America come from a small town and quite a few have made their fortune in these towns.
Success starts now where you are and at what you are doing. As you grow opportunities will present themselves. One of my definitions of success is, to be totally prepared to recognize and capitalize on an opportunity when it presents itself.
Today’s Exercise: Start preparing. Look at everything as an opportunity; the best ones come disguised as problems.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: It takes courage to follow your dreams.
You were not born an attorney, a movie star, or a miner, you were born to follow your dream not someone else’s. It takes courage to follow your dreams.
I get a kick out of some of the movies you see about a small town. There is always some teenager or a young person who can’t wait to get out of town because there’s nothing there, yet, these people are totally unprepared to be a success anywhere. It is not the place or the time that determines success, it’s the person. Some of the richest men and women in America come from a small town and quite a few have made their fortune in these towns.
Success starts now where you are and at what you are doing. As you grow opportunities will present themselves. One of my definitions of success is, to be totally prepared to recognize and capitalize on an opportunity when it presents itself.
Today’s Exercise: Start preparing. Look at everything as an opportunity; the best ones come disguised as problems.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: It takes courage to follow your dreams.
Monday, December 6, 2010
No matter what we set out to do, whether it’s building something, teaching, serving in the military, farming, manufacturing, or any other worthwhile cause, our major aim is to be a benefit physically, mentally, and spiritually to the welfare of society. Any other intent is error, an illusion, and will manifest error back to us sooner or later. Those who would toil, for only his or her personal gain, at the expense of society, can expect society to fight back. The jails are filled with such individuals.
No one can rise to the top of their profession if they detest their job and hate every minute of it. Don’t start looking around for a different job or a different vocation. No matter where you go or how far you go, you still take yourself with you. Success is not where you are. Success is who you are. If you’re a janitor then be the best damn janitor in the world. Success will come looking for you.
In my opinion, there are no bad jobs. Jobs are good or bad depending on what you make of it. In fifty years, I must have had twenty different jobs. Some were the typical; just over broke jobs, but every one of them was a stepping-stone to success. I pride myself that I’ve never been fired from a job. I was what you might call enthusiastically discontented. What I didn’t realize was that I could have risen to the top of any of the companies I worked for if only I believed in myself. Some nights, I think of some of those jobs and say to myself, “Gee, if I only knew then what I know now, I probably never would have left. I just never gave myself a chance to succeed.”
You need to change your attitude and your mental outlook to start thinking positive and creative, instead of thinking negatively and with frustration. If you outgrow your job or you’d love to do something else, then you will be ready to move on from that job.
Today’s Exercise: Look around you. How can you do your job better?
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: If you outgrow your job or you’d love to do something else, then you will be ready to move on from that job. No matter where you go or how far you go, you still take yourself with you.
No one can rise to the top of their profession if they detest their job and hate every minute of it. Don’t start looking around for a different job or a different vocation. No matter where you go or how far you go, you still take yourself with you. Success is not where you are. Success is who you are. If you’re a janitor then be the best damn janitor in the world. Success will come looking for you.
In my opinion, there are no bad jobs. Jobs are good or bad depending on what you make of it. In fifty years, I must have had twenty different jobs. Some were the typical; just over broke jobs, but every one of them was a stepping-stone to success. I pride myself that I’ve never been fired from a job. I was what you might call enthusiastically discontented. What I didn’t realize was that I could have risen to the top of any of the companies I worked for if only I believed in myself. Some nights, I think of some of those jobs and say to myself, “Gee, if I only knew then what I know now, I probably never would have left. I just never gave myself a chance to succeed.”
You need to change your attitude and your mental outlook to start thinking positive and creative, instead of thinking negatively and with frustration. If you outgrow your job or you’d love to do something else, then you will be ready to move on from that job.
Today’s Exercise: Look around you. How can you do your job better?
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: If you outgrow your job or you’d love to do something else, then you will be ready to move on from that job. No matter where you go or how far you go, you still take yourself with you.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Is Failure?
Imagine a person who has a great desire to succeed, and is also afraid to fail. Because of this desire to succeed, the person is continually trying, and because of the fear of failure, the person is continually experiencing frustration. Frustration triggers anxiety, which results in depression. Depression paralyzes us into lack of activity, which results in failure.
We all have a comfort zone. Think of it as a thermometer. If the mercury goes over 90°F, it may be too hot. If it goes below 30°F, it may be may be too cold. As long as we are in our comfort zone, we can function, but the second we get out of our comfort zone, we self destruct.
You can handle only so much depression, before you reach the danger zone of your stress level causing you to either end the activity or quit all together. The danger of becoming stressed out then becomes self-destructive. It neutralizes energy and creativity and causes physical and mental meltdowns. You become diseased. This stress then materializes as ulcers, hypertension, and migraine headaches.
The answer to physical and mental problems is to remove stress. Failure at a certain task is not permanent. As a matter of fact, most successful people thrive on failures. Read Abraham Lincoln’s record of his political office. He failed to be elected to every political office he ran for, except the Presidency.
The best motivation I have seen is etched on a wooden block sitting on my desk. It is from Theodore Roosevelt: “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, his face is marred by dust, and sweat, and blood. Who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, and spends himself in a worthy cause. Who at best, if he wins, knows the thrill of high achievement, and if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
Today’s Exercise: Get off your buttocks, and count your failures as stepping stones to victory.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Abraham Lincoln failed to be elected to every political office he ran for except the presidency.
We all have a comfort zone. Think of it as a thermometer. If the mercury goes over 90°F, it may be too hot. If it goes below 30°F, it may be may be too cold. As long as we are in our comfort zone, we can function, but the second we get out of our comfort zone, we self destruct.
You can handle only so much depression, before you reach the danger zone of your stress level causing you to either end the activity or quit all together. The danger of becoming stressed out then becomes self-destructive. It neutralizes energy and creativity and causes physical and mental meltdowns. You become diseased. This stress then materializes as ulcers, hypertension, and migraine headaches.
The answer to physical and mental problems is to remove stress. Failure at a certain task is not permanent. As a matter of fact, most successful people thrive on failures. Read Abraham Lincoln’s record of his political office. He failed to be elected to every political office he ran for, except the Presidency.
The best motivation I have seen is etched on a wooden block sitting on my desk. It is from Theodore Roosevelt: “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, his face is marred by dust, and sweat, and blood. Who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, and spends himself in a worthy cause. Who at best, if he wins, knows the thrill of high achievement, and if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
Today’s Exercise: Get off your buttocks, and count your failures as stepping stones to victory.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Abraham Lincoln failed to be elected to every political office he ran for except the presidency.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
They Just Don’t Think
Many never find the job they are best suited for because they just don’t think enough. People just drift lazily into any job even if it’s not suited for them. When they don’t get along well, they blame everybody and everything but themselves.
I can think of two occasions that I fit this mold, which perhaps you can relate to. One time was the day I graduated from high school. A friend asked me to drive him to a job interview with a cardboard box manufacturer. I said okay after all, I had the whole summer to goof off. When we got there, the secretary handed us both a job application. I was too embarrassed to do anything but fill it out. Guess what? I got hired and he didn’t. I stayed with that job for two years before I enlisted in the Army. My friend instead enrolled in the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut and eventually served as a naval officer.
The second occasion, a fellow salesman asked me to drive him to a job interview with an advertising and sales promotion company. His car was old and he didn’t want it to break down on the way. The interview was just outside of Philadelphia. Since we were on strike, I had nothing to do so I agreed. When we got there, the sales manager gave my friend an application, and guess what? Dejá vu, all over again. I was given an application, and I became employed by a company selling printing presses. The company happened to be on strike and my friend, whose grandfather was a leading salesman with the company, lasted only two months and then he quit. I was with the company for ten years before I left to start my own company.
Neither job was my first choice because I really never gave it any thought. I enjoyed both jobs and I can’t say I really loved them. They were important to my growth and to tell you the truth, even though they were not where I would make my mark, I did them the best I could. I learned a great deal and I used each experience as a stepping-stone to success.
Today’s Exercise: Make every day count. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: I use each experience as a stepping-stone to success.
I can think of two occasions that I fit this mold, which perhaps you can relate to. One time was the day I graduated from high school. A friend asked me to drive him to a job interview with a cardboard box manufacturer. I said okay after all, I had the whole summer to goof off. When we got there, the secretary handed us both a job application. I was too embarrassed to do anything but fill it out. Guess what? I got hired and he didn’t. I stayed with that job for two years before I enlisted in the Army. My friend instead enrolled in the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut and eventually served as a naval officer.
The second occasion, a fellow salesman asked me to drive him to a job interview with an advertising and sales promotion company. His car was old and he didn’t want it to break down on the way. The interview was just outside of Philadelphia. Since we were on strike, I had nothing to do so I agreed. When we got there, the sales manager gave my friend an application, and guess what? Dejá vu, all over again. I was given an application, and I became employed by a company selling printing presses. The company happened to be on strike and my friend, whose grandfather was a leading salesman with the company, lasted only two months and then he quit. I was with the company for ten years before I left to start my own company.
Neither job was my first choice because I really never gave it any thought. I enjoyed both jobs and I can’t say I really loved them. They were important to my growth and to tell you the truth, even though they were not where I would make my mark, I did them the best I could. I learned a great deal and I used each experience as a stepping-stone to success.
Today’s Exercise: Make every day count. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: I use each experience as a stepping-stone to success.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Rule 6
The president of a company was sitting in his office speaking with a business associate, when the sales manager burst into the office. The sales manager was completely agitated, and complained loudly about an annoyance. One of his salesman had done wrong. The president calmly looked at the sales manager and said, “Jim, remember Rule 6.”
The sales manager calmed down immediately, apologized to the guest, and said to the president, “Don’t worry about it sir, I’ll take care of it.”
The president and his associate continued their conversation. Ten minutes later, the customer service manager came stomping into the room. She was completely disheveled and complaining very loudly about one of their customers who had given her a hard time. The president smiled and said, “Mary, remember rule 6.”
Mary calmed down immediately, apologized and said, “It’s OK, I have the situation under control.”
The associate started to ask the president a question, when the CFO stomped in. He was louder and more agitated than Mary or Jim. The president calmly said, “Tom, remember Rule 6.”
Like the others, Tom quieted down immediately, smiled, and said, “That’s OK boss, I can handle it.”
Well, the associate was flabbergasted and said, “Man, this is fantastic. What is Rule 6? I have to try it in my company.”
The president smiled and said, “Rule 6 is, “Don’t Take Yourself So Damn Seriously.”
The associate said, “That’s great! By the way, what are the other five rules?.” The president answered, “There are no other rules.”
A friend of mine, Charlie Garcia, has a big sign over his door. It says, “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.”
Today’s Exercise: Remember Rule #6 at least six times today.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.
The sales manager calmed down immediately, apologized to the guest, and said to the president, “Don’t worry about it sir, I’ll take care of it.”
The president and his associate continued their conversation. Ten minutes later, the customer service manager came stomping into the room. She was completely disheveled and complaining very loudly about one of their customers who had given her a hard time. The president smiled and said, “Mary, remember rule 6.”
Mary calmed down immediately, apologized and said, “It’s OK, I have the situation under control.”
The associate started to ask the president a question, when the CFO stomped in. He was louder and more agitated than Mary or Jim. The president calmly said, “Tom, remember Rule 6.”
Like the others, Tom quieted down immediately, smiled, and said, “That’s OK boss, I can handle it.”
Well, the associate was flabbergasted and said, “Man, this is fantastic. What is Rule 6? I have to try it in my company.”
The president smiled and said, “Rule 6 is, “Don’t Take Yourself So Damn Seriously.”
The associate said, “That’s great! By the way, what are the other five rules?.” The president answered, “There are no other rules.”
A friend of mine, Charlie Garcia, has a big sign over his door. It says, “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.”
Today’s Exercise: Remember Rule #6 at least six times today.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
When You Change The Way You Look At Things; The Things You Look At Will Change
This is not only a catchy saying, it is a quantum physics reality. When you look at an atom through a sub-atomic microscope at its smallest level you will find a quark. Now here is the interesting part, as you are looking at the quark, it will change depending on how you look at it or who is looking at it. This means, we have the ability to change matter (things) just by the way we see them!
We only have two choices, either good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happy or sad, calm or stressed out, kind or cruel, loved or unloved.
If your world is not the way you want it, then you need to change the way you see it. When you see the world as a beautiful place, full of abundance and loving people who are attracted to you, to assist you in your quest for "Success and Happiness" then you will materialize it. This leads us to the Law of Attraction .
The Law of Attraction works all the time. We will attract into our lives whatever we think about.
THINK about it... did you ever say to yourself "I need to make more money." Yet your feeling or emotion is you don't have enough so: you conceive that money is important however you believe that you don't have enough and you feel down deep that you will never have enough, thus the Law of Attraction kicks in and everything in your world turns to garbage.
Money is only paper, and millions of dollars are printed up every day. If you don't have enough it's because you are attracting the LACK of money instead of the ABUNDANCE of money.
This Law of Attraction works for everything and everyone!
Trust it will work for you, believe that you deserve it and leave the HOW to a higher authority!
We only have two choices, either good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happy or sad, calm or stressed out, kind or cruel, loved or unloved.
If your world is not the way you want it, then you need to change the way you see it. When you see the world as a beautiful place, full of abundance and loving people who are attracted to you, to assist you in your quest for "Success and Happiness" then you will materialize it. This leads us to the Law of Attraction .
The Law of Attraction works all the time. We will attract into our lives whatever we think about.
THINK about it... did you ever say to yourself "I need to make more money." Yet your feeling or emotion is you don't have enough so: you conceive that money is important however you believe that you don't have enough and you feel down deep that you will never have enough, thus the Law of Attraction kicks in and everything in your world turns to garbage.
Money is only paper, and millions of dollars are printed up every day. If you don't have enough it's because you are attracting the LACK of money instead of the ABUNDANCE of money.
This Law of Attraction works for everything and everyone!
Trust it will work for you, believe that you deserve it and leave the HOW to a higher authority!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wouldn’t it be great if you had unlimited prosperity in wealth, health, peace of mind, intelligence, and relationships? Well, you can; all you need to do is to turn your “I can’t” into “I can”.
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? It can’t be that simple, can it? Yes, it can. You have the ability to change your life right now, right where you are, and it won’t cost you a dime. If it is so simple then why doesn’t everyone do it? First, because they don’t believe it. And, second, because we’ve been programmed since childhood; we are told, “don’t do this, don’t do that, you cannot have it”, etc. We are all guilty of this behavior and so are our parents, and so are our parent’s parents, way back to the so-called Garden of Eden.
Your Subconscious Mind will grant anything you ask of it, as long as you really desire it, and if it doesn’t hurt someone else. Your Subconscious Mind has been granting your wishes since you were born. When you say, “I can’t do that,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I will make sure you fail every time you try it.” If you say, “Every September I come down with a cold,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, let me put that on my calendar.” How about I can’t roller skate? Your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I’ll make you fall just as soon as you put on the skates.” How about “I can’t quit smoking, besides it relaxes me?” Your Subconscious Mind says, “Fine, stay relaxed at least until it burns a hole in your lungs.” How about, “I can’t change; this is just the way I am?” Your Subconscious Mind loves this one. It says, “Okay you’re broke, unhappy, sickly, and unloved, this is the way I will keep you.”
Look at people who want to use their race or religion as an excuse for not succeeding. Folks, the statue of limitations has run out on those excuses. I was flipping through my four hundred channels the other day trying to find something to look at that wasn’t a waste of my time. I came across a George Lopez special and the first thing out of his mouth was, “We are MexiCANS, not MexiCAN’TS.” I wonder how many got the message. Bill Cosby was ridiculed by black leaders when he tried to get the same message across. The message is simple. Say, “No” to I can’t.” Say, “No” to it can’t be done.” Say, “No” to I can’t change.” Say, “No” to illness, hatred, poverty, prejudice.
Today’s Exercise: Eliminate the word “can’t” from your vocabulary.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Your Subconscious Mind will grant you anything you ask.
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? It can’t be that simple, can it? Yes, it can. You have the ability to change your life right now, right where you are, and it won’t cost you a dime. If it is so simple then why doesn’t everyone do it? First, because they don’t believe it. And, second, because we’ve been programmed since childhood; we are told, “don’t do this, don’t do that, you cannot have it”, etc. We are all guilty of this behavior and so are our parents, and so are our parent’s parents, way back to the so-called Garden of Eden.
Your Subconscious Mind will grant anything you ask of it, as long as you really desire it, and if it doesn’t hurt someone else. Your Subconscious Mind has been granting your wishes since you were born. When you say, “I can’t do that,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I will make sure you fail every time you try it.” If you say, “Every September I come down with a cold,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, let me put that on my calendar.” How about I can’t roller skate? Your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I’ll make you fall just as soon as you put on the skates.” How about “I can’t quit smoking, besides it relaxes me?” Your Subconscious Mind says, “Fine, stay relaxed at least until it burns a hole in your lungs.” How about, “I can’t change; this is just the way I am?” Your Subconscious Mind loves this one. It says, “Okay you’re broke, unhappy, sickly, and unloved, this is the way I will keep you.”
Look at people who want to use their race or religion as an excuse for not succeeding. Folks, the statue of limitations has run out on those excuses. I was flipping through my four hundred channels the other day trying to find something to look at that wasn’t a waste of my time. I came across a George Lopez special and the first thing out of his mouth was, “We are MexiCANS, not MexiCAN’TS.” I wonder how many got the message. Bill Cosby was ridiculed by black leaders when he tried to get the same message across. The message is simple. Say, “No” to I can’t.” Say, “No” to it can’t be done.” Say, “No” to I can’t change.” Say, “No” to illness, hatred, poverty, prejudice.
Today’s Exercise: Eliminate the word “can’t” from your vocabulary.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Your Subconscious Mind will grant you anything you ask.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Happiness Is Having No Fear
I was going over with my son Chris, all the things his eight-year-old daughter, Raven, was involved in. Would you believe this week she had to practice her ice skating, horseback riding, and tennis lessons. She also had time to swim three days in her pool, and she loves to draw and do art work, not to mention a full week in school.
Raven’s willingness to try new things without any fear or trepidation is really refreshing, especially after dealing with grown-ups all day who need an act of congress to change their underwear.
Most children have no fear of anything unless a grown-up tells them they can’t. In the Love chapter, I told you the story about a boy who would ride his two-wheel bicycle on the top rail of a picket fence. Just thinking about it scares the heck out of me. Anyway, he did for years; it must have been a sight to see. Then one day a grown-up saw him and told him to get down or he would fall and hurt himself severely. The boy being a nice respectable child obeyed his elder and got down. Unfortunately, from that day forward he was never able to duplicate what he had been doing naturally for a couple of years.
In my opinion, this is a tragedy. The grown-up instilled his own fear in the boy and that boy will probably carry that fear the rest of his life. I’m very proud of Chris and his wife, Belle for allowing Raven to experience life’s great pleasures without any fear.
Happiness is having no fear.
Happiness is trying new things.
Happiness is letting go.
Happiness is family.
Today’s Exercise: If you have a choice of a few bumps or fear, pick the bumps all the time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is having no fear. Happiness is trying new things. Happiness is letting go.
Raven’s willingness to try new things without any fear or trepidation is really refreshing, especially after dealing with grown-ups all day who need an act of congress to change their underwear.
Most children have no fear of anything unless a grown-up tells them they can’t. In the Love chapter, I told you the story about a boy who would ride his two-wheel bicycle on the top rail of a picket fence. Just thinking about it scares the heck out of me. Anyway, he did for years; it must have been a sight to see. Then one day a grown-up saw him and told him to get down or he would fall and hurt himself severely. The boy being a nice respectable child obeyed his elder and got down. Unfortunately, from that day forward he was never able to duplicate what he had been doing naturally for a couple of years.
In my opinion, this is a tragedy. The grown-up instilled his own fear in the boy and that boy will probably carry that fear the rest of his life. I’m very proud of Chris and his wife, Belle for allowing Raven to experience life’s great pleasures without any fear.
Happiness is having no fear.
Happiness is trying new things.
Happiness is letting go.
Happiness is family.
Today’s Exercise: If you have a choice of a few bumps or fear, pick the bumps all the time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is having no fear. Happiness is trying new things. Happiness is letting go.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Brain vs. Mind
When we refer to someone who is smart, we refer to him or her as a “Brain,” as if our brain was the difference in our ability to read or not. The brain is simply and organ, a most wondrous organ no doubt but the brain takes orders from our Subconscious Mind. Our Subconscious Mind controls the brain for all bodily functions while our Conscious Mind handles all our motor skills. Our Subconscious Mind can control our brain to keep us healthy, to make adjustments in our physical abilities, and even to replace damage or lost functions. Our Subconscious Mind determines our fate in life. Many people rose to great heights with little or no formal education and many highly educated walk the street homeless. Our Subconscious Mind, not our brain, can cure a terminal disease.
We have begun to understand the Law of The Power of Positive Thinking. “As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be!,” has been around for two thousand years yet the vast majority of human beings, probably ninety-five percent of all humankind has no idea of this basic law. You are now exposed to it. How will you use it to make your life better?
Go to Las Vegas, and watch people put money after money into slot machines that are programmed so that the odds are heavily favored to the house. When you ask many people why they gamble, they say because it’s fun, yet, when you look at their faces you don’t see too many of them having fun.
The person who constantly impresses upon their Subconscious Mind that they are unlucky and that fate is against them, compounds the unfavorable odds even more. Look at the person who declares, “I’m lucky, I always win,” and lo and behold more times than not despite the odds, always seems to come home with more money than they went with. Professional gamblers know they are going to win, not every time out, but in the long run, their Subconscious Mind is programmed for success and they win despite the odds. There is a new poker game in town called Texas Hold ‘Em. Thousands of people enter this tournament; yet, invariably it’s the same few who end up playing for the big money. They are not smarter, they don’t get better cards, and they are not luckier. They just believe in their Subconscious Mind that they are going to go home winners. We can do this in our every day life. We must believe we can succeed. We must condition our Subconscious Mind so that no negative thinking can enter our world. We have one big edge; very few people know this and practice it, so to get ahead is not that difficult. Step away from the crowd; be different. Use your resources and control your thinking and any setbacks or temporary failures are just stepping stones to the success of your conviction.
Today’s Exercise: Don’t play the lottery today, buy a book.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: Use your resources and control your thinking and any setbacks or temporary failures are just stepping stones to the success of your conviction.
We have begun to understand the Law of The Power of Positive Thinking. “As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be!,” has been around for two thousand years yet the vast majority of human beings, probably ninety-five percent of all humankind has no idea of this basic law. You are now exposed to it. How will you use it to make your life better?
Go to Las Vegas, and watch people put money after money into slot machines that are programmed so that the odds are heavily favored to the house. When you ask many people why they gamble, they say because it’s fun, yet, when you look at their faces you don’t see too many of them having fun.
The person who constantly impresses upon their Subconscious Mind that they are unlucky and that fate is against them, compounds the unfavorable odds even more. Look at the person who declares, “I’m lucky, I always win,” and lo and behold more times than not despite the odds, always seems to come home with more money than they went with. Professional gamblers know they are going to win, not every time out, but in the long run, their Subconscious Mind is programmed for success and they win despite the odds. There is a new poker game in town called Texas Hold ‘Em. Thousands of people enter this tournament; yet, invariably it’s the same few who end up playing for the big money. They are not smarter, they don’t get better cards, and they are not luckier. They just believe in their Subconscious Mind that they are going to go home winners. We can do this in our every day life. We must believe we can succeed. We must condition our Subconscious Mind so that no negative thinking can enter our world. We have one big edge; very few people know this and practice it, so to get ahead is not that difficult. Step away from the crowd; be different. Use your resources and control your thinking and any setbacks or temporary failures are just stepping stones to the success of your conviction.
Today’s Exercise: Don’t play the lottery today, buy a book.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: Use your resources and control your thinking and any setbacks or temporary failures are just stepping stones to the success of your conviction.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Listen to Yourself
Make a continuous effort to listen more carefully to your inner insights; that little voice that speaks to you above the noise of the crowd. This voice is your private hotline to God. It may come as thought; a daydream, or a sign on a building. You may have dismissed this voice as insignificant; too outrageous, or just hopeful thinking, but if these thoughts seem to persist particularly if they relate to new activities and challenges, then they are not there by accident.
Those tenacious thoughts that won’t go away should be taken seriously. They are thoughts of an all-knowing, infinite Creator who is saying to you, “Why do you keep ignoring the genius that I have created in you? Why do you keep settling for less, when I have great plans for you? You have a unique gift to offer this world, and I have made you unique in the entire history of humankind.”
David Hawkins writes in the book Power vs. Force, “From our studies it appears that the alignment of one’s goals and values with high energy attractions is more closely associated with genius than anything else.” Be a lover of life. Refuse to have thoughts of bigotry; hatred; anxiety; anger, and most important, judgment.
Trust yourself. As a piece of God, your genius will sprout forward and blossom as the springtime flowers. Start with judgment. We are so quick to judge other people because they do not think, act, or talk like us. We want to try to live their lives for them. We see only those things that are different and classify them as being wrong. Look for the genius in others. Pay attention to the greatness you observe in as many people as possible. If at first you don’t see it, then look harder. You cannot see the genius in others if you cannot see the genius in yourself. Simplify your life and rid yourself of complications, meaningless rules, must dos, have tos, and so on. By un-complicating your life and removing the nit picky little details that keep you in constant disharmony, you will open the channel that connects you to the greatest source in the universe.
Today’s Exercise: Take twenty or thirty minutes in complete silence and meditate.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: If at first you don’t see it, then look harder. You cannot see the genius in others if you cannot see the genius in yourself.
Those tenacious thoughts that won’t go away should be taken seriously. They are thoughts of an all-knowing, infinite Creator who is saying to you, “Why do you keep ignoring the genius that I have created in you? Why do you keep settling for less, when I have great plans for you? You have a unique gift to offer this world, and I have made you unique in the entire history of humankind.”
David Hawkins writes in the book Power vs. Force, “From our studies it appears that the alignment of one’s goals and values with high energy attractions is more closely associated with genius than anything else.” Be a lover of life. Refuse to have thoughts of bigotry; hatred; anxiety; anger, and most important, judgment.
Trust yourself. As a piece of God, your genius will sprout forward and blossom as the springtime flowers. Start with judgment. We are so quick to judge other people because they do not think, act, or talk like us. We want to try to live their lives for them. We see only those things that are different and classify them as being wrong. Look for the genius in others. Pay attention to the greatness you observe in as many people as possible. If at first you don’t see it, then look harder. You cannot see the genius in others if you cannot see the genius in yourself. Simplify your life and rid yourself of complications, meaningless rules, must dos, have tos, and so on. By un-complicating your life and removing the nit picky little details that keep you in constant disharmony, you will open the channel that connects you to the greatest source in the universe.
Today’s Exercise: Take twenty or thirty minutes in complete silence and meditate.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: If at first you don’t see it, then look harder. You cannot see the genius in others if you cannot see the genius in yourself.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hypnotism vs. You
Just about everyone has seen a hypnotist at work, usually on a stage or at a party for amusement purposes. Psychiatrists, law enforcement agencies, and other professionals use hypnotism every day to get to the root of a problem or to help a patient with something as simple as to stop smoking.
How do they do it? First, they put the Conscious Mind of the person to sleep. Then they go directly to the Subconscious Mind with a suggestion or command. The Subconscious Mind will act on that command no matter how silly or sincere it is. The hypnotist may go back thirty years and recall what the person did fifty days after their third birthday. The person will remember everything including sounds of a bird chirping, colors, smells, everything. The hypnotist will then wake up the person’s Conscious Mind and the person will recall nothing.
This stage act is the secret to a successful and happy life, however, you can’t very well carry around your own personal hypnotist to put you to sleep every time you need to work on a particular part of your life, but you can, your Conscious Mind can take the place of the hypnotist and your power will be magnified a thousand times because you will be working on your own desires.
The mighty Subconscious Mind is under your control. It will respond one hundred percent to whatever either a hypnotist or your Conscious Mind demands of it. Why would you not believe or take advantage of the most wondrous power endowed to you by God?
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind today, right now, that you are in complete control of your universe.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: The mighty Subconscious Mind is under your control, and will respond one hundred percent to whatever your Conscious Mind demands of it.
How do they do it? First, they put the Conscious Mind of the person to sleep. Then they go directly to the Subconscious Mind with a suggestion or command. The Subconscious Mind will act on that command no matter how silly or sincere it is. The hypnotist may go back thirty years and recall what the person did fifty days after their third birthday. The person will remember everything including sounds of a bird chirping, colors, smells, everything. The hypnotist will then wake up the person’s Conscious Mind and the person will recall nothing.
This stage act is the secret to a successful and happy life, however, you can’t very well carry around your own personal hypnotist to put you to sleep every time you need to work on a particular part of your life, but you can, your Conscious Mind can take the place of the hypnotist and your power will be magnified a thousand times because you will be working on your own desires.
The mighty Subconscious Mind is under your control. It will respond one hundred percent to whatever either a hypnotist or your Conscious Mind demands of it. Why would you not believe or take advantage of the most wondrous power endowed to you by God?
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind today, right now, that you are in complete control of your universe.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: The mighty Subconscious Mind is under your control, and will respond one hundred percent to whatever your Conscious Mind demands of it.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Exercise for the Mind
Just as your body needs exercise to stay in shape, so does your mind. Now, reach out and stretch your mind. Try to comprehend unlimited thought and unlimited supply.
Plant the seed of desire. Nourish it with a clear visualization of the ripened fruit. Water it with sincere faith, but leave the HOW to God.
Open your mind. Keep yourself in a state of receptivity. Gain an attitude in which you are constantly expecting good to happen to you. Don’t listen to those who say it can’t be done.
There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind. It’s kind of like your Aorta artery. If your artery gets clogged with garbage, you will die. If your Subconscious Mind gets clogged with negative thinking, fear, or self-doubt, then you become like so many other “walking dead.”
It’s not too late to call “Roto-Rooter”. Clear your thinking. Let go, and let God. You have the same channel to God as every other human being. Close your eyes and stop your thinking. Well, slow it down anyway. Be calm and listen; the next thought you hear will be a message from God. The message is clear: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be open. Why in the world would we try to go through life without using this power?
In order to clear the channel, we need to watch what we put into our Subconscious Mind. Let’s start with TV. The majority of shows on TV are about killing, prejudice, infidelity, or are just plain stupid. I have four hundred channels on my TV, and outside of sports, Discovery, PBS, and the History Channel, the rest are a waste. How about the newspaper? Really want to get screwed up? Well, that’s a good place to start. Music! Music is supposed to calm the savage beast. Music today is the savage beast. You may ask how you are supposed to be entertained? Have you ever heard of a book? You may say that you read. Playboy is not a book.
When you change the things your read, the things you read will change your life.
Today’s Exercise: Turn off the TV for twenty-four hours.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind.
Plant the seed of desire. Nourish it with a clear visualization of the ripened fruit. Water it with sincere faith, but leave the HOW to God.
Open your mind. Keep yourself in a state of receptivity. Gain an attitude in which you are constantly expecting good to happen to you. Don’t listen to those who say it can’t be done.
There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind. It’s kind of like your Aorta artery. If your artery gets clogged with garbage, you will die. If your Subconscious Mind gets clogged with negative thinking, fear, or self-doubt, then you become like so many other “walking dead.”
It’s not too late to call “Roto-Rooter”. Clear your thinking. Let go, and let God. You have the same channel to God as every other human being. Close your eyes and stop your thinking. Well, slow it down anyway. Be calm and listen; the next thought you hear will be a message from God. The message is clear: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be open. Why in the world would we try to go through life without using this power?
In order to clear the channel, we need to watch what we put into our Subconscious Mind. Let’s start with TV. The majority of shows on TV are about killing, prejudice, infidelity, or are just plain stupid. I have four hundred channels on my TV, and outside of sports, Discovery, PBS, and the History Channel, the rest are a waste. How about the newspaper? Really want to get screwed up? Well, that’s a good place to start. Music! Music is supposed to calm the savage beast. Music today is the savage beast. You may ask how you are supposed to be entertained? Have you ever heard of a book? You may say that you read. Playboy is not a book.
When you change the things your read, the things you read will change your life.
Today’s Exercise: Turn off the TV for twenty-four hours.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Believe in Your Ability
“Faith” is a word that has been misused, misapplied, and misunderstood. To many, it means simply an attitude of mind, which will accept anything that it is told to the mind merely because someone else said it. But, those who have penetrated deep into the meaning of the word “faith’ know it means something far more real than this. To those who understand the law, faith is the contact one rises to meet the forces of life and nature. It is the means for which one receives the inflow of the power that is behind and in all things. Understanding this power allows the ability to apply that power to the running of one’s own affairs.
For you to attain financial success you must first have faith in yourself, second faith in others, and third faith in the Law of Attraction.
What is the law? “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So simple, yet, so few people know this law. They may have heard of the law in every motivational book ever written from the Bible to Think and Grow Rich, yet many people think success is a matter of luck, winning the lottery, or something that always happens to someone else.
I remember an old story, I’m not sure exactly how it went. It’s something like this. The gods in the story got together one day and they said, “Let’s give every human being the secret to success but, let’s not make it too easy to find or it will be worthless.” One god suggested that they hide it at the top of the highest mountain but the other gods argued that it would be too easy to find. Another suggested that they hide it deep in the forest. They decided that it would still be too easy to find. Maybe they could hide it deep in the ocean. They figured once it was known every get rich quick mentality would rush to it and it would be worthless. Then one of the gods said, “I know a perfect place to hide the secret of success, let’s hide it in their minds, most people will never look there.”
“What so ever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Today’s Exercise: Recommended Reading: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
For you to attain financial success you must first have faith in yourself, second faith in others, and third faith in the Law of Attraction.
What is the law? “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So simple, yet, so few people know this law. They may have heard of the law in every motivational book ever written from the Bible to Think and Grow Rich, yet many people think success is a matter of luck, winning the lottery, or something that always happens to someone else.
I remember an old story, I’m not sure exactly how it went. It’s something like this. The gods in the story got together one day and they said, “Let’s give every human being the secret to success but, let’s not make it too easy to find or it will be worthless.” One god suggested that they hide it at the top of the highest mountain but the other gods argued that it would be too easy to find. Another suggested that they hide it deep in the forest. They decided that it would still be too easy to find. Maybe they could hide it deep in the ocean. They figured once it was known every get rich quick mentality would rush to it and it would be worthless. Then one of the gods said, “I know a perfect place to hide the secret of success, let’s hide it in their minds, most people will never look there.”
“What so ever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Today’s Exercise: Recommended Reading: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Lack of Persistence
I have a personal story about persistence. Ten years ago, I was in partnership with a guy in the debt consolidation business. Anyway, I thought I was a partner so I wasn’t taking any money out of the business. My wife was working in the business as a secretary, just so we had some money for food and rent. My wife, who is a lot smarter than I am said to me one day, “Are you sure you’re his partner? Show me the papers.” I didn’t have any partnership papers, all I had was a handshake, so I asked him to sign an agreement. His answer floored me. He said, “No, we never were partners.” I saw red, told my wife to get her purse, and we walked out of the office.
As it happens, we walked right into the office-building complex’s landlord. I asked him if he still had the office around the corner vacant, he replied that he did. I said, “Good, I want it, but I don’t have the first month’s rent.”
He said, “Oh?”
“I don’t have the last month’s rent either; nor do I have any security deposit.”
He asked, “Is that all?”
I said, “No, do you have any furniture I can borrow?”
To make a long story short, he gave the keys to me and helped me carry two desks and two chairs into the office.
The next day, my “ex-partner” and his secretary came over. They took one look at us and said, “You won’t last two weeks in this business.”
Then, my wife did something I’ll never forget. She jumped to her feet and said, “Look around you. This is the lowest you will ever see us. You don’t know my husband, he never gives up.” Well I had my marching orders. I had no choice but to persist. Ten years later, we are still in the business and it has provided a lifestyle for me, my wife, two sons, and their families that we could hardly dream of. My wife’s conviction and my persistence have provided me with the opportunity to bring this philosophy to you.
Today’s Exercise: Every day, never give up.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Once you have proven to the world that you will stop at nothing, the system gives in and anything you ask for is yours.
As it happens, we walked right into the office-building complex’s landlord. I asked him if he still had the office around the corner vacant, he replied that he did. I said, “Good, I want it, but I don’t have the first month’s rent.”
He said, “Oh?”
“I don’t have the last month’s rent either; nor do I have any security deposit.”
He asked, “Is that all?”
I said, “No, do you have any furniture I can borrow?”
To make a long story short, he gave the keys to me and helped me carry two desks and two chairs into the office.
The next day, my “ex-partner” and his secretary came over. They took one look at us and said, “You won’t last two weeks in this business.”
Then, my wife did something I’ll never forget. She jumped to her feet and said, “Look around you. This is the lowest you will ever see us. You don’t know my husband, he never gives up.” Well I had my marching orders. I had no choice but to persist. Ten years later, we are still in the business and it has provided a lifestyle for me, my wife, two sons, and their families that we could hardly dream of. My wife’s conviction and my persistence have provided me with the opportunity to bring this philosophy to you.
Today’s Exercise: Every day, never give up.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Once you have proven to the world that you will stop at nothing, the system gives in and anything you ask for is yours.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Language of Your Subconscious Mind
Communication is very important in any language. Your Subconscious Mind reacts favorable to straightforward simple commands in the present tense. Your Subconscious Mind takes your thoughts or your “prayers” literally. Affirmations are the prayers of the twenty-first century. For instance: If you say, “I will be happy,” your mind says, “When will you be happy? When you’re ready let me know.” Replace “I will be happy” with “I am happy.” Don’t mistake the brevity of the affirmation as being weak; your Subconscious Mind knows exactly what to do. Here are a few more examples:
I will try to stop smoking.
Replace with: I am enjoying a smoke free life.
I will try to be a better parent
Replace with: I am a good parent.
I wish I had a better job.
Replace with: I am in the right place doing what I need to do at the present time.
I want to be healthy.
Replace with: I am healthy, I eat right, exercise everyday, and get plenty of rest.
I wish I could find someone to love me.
Replace with: I am loved and I love everyone and everything. My true love is searching for me right now and I am ready for his/her arrival.
Ban the following words from your thinking and your vocabulary:
Try: is a whole lot of noise with no results.
Wish: is a lack of action.
Hope: is frustration.
Can’t: is lack of knowing.
No: is lack of accomplishment.
Today’s Exercise: Write the words try, wish, hope, can’t and no on a sheet of paper. Put a big x through them and post it where you can see it every day.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Your Subconscious Mind reacts favorably to straightforward simple commands in the present tense.
I will try to stop smoking.
Replace with: I am enjoying a smoke free life.
I will try to be a better parent
Replace with: I am a good parent.
I wish I had a better job.
Replace with: I am in the right place doing what I need to do at the present time.
I want to be healthy.
Replace with: I am healthy, I eat right, exercise everyday, and get plenty of rest.
I wish I could find someone to love me.
Replace with: I am loved and I love everyone and everything. My true love is searching for me right now and I am ready for his/her arrival.
Ban the following words from your thinking and your vocabulary:
Try: is a whole lot of noise with no results.
Wish: is a lack of action.
Hope: is frustration.
Can’t: is lack of knowing.
No: is lack of accomplishment.
Today’s Exercise: Write the words try, wish, hope, can’t and no on a sheet of paper. Put a big x through them and post it where you can see it every day.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Your Subconscious Mind reacts favorably to straightforward simple commands in the present tense.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Change the Way You See the World
They do me wrong who say I come no more
When once I knock and fail to find you in;
For every day I stand outside your door,
And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win.
Wail not for precious chances passed away,
Weep not for Golden Ages on the wane!
Each night I burn the records of the day –
At sunrise every soul is born again!
Walter Malone
In my humble opinion “a once in a lifetime opportunity” comes along about once in every fourteen minutes. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
Everything in the universe is at your disposal. Back in the 60’s a man accessed his genius and invented the “pet rock.” What a simple, yet, ingenious idea. Why didn’t someone follow up on it and register names for your pet rock or make designer clothes for them? How about teaching your pet rock a foreign language; renting them out as babysitters, or my favorite, teach your pet rock to swim? This is kind of ridiculous right? Well, maybe not.
A rock is made of the same material as we are. Rocks are made of atoms. Everything in the universe has awareness. The only difference between you and a rock is the level of awareness. Some people say that thirty percent of the people in the world are smarter than a rock while seventy percent are dumber than a rock.
The Universal Superconscious Mind of God is in everything that God created. If you doubt it, ignore a potted plant and watch how fast it dies. Notice a vacant building and how in a few months it will start to fall apart. Ignore your lawn and the weeds will grow like crazy. Hate your car and the darn thing won’t start. Be in a hurry, and every light turns red just as you get to it. Complain about potholes and guess what, you hit every pothole. Complain about the weather and it rains every time you get dressed up. Be afraid of a horse or a dog and watch it turn on you.
Today’s Exercise: Change the way you see the world and the world you see will change.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Everything in the universe has a level of awareness.
When once I knock and fail to find you in;
For every day I stand outside your door,
And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win.
Wail not for precious chances passed away,
Weep not for Golden Ages on the wane!
Each night I burn the records of the day –
At sunrise every soul is born again!
Walter Malone
In my humble opinion “a once in a lifetime opportunity” comes along about once in every fourteen minutes. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
Everything in the universe is at your disposal. Back in the 60’s a man accessed his genius and invented the “pet rock.” What a simple, yet, ingenious idea. Why didn’t someone follow up on it and register names for your pet rock or make designer clothes for them? How about teaching your pet rock a foreign language; renting them out as babysitters, or my favorite, teach your pet rock to swim? This is kind of ridiculous right? Well, maybe not.
A rock is made of the same material as we are. Rocks are made of atoms. Everything in the universe has awareness. The only difference between you and a rock is the level of awareness. Some people say that thirty percent of the people in the world are smarter than a rock while seventy percent are dumber than a rock.
The Universal Superconscious Mind of God is in everything that God created. If you doubt it, ignore a potted plant and watch how fast it dies. Notice a vacant building and how in a few months it will start to fall apart. Ignore your lawn and the weeds will grow like crazy. Hate your car and the darn thing won’t start. Be in a hurry, and every light turns red just as you get to it. Complain about potholes and guess what, you hit every pothole. Complain about the weather and it rains every time you get dressed up. Be afraid of a horse or a dog and watch it turn on you.
Today’s Exercise: Change the way you see the world and the world you see will change.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Everything in the universe has a level of awareness.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Happiness Is a Jelly Donut
Picture this, you’re hungry, and there is a nice big jelly donut sitting on a plate. All you have to do to get this jelly donut is ask for it. Your taste buds get active; you can see yourself taking a big bite out of it. The jelly squishes out and some of it runs down your cheek. You quickly wipe it with your finger and then stick your finger in your mouth. You want to savor every little bit. Two bites later and it’s all gone and you look for another one. After all, no one can eat just one jelly donut.
Happiness is a jelly donut. First you have to ask for it, even though it’s just sitting there waiting for you. Happiness is something you predetermine ahead of time. Happiness is taking a bite out of life, savoring every last second of it and then wanting more. Any day you are not happy, it’s because you decided to let outside influences cloud your mind. Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.
Happiness starts with desire; the desire to enjoy life to the fullest; the desire to make other people feel happy, especially those who don’t like “jelly donuts.” Happiness is appreciating the little things. Happiness is the first step to success.
Today’s Exercise: Go buy yourself a box of jelly donuts and then share them with the first person you meet.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.
Happiness is a jelly donut. First you have to ask for it, even though it’s just sitting there waiting for you. Happiness is something you predetermine ahead of time. Happiness is taking a bite out of life, savoring every last second of it and then wanting more. Any day you are not happy, it’s because you decided to let outside influences cloud your mind. Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.
Happiness starts with desire; the desire to enjoy life to the fullest; the desire to make other people feel happy, especially those who don’t like “jelly donuts.” Happiness is appreciating the little things. Happiness is the first step to success.
Today’s Exercise: Go buy yourself a box of jelly donuts and then share them with the first person you meet.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Leaders & Followers
Unfortunately, some people master the power of the Subconscious Mind in some area and totally ignore it in other areas of their life. Some gain great wealth only to fail miserably in relationships with their family and loved ones. Others have a great family life and are always sick. Others are healthy and strong, and never seem to make any money. Only in a small portion of their life are they leaders and the rest of their life they are part of that large majority who do not know how to control their destiny. This power of the Subconscious Mind must work in all aspects of your life before you can find Success and Happiness.
Jesus said, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” Power used the wrong way can destroy us. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look at dictators such as Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Castro. They are all men whose power and ideas made so many people suffer and die. This is not what we are striving for.
When you discover the center of consciousness, prosperity and achievement will fill your life and you will truly understand that this achievement was not accomplished by your Ego, the physical I; by the power of the Universal Superconscious Mind. The Universal Superconscious Mind is that part of you that is true spirit; that part of you that will never die. That is the connection you share with God. Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage. Spiritual courage comes when you discover the eternal father (God) that dwells within your soul. No dream is too high, no task too great, for you will see that you must go about your father’s (God’s) business. This life is not a test to see if you will go to Heaven or Hell. This life is much more. This is your chance to fulfill God’s wishes here on Earth. It is up to you to do what you feel your purpose here is all about. Success and Happiness is your destiny. It starts with Love and kindness, then, throw in some faith and your whole world will change.
Today’s Exercise: Let go of your Ego. Let go and let God.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage.
Jesus said, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” Power used the wrong way can destroy us. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look at dictators such as Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Castro. They are all men whose power and ideas made so many people suffer and die. This is not what we are striving for.
When you discover the center of consciousness, prosperity and achievement will fill your life and you will truly understand that this achievement was not accomplished by your Ego, the physical I; by the power of the Universal Superconscious Mind. The Universal Superconscious Mind is that part of you that is true spirit; that part of you that will never die. That is the connection you share with God. Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage. Spiritual courage comes when you discover the eternal father (God) that dwells within your soul. No dream is too high, no task too great, for you will see that you must go about your father’s (God’s) business. This life is not a test to see if you will go to Heaven or Hell. This life is much more. This is your chance to fulfill God’s wishes here on Earth. It is up to you to do what you feel your purpose here is all about. Success and Happiness is your destiny. It starts with Love and kindness, then, throw in some faith and your whole world will change.
Today’s Exercise: Let go of your Ego. Let go and let God.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Insufficient Education
Insufficient education! What a crock! People who use this excuse are simply saying, “I’m afraid to try.” We are educated every day of our lives. History books are filled with the lives of people who accomplish great things with little or no formal education. I barely finished high school.
Education can sometimes get in the way of success. People are not paid for what they know, but more importantly, for what they do with what they know. The computer has elevated everyone
to the genius level. Information is just a keyboard away. Education never got in the way of a good idea. The real culprit here is not a lack of formal education, but fear. Fear is a whole other animal that we must address. Once you overcome your fear, you will be surprised at how smart you are.
Persistence will also make up for lack of education. Before I realized I was too dumb to know what I was doing, I had it done. My wife kids me a lot. She says if there are two ways to do something, I will always do the wrong way, first. Good thing VCRs are on the way out. I never did know how to program them. I have a new rule at my house about birthday and Christmas gifts given to me. Don’t give me anything that comes with an instructional manual.
Education for education sake is overrated. Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work. Work on your reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is the only education you need. Specialize in math. People today can’t count to two without a calculator. Read all you can get your hands on. All the education necessary is already written.
Today’s Exercise: If you are not planning on going on quiz shows in the near future, stop worrying about education.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work.
Education can sometimes get in the way of success. People are not paid for what they know, but more importantly, for what they do with what they know. The computer has elevated everyone
to the genius level. Information is just a keyboard away. Education never got in the way of a good idea. The real culprit here is not a lack of formal education, but fear. Fear is a whole other animal that we must address. Once you overcome your fear, you will be surprised at how smart you are.
Persistence will also make up for lack of education. Before I realized I was too dumb to know what I was doing, I had it done. My wife kids me a lot. She says if there are two ways to do something, I will always do the wrong way, first. Good thing VCRs are on the way out. I never did know how to program them. I have a new rule at my house about birthday and Christmas gifts given to me. Don’t give me anything that comes with an instructional manual.
Education for education sake is overrated. Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work. Work on your reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is the only education you need. Specialize in math. People today can’t count to two without a calculator. Read all you can get your hands on. All the education necessary is already written.
Today’s Exercise: If you are not planning on going on quiz shows in the near future, stop worrying about education.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work.
Friday, August 13, 2010
In my opinion, self-confidence is just an expectation of a positive outcome. When you have self-confidence and expect the outcome to be positive, then you are more willing to stay in the fight until you have reached your objective. You will become more willing to do whatever it takes to prepare yourself because you believe the efforts will pay off. It’s not having confidence by itself that produces success.
Many people walk around full of confidence, but never have the expectation of a positive outcome. Work backwards. First, see the lifestyle you desire. See success first in your mind. This will then give you the self-confidence to start the project.
Self-confidence is like the game of baseball. If you want to score, you must first get to first base. You can’t score from first base so you must do whatever it takes to get to second base. There are different ways to get to second base, or at least to move to third base. Here are the ways to score from third base. A hit will bring you in; a fly ball to outfield, and an error will bring you in as well. Even walking while the bases are loaded will bring you in. A wild pitch or a pass ball will do. A catcher’s interference will do it and a ground out that does not result in the third out will do it. You see, just having the confidence, you will score. The chances increase dramatically as you put forth the effort to increase your odds of scoring. Life is the same way.
People cannot envision success because the distance from first base to home looks too far, so they really never try. Self-confidence without an expectation of a positive outcome, is just wishing and you and I both know that wishing alone will not accomplish anything. So grab a bat and see yourself scoring in the game of life. Expect to score and prepare yourself to do whatever it takes. Look at the faces of the winning team when they score the winning run. Then, look at the faces of the losing team and you decide which face is yours.
Today’s Exercise: Start seeing things from the end.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: Self-confidence is just an expectation of a positive outcome.
Many people walk around full of confidence, but never have the expectation of a positive outcome. Work backwards. First, see the lifestyle you desire. See success first in your mind. This will then give you the self-confidence to start the project.
Self-confidence is like the game of baseball. If you want to score, you must first get to first base. You can’t score from first base so you must do whatever it takes to get to second base. There are different ways to get to second base, or at least to move to third base. Here are the ways to score from third base. A hit will bring you in; a fly ball to outfield, and an error will bring you in as well. Even walking while the bases are loaded will bring you in. A wild pitch or a pass ball will do. A catcher’s interference will do it and a ground out that does not result in the third out will do it. You see, just having the confidence, you will score. The chances increase dramatically as you put forth the effort to increase your odds of scoring. Life is the same way.
People cannot envision success because the distance from first base to home looks too far, so they really never try. Self-confidence without an expectation of a positive outcome, is just wishing and you and I both know that wishing alone will not accomplish anything. So grab a bat and see yourself scoring in the game of life. Expect to score and prepare yourself to do whatever it takes. Look at the faces of the winning team when they score the winning run. Then, look at the faces of the losing team and you decide which face is yours.
Today’s Exercise: Start seeing things from the end.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: Self-confidence is just an expectation of a positive outcome.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
To manage tomorrow’s stress, you must begin today. Some experts agree that techniques like learning the “Relaxation Response,” meditating and doing aerobic exercise will benefit in managing stress. A simple way is don’t get hung up on yourself.
I was in Home Depot the other day and there was a lady dressed as if she was going to a tea party. She had on tons of makeup and jewelry, and was all over the place complaining and making a fuss. She was literally making everyone in the area nervous and uncomfortable.
We met in a busy intersecting aisle. There was at least ten people standing there, and she was carrying on about how Home Depot was a lousy store and she would never shop there again. I don’t know exactly why I did it, but I looked her straight in the eye and I said, “Lady get over yourself.”
She made a funny noise and said, “Well, I never!”
I replied, “I guess you never will.” She stood there with her mouth hanging open while I got a standing ovation from the people in the aisle. The results were one frustrated loud mouth and ten happy shoppers.
Don’t get hung up on yourself. No one cares.
Today’s Exercise: Say this everyday: I am a calm, peaceful, and patient person.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: To manage tomorrow’s stress, you must begin today.
I was in Home Depot the other day and there was a lady dressed as if she was going to a tea party. She had on tons of makeup and jewelry, and was all over the place complaining and making a fuss. She was literally making everyone in the area nervous and uncomfortable.
We met in a busy intersecting aisle. There was at least ten people standing there, and she was carrying on about how Home Depot was a lousy store and she would never shop there again. I don’t know exactly why I did it, but I looked her straight in the eye and I said, “Lady get over yourself.”
She made a funny noise and said, “Well, I never!”
I replied, “I guess you never will.” She stood there with her mouth hanging open while I got a standing ovation from the people in the aisle. The results were one frustrated loud mouth and ten happy shoppers.
Don’t get hung up on yourself. No one cares.
Today’s Exercise: Say this everyday: I am a calm, peaceful, and patient person.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: To manage tomorrow’s stress, you must begin today.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
True imagination is a belief in the impossible? It is your launching pad for creativity. Somerset Maugham once said, “Man consists of body, mind, and imagination. His body is faulty, his mind untrustworthy, but his imagination has made him remarkable.” Think of the imagination of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Brahms, Bach, etc. What a poorer world this would be without their imagination! Were these people extraordinary? No, they were ordinary people with extraordinary imagination.
Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far-fetched. Dream on. Let your imagination loose; let it trigger your creativity. There is one simple rule: Never suppress your curiosity.
Do not stifle your children’s imagination; don’t yell at them if they crayon outside the lines. Look at it as a blessing if your child daydreams a lot. Encourage your children to ask a million questions and if they have this imaginary friend that only they can see, don’t tell them the imaginary friend doesn’t exist. The world needs dreamers; your children are the Edison’s or Einstein’s of tomorrow.
If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end. Visualize in your mind what it will look like when it’s completed and then work backwards to see what you have to do each step of the way. When you get to the beginning, you will know exactly what you have to do to take the first step. Then take it. Don’t look for problems. Look for solutions. There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Keep trying until you find one that works. Please do not try to go it alone. Tune in your Subconscious Mind to the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. God already knows the answer and God has been giving you hints through your imagination. God does not give you a dream without the ability to accomplish the dream.
“I would rather fail attempting something great than succeed in doing nothing at all.” I probably said this several times in these messages and it bears repeating. From Think and Grow Rich, “Whatsoever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Today’s Exercise: Take a half of an hour, find a quiet place and let your imagination out of its cell.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far fetched. If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end.
Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far-fetched. Dream on. Let your imagination loose; let it trigger your creativity. There is one simple rule: Never suppress your curiosity.
Do not stifle your children’s imagination; don’t yell at them if they crayon outside the lines. Look at it as a blessing if your child daydreams a lot. Encourage your children to ask a million questions and if they have this imaginary friend that only they can see, don’t tell them the imaginary friend doesn’t exist. The world needs dreamers; your children are the Edison’s or Einstein’s of tomorrow.
If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end. Visualize in your mind what it will look like when it’s completed and then work backwards to see what you have to do each step of the way. When you get to the beginning, you will know exactly what you have to do to take the first step. Then take it. Don’t look for problems. Look for solutions. There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Keep trying until you find one that works. Please do not try to go it alone. Tune in your Subconscious Mind to the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. God already knows the answer and God has been giving you hints through your imagination. God does not give you a dream without the ability to accomplish the dream.
“I would rather fail attempting something great than succeed in doing nothing at all.” I probably said this several times in these messages and it bears repeating. From Think and Grow Rich, “Whatsoever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Today’s Exercise: Take a half of an hour, find a quiet place and let your imagination out of its cell.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far fetched. If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Preparing the Mind
To prepare your mind to be successful and happy, it begins with identifying, studying, understanding, and the clearing out of the three enemies: indecision, doubt, and fear. Your sixth sense will never function properly while any one or all three remain in your mind. The members of this destructive trinity are closely related. Where one may be found, the other two are lurking close by. Indecision spawns doubt and when the two blend, they become fear. This is usually a slow process that may grow without your awareness. There are six basic fears that will prevent you from attaining your goals:
1. Fear of poverty – This fear forces many people to take no end jobs or stay where they have no hope of advancement.
2. Fear of criticism – This fear keeps people from trying new things or taking any kind of risk, whatsoever.
3. Fear of ill health – Believe it or not this fear keeps us sick and creates illness where there was no cause.
4. Fear of loss of love. This fear forces loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
5. Fear of old age – This fear is debilitating, causes illness, and lack of productivity.
6. The fear of death – This fear is lack of understanding who we really are.
Fears are nothing more than states of mind. Once we control our state of mind, we will eliminate fear. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real. Just as simply turning on a light can eliminate fear of the dark, turning on your mind to the truth eliminates these fears. This whole exercise is designed to turn on the light in your mind.
Today’s Exercise: Go into a totally dark room and stay there for ten minutes. Note the feelings you are going through. Now turn on the light.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Fears are nothing more that states of mind. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real.
1. Fear of poverty – This fear forces many people to take no end jobs or stay where they have no hope of advancement.
2. Fear of criticism – This fear keeps people from trying new things or taking any kind of risk, whatsoever.
3. Fear of ill health – Believe it or not this fear keeps us sick and creates illness where there was no cause.
4. Fear of loss of love. This fear forces loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
5. Fear of old age – This fear is debilitating, causes illness, and lack of productivity.
6. The fear of death – This fear is lack of understanding who we really are.
Fears are nothing more than states of mind. Once we control our state of mind, we will eliminate fear. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real. Just as simply turning on a light can eliminate fear of the dark, turning on your mind to the truth eliminates these fears. This whole exercise is designed to turn on the light in your mind.
Today’s Exercise: Go into a totally dark room and stay there for ten minutes. Note the feelings you are going through. Now turn on the light.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Fears are nothing more that states of mind. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Lead by Example
It’s funny how often the problem is you. Whenever you don’t get the results you want, you need to swallow your pride and look inward to see if you were part of the problem. Ask yourself these three questions:
1. Did I clearly articulate the goal?
2. Did I give myself enough time and resources to accomplish the goal?
3. Did I really believe I could do it?
Leaders need to understand how profoundly they affect those around them. Optimism and pessimism are equally infectious. You directly set the tone of everyone around you.
Successful people make time for those who answer to them. Unsuccessful or poor leaders treat their subordinates as necessary Evils. Mediocre leaders don’t even take the trouble to know their people. As a successful person you know that you don’t do it alone; you need to send a signal to people you work with that they are important. As a matter of fact, nothing else should be more important to you.
No matter what your current status is, start thinking of yourself as a leader. Leaders are not born; they are made. Lead by example. A leader is a person who continually looks for solutions to problems. Leaders know how to be held accountable. Leaders must acknowledge mistakes and take responsibility. It is far more important to correct the mistakes than to worry about making them.
Show me a person who doesn’t make mistakes and I’ll show you a person who doesn’t do anything. Mistakes are blessings in disguise. Mistakes account for many of the great discoveries of our time. Think of vulcanized rubber, Post-It notes, etc. Don’t ever stop trying.
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind today that you are a leader.
Today’s Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Mistakes are blessings in disguise. It is far more important to correct the mistakes than to worry about making them.
1. Did I clearly articulate the goal?
2. Did I give myself enough time and resources to accomplish the goal?
3. Did I really believe I could do it?
Leaders need to understand how profoundly they affect those around them. Optimism and pessimism are equally infectious. You directly set the tone of everyone around you.
Successful people make time for those who answer to them. Unsuccessful or poor leaders treat their subordinates as necessary Evils. Mediocre leaders don’t even take the trouble to know their people. As a successful person you know that you don’t do it alone; you need to send a signal to people you work with that they are important. As a matter of fact, nothing else should be more important to you.
No matter what your current status is, start thinking of yourself as a leader. Leaders are not born; they are made. Lead by example. A leader is a person who continually looks for solutions to problems. Leaders know how to be held accountable. Leaders must acknowledge mistakes and take responsibility. It is far more important to correct the mistakes than to worry about making them.
Show me a person who doesn’t make mistakes and I’ll show you a person who doesn’t do anything. Mistakes are blessings in disguise. Mistakes account for many of the great discoveries of our time. Think of vulcanized rubber, Post-It notes, etc. Don’t ever stop trying.
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind today that you are a leader.
Today’s Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Mistakes are blessings in disguise. It is far more important to correct the mistakes than to worry about making them.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Happiness Is Your 100th Birthday
Imagine your one-hundredth birthday. Most people will say they don’t want to live that long, because by that time they will be old and feeble, alone in a nursing home and unable to do anything for themselves. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Your body is designed to last several hundred years, but we abuse it so much that it breaks down way before its time. All through this book we talk about how your mind controls your body and that over eighty percent of all disease and illness is psychosomatic.
What happens if we finally stop feeding our mind with negative prompters and commands? What happens when we realize that happiness is a pill we take to eliminate aging, sickness, disease, boredom, hatred, jealousy, frustration, and fear? What happens when we eliminate the idea of retirement from our thinking process?
Retirement is working forty years at a job we hate with our mind fixated on retiring and doing what we like, only to find out that at age sixty-five or older, our body cannot do the things we wanted to retire for. There is no balance in most people’s lives. They work fifty weeks, take two weeks off and try to cram a years worth of fun in those two weeks, only to find out they are really too tired or broke to do anything meaningful. I have a friend who spent his vacation painting his house. I asked him if he loved painting, he said no and that he hated it. Some vacation, huh?
In some European countries, vacations are four or five weeks and most of the time is spent traveling to new countries and cultures. In the United States, there are many, many people who have never traveled more than one hundred miles away from their home. The secret of longevity is happiness and work. Take a lot of small vacations and get a hobby that makes your heart sing.
I’m seventy years old. I just bought a new home with a thirty-year mortgage. I intend to pay off this mortgage. I’m Chief Executive Officer of three different companies. I intend to write a new book every year for the next thirty years. I’m writing this page at 5:00 A.M. and I’m not the least bit tired. My best advice to you is to get a life. Happiness is the magic pill.
Today’s Exercise: Get up at 5:00 A.M. and do something you Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: The secret of longevity is happiness and work.
What happens if we finally stop feeding our mind with negative prompters and commands? What happens when we realize that happiness is a pill we take to eliminate aging, sickness, disease, boredom, hatred, jealousy, frustration, and fear? What happens when we eliminate the idea of retirement from our thinking process?
Retirement is working forty years at a job we hate with our mind fixated on retiring and doing what we like, only to find out that at age sixty-five or older, our body cannot do the things we wanted to retire for. There is no balance in most people’s lives. They work fifty weeks, take two weeks off and try to cram a years worth of fun in those two weeks, only to find out they are really too tired or broke to do anything meaningful. I have a friend who spent his vacation painting his house. I asked him if he loved painting, he said no and that he hated it. Some vacation, huh?
In some European countries, vacations are four or five weeks and most of the time is spent traveling to new countries and cultures. In the United States, there are many, many people who have never traveled more than one hundred miles away from their home. The secret of longevity is happiness and work. Take a lot of small vacations and get a hobby that makes your heart sing.
I’m seventy years old. I just bought a new home with a thirty-year mortgage. I intend to pay off this mortgage. I’m Chief Executive Officer of three different companies. I intend to write a new book every year for the next thirty years. I’m writing this page at 5:00 A.M. and I’m not the least bit tired. My best advice to you is to get a life. Happiness is the magic pill.
Today’s Exercise: Get up at 5:00 A.M. and do something you Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: The secret of longevity is happiness and work.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Continued Success
All great men have followed one success, with another, and another. Thomas Edison did not stop when he invented the talking machine (record player). Next, he invented the light bulb. It did not work with his first try; it came on after 3000 failures. Edison said, “I now know 3000 ways a light bulb won’t work.” Did he quit? No, thank goodness, or I would be writing this in the dark.” Edison patented over an additional 300 inventions.
Edison used to go fishing with his friends, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. One day, Edison’s wife asked her husband what he and his friends did while fishing. They had no hooks and no bait. Edison’s reply was, “We’re just fishing for ideas.”
The more the mind does, the more it can do. Ideas are released energy. You can do more and better work than you ever have done before with this released energy. You can know more than you know now. You know from your own experience that under proper mental conditions of joy or enthusiasm, you can do three or four times the work without fatigue than you could ordinarily do with this released energy.
Tiredness is more boredom than actual physical fatigue. You can work almost indefinitely when the work is a pleasure. One of the most famous and most reproduced poem, The Victor, by C.W. Longenecker, starts out by saying:
“If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;”
If you like to win, but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.
The poem ends by saying:
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man; But, sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
The key word throughout this message is THINK.
It all begins in a person’s mind and thinking capacity. Success begins with a person’s will; it’s all in the state of mind.
Today’s Exercise: Use your mind, it’s free!
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
Edison used to go fishing with his friends, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. One day, Edison’s wife asked her husband what he and his friends did while fishing. They had no hooks and no bait. Edison’s reply was, “We’re just fishing for ideas.”
The more the mind does, the more it can do. Ideas are released energy. You can do more and better work than you ever have done before with this released energy. You can know more than you know now. You know from your own experience that under proper mental conditions of joy or enthusiasm, you can do three or four times the work without fatigue than you could ordinarily do with this released energy.
Tiredness is more boredom than actual physical fatigue. You can work almost indefinitely when the work is a pleasure. One of the most famous and most reproduced poem, The Victor, by C.W. Longenecker, starts out by saying:
“If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;”
If you like to win, but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.
The poem ends by saying:
“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man; But, sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
The key word throughout this message is THINK.
It all begins in a person’s mind and thinking capacity. Success begins with a person’s will; it’s all in the state of mind.
Today’s Exercise: Use your mind, it’s free!
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
Monday, August 2, 2010
You were born a genius and slowly life convinced you that you were something a lot less. As far as I know, God does not make mistakes. Your body might not be perfect but your Subconscious Mind is. Have you ever wondered why a two-year-old can learn any language you teach it in just a few short months? Have you ever seen a six-year-old on a skateboard doing impossible maneuvers?
Right now, you have the creative genius to be a millionaire. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Ask yourself these questions: Do I have enough intelligence and ability to invent the “Pet Rock?” Somebody did and made millions. How about the Frisbee, do you know how that was invented? Some workers in a pie factory were bored during their lunch hour so they started throwing and catching empty pie plates in the parking lot. A motorist passing by said to himself, “That looks like fun.” He patented the idea and he too made millions.
Do you know how the hula-hoop craze got started? A hardware storeowner made the first ones out of plastic, and put them in his store window with a price tag of a dollar. Nobody bought any so he lowered the price to fifty cents. Still, no one bought any. Finally, he lowered it to twenty-five cents. There were still no takers. One day, a five-year-old boy was staring at it in the window. The little boy asked, “ How does it work?” The man in an effort to get rid of the kid said, “Look, if I give you one will you go away?”
The kid said, “Yeah.” The man took the hoop out of the window, walked outside, and handed it to the boy. The boy was so excited he couldn’t wait to try it. He put it around his waist and started gyrating. The hoop was flying around his little waist. Within minutes, a crowd of kids gathered around and they all wanted one. The storeowner quickly changed the twenty-five cents on the sign to two dollars and fifty cents. He couldn’t produce them fast enough, for every kid in town had to have one. You see, sometimes Geniuses need a good kick in the rear to get started.
Today’s Exercise: See the possibility in everything, and then everything is possible.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therfore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: As far as I know, God does not make mistakes.
Right now, you have the creative genius to be a millionaire. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Ask yourself these questions: Do I have enough intelligence and ability to invent the “Pet Rock?” Somebody did and made millions. How about the Frisbee, do you know how that was invented? Some workers in a pie factory were bored during their lunch hour so they started throwing and catching empty pie plates in the parking lot. A motorist passing by said to himself, “That looks like fun.” He patented the idea and he too made millions.
Do you know how the hula-hoop craze got started? A hardware storeowner made the first ones out of plastic, and put them in his store window with a price tag of a dollar. Nobody bought any so he lowered the price to fifty cents. Still, no one bought any. Finally, he lowered it to twenty-five cents. There were still no takers. One day, a five-year-old boy was staring at it in the window. The little boy asked, “ How does it work?” The man in an effort to get rid of the kid said, “Look, if I give you one will you go away?”
The kid said, “Yeah.” The man took the hoop out of the window, walked outside, and handed it to the boy. The boy was so excited he couldn’t wait to try it. He put it around his waist and started gyrating. The hoop was flying around his little waist. Within minutes, a crowd of kids gathered around and they all wanted one. The storeowner quickly changed the twenty-five cents on the sign to two dollars and fifty cents. He couldn’t produce them fast enough, for every kid in town had to have one. You see, sometimes Geniuses need a good kick in the rear to get started.
Today’s Exercise: See the possibility in everything, and then everything is possible.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therfore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: As far as I know, God does not make mistakes.
Friday, July 30, 2010
A Lack of Ambition to Aim High
There is no hope for you if you don’t have a definite goal to aim for. This goal may change from time to time, but change is always necessary to zone in on your target. Changing a goal reminds me of watching scenes from World War II on The History Channel. An enemy plane is diving in on a ship; the gunners are firing furiously into the sky, and yet, the plane still bears down on the ship. Unless the plane actually flies into the wall of lead, it ends up hitting the ship.
Success can elude us if we are firing out of control. In today’s warfare the ship fires one missile before the plane is even in sight, when the plane zigzags, the missile zigzags. Usually the plane is destroyed before the gunner actually sees it. Our new philosophy is Ready, Fire, Aim. So, if you are Ready, Fire, and Aim high. It is better to aim at the stars and hit only the moon, than to aim at the moon and hit your front yard.
There is a price for success, as well as a price for failure. You must be willing to pay the price. I can tell you from my own experience that the price for failure is always much higher than the price for success.
God did not give us the ability to dream without the ability to fulfill our dreams. Ambition is part of dreaming. Know this and know it well. Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest. Ambition will always outdo skill. Ambition is simply your decision to write your own ticket. Ambition is disguised in the beginning as being enthusiastically discontented. Ambition is reading this book and books like it.
Today’s Exercise: Set your goals high; you take care of the “WHAT” and God will take care of the HOW.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest.
Success can elude us if we are firing out of control. In today’s warfare the ship fires one missile before the plane is even in sight, when the plane zigzags, the missile zigzags. Usually the plane is destroyed before the gunner actually sees it. Our new philosophy is Ready, Fire, Aim. So, if you are Ready, Fire, and Aim high. It is better to aim at the stars and hit only the moon, than to aim at the moon and hit your front yard.
There is a price for success, as well as a price for failure. You must be willing to pay the price. I can tell you from my own experience that the price for failure is always much higher than the price for success.
God did not give us the ability to dream without the ability to fulfill our dreams. Ambition is part of dreaming. Know this and know it well. Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest. Ambition will always outdo skill. Ambition is simply your decision to write your own ticket. Ambition is disguised in the beginning as being enthusiastically discontented. Ambition is reading this book and books like it.
Today’s Exercise: Set your goals high; you take care of the “WHAT” and God will take care of the HOW.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest.
Lack of Sucess: Lack of a Well-defined Purpose in Life
This is perhaps the major cause of most failures. Most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they do in figuring out what they want to do with their life. People who do not succeed in life blame it on just about everything. There is an old saying that if you are not planning to succeed, you most certainly are planning to fail. When do you start planning for success? You plan now. People do not plan for success. If they did, every writer in the world would write a book called Success for Dummies.
A key word in cause number one is “purpose.” A life purpose is measured in service to humanity. A purpose in life is not measured in dollars and cents. In some cases, we measure life purpose in terms of financial wealth. But more often it is measured in personal happiness, satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment.
I made a lot of money in my life but my purpose in life is to write this book. I started this book on my seventieth birthday yet, I don’t feel as though I should have completed it sooner. Quite frankly, I couldn’t have even written it ten or fifteen years ago.
It is better if you don’t worry about money and look for a life purpose that will really make you happy. Then, see if you can make other people happy. Then, see if you can turn it into a financial success.
Today’s Exercise: Get a diary or a planner with blank pages in it and start to define your purpose in life.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: If you are not planning to succeed you most certainly are planning to fail.
A key word in cause number one is “purpose.” A life purpose is measured in service to humanity. A purpose in life is not measured in dollars and cents. In some cases, we measure life purpose in terms of financial wealth. But more often it is measured in personal happiness, satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment.
I made a lot of money in my life but my purpose in life is to write this book. I started this book on my seventieth birthday yet, I don’t feel as though I should have completed it sooner. Quite frankly, I couldn’t have even written it ten or fifteen years ago.
It is better if you don’t worry about money and look for a life purpose that will really make you happy. Then, see if you can make other people happy. Then, see if you can turn it into a financial success.
Today’s Exercise: Get a diary or a planner with blank pages in it and start to define your purpose in life.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: If you are not planning to succeed you most certainly are planning to fail.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Before you can make accomplishments, you must be possessed with ambition. Before you can feel ambition, you must have a preceding hunger to accomplish things. Anything that will stimulate that mental hunger will arouse ambition and thus create that eagerness for action and attainment.
How can you produce that mental hunger? In order for mental hunger to be manifested, it must first have ideals presented to our subconscious. If you are content with your present life and want nothing better, it’s because you have seen nothing better: have heard of nothing better, or else you are mentally and physically lazy.
I heard an interesting story when I visited Berlin. Do you know what caused the fall of Communism and the literal and figural destruction of the Berlin Wall? It was VCRs. VCRs were smuggled from Sweden and Finland, into Russia and East Berlin. When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it. They had a burning desire to share in the good life and Communism disappeared practically overnight. Instead of the bombs and money spent on the military to defeat Communism, all they had to do was send over all of the extra VCRs and videotapes. They had a mental hunger for our way of life; a free life.
With the dawn of ambition comes the arousing of the will and a strong will aroused a strong desire. Maybe we ought to send all our old VCRs and videotapes to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and a few other choice locations.
To manifest ambition fully, you must first have an eager desire for ambition. A mere wanting or wishing for it is not enough. You must have a fierce, eager, all consuming hunger, demanding satisfaction. Then, you must have a strong will aroused sufficiently to get that which you desire.
If you want something bad enough, the easier it will be to achieve it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the paper for real estate and check out the million dollar homes.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it.
How can you produce that mental hunger? In order for mental hunger to be manifested, it must first have ideals presented to our subconscious. If you are content with your present life and want nothing better, it’s because you have seen nothing better: have heard of nothing better, or else you are mentally and physically lazy.
I heard an interesting story when I visited Berlin. Do you know what caused the fall of Communism and the literal and figural destruction of the Berlin Wall? It was VCRs. VCRs were smuggled from Sweden and Finland, into Russia and East Berlin. When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it. They had a burning desire to share in the good life and Communism disappeared practically overnight. Instead of the bombs and money spent on the military to defeat Communism, all they had to do was send over all of the extra VCRs and videotapes. They had a mental hunger for our way of life; a free life.
With the dawn of ambition comes the arousing of the will and a strong will aroused a strong desire. Maybe we ought to send all our old VCRs and videotapes to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and a few other choice locations.
To manifest ambition fully, you must first have an eager desire for ambition. A mere wanting or wishing for it is not enough. You must have a fierce, eager, all consuming hunger, demanding satisfaction. Then, you must have a strong will aroused sufficiently to get that which you desire.
If you want something bad enough, the easier it will be to achieve it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the paper for real estate and check out the million dollar homes.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Stress Busting Attitude
Developing a positive, stress-busting attitude, is the first step to taking charge of stress. Remember: Your can’t control many things that happen to you, but you can control your attitude. One technique to thwart stress involves doing a “Gross Impact Activity.” Pound something to release tension in a productive way. Opportunities to fight stress range from hitting a punching bag, running, jogging, or cleaning up the garage or yard.
As pressures build in the office, you may vent in frustration or anger, which only raises the level of stress around you. Other employees may absorb the pent-up stress that you release.
Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress. You may not be operating from a position of accountability. I recommend these steps to build accountability.
1. Adopt the right attitude.
2. Be accountable yourself.
3. Hold others accountable.
4. Write down your priorities.
5. Make and expect commitments.
6. Get and give support.
In order to manage yourself, I recommend creating two types of lists:
1. A master To Do List
2. A six month, Important Things To Do List
Remember:“ If you change the way you handle stress, the stress you handle will dissipate.”
Today’s Exercise: Make your lists.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress.
As pressures build in the office, you may vent in frustration or anger, which only raises the level of stress around you. Other employees may absorb the pent-up stress that you release.
Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress. You may not be operating from a position of accountability. I recommend these steps to build accountability.
1. Adopt the right attitude.
2. Be accountable yourself.
3. Hold others accountable.
4. Write down your priorities.
5. Make and expect commitments.
6. Get and give support.
In order to manage yourself, I recommend creating two types of lists:
1. A master To Do List
2. A six month, Important Things To Do List
Remember:“ If you change the way you handle stress, the stress you handle will dissipate.”
Today’s Exercise: Make your lists.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress.
Monday, July 26, 2010
What Is Faith?
For most of us, faith is a term used by all religions in sermons and theological books as a position we take when we don’t understand something. Faith has no practical place or meaning in the physical world. This is the world we live in and perform most of our actions. So consequently, faith is for the little old ladies sitting in the back of the church or temple. Yet, we need faith to jump start enthusiasm and we need enthusiasm to jump start action for without action everything is academic.
However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane.
If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day.
Knowledge, experience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
Today’s Exercise: Take your best friend, stand in front of him/her and say, “I’m going to fall backwards, catch me. Then, fall.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: If you are looking to change your life for the better, then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane.
If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day.
Knowledge, experience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
Today’s Exercise: Take your best friend, stand in front of him/her and say, “I’m going to fall backwards, catch me. Then, fall.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: If you are looking to change your life for the better, then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Mind
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe.
Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words.
This chapter will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind.
Monthly Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe.
Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words.
This chapter will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind.
Monthly Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The First Law of Attraction
If you had a wishing well, what is one thing you would wish for? Is it wealth, fame, honor, or love? What one thing do you desire above everything else in life? Whatever it is, you can have it! The First Law of Attraction says, Whatever you desire whole heartily, with singleness of purpose you can have. First, you must know what that one thing is. Do you remember the character Curly in the movie City Slickers? He kept sticking one finger in Billy Crystal character’s face saying, “This is the secret to life.” When Crystal’s character asked him what the secret was, Curly said, “It’s for you to find out.” You have to find out what your heart’s desire is. Otherwise, all you will do is run around in circles and you won’t stand much chance of getting it.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you.
Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Today’s Exercise: Take the first step in the direction toward that project you have been thinking about.
Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you.
Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Today’s Exercise: Take the first step in the direction toward that project you have been thinking about.
Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Secret of Life
The big question is, why are we here? The object of this life is the pursuit of happiness. Most people feel that if they become successful, then they will find happiness. Wrong, it is the other way around. You must find happiness in order to be successful. Now, you may say I know a lot of wealthy people who are unhappy and you would be right. Maybe the way they got their riches is what’s making them unhappy. For you and me, let’s keep it simple.
Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind.
Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.
Today’s Exercise: Find something you really like to do and do it. Then capture the essence of your feeling. This is how you want to feel in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You must find happiness in order to be successful.
Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind.
Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.
Today’s Exercise: Find something you really like to do and do it. Then capture the essence of your feeling. This is how you want to feel in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You must find happiness in order to be successful.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Time to Forgive
One of the keys to having peace in your family relationships is forgiveness. Your relatives are simply doing what they’ve been taught to do over a lifetime and the lifetimes of their ancestors. Shower them with understanding and forgiveness from your heart.
This passage from A Course in Miracles says it all:
“Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness,
a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty
that transcends the world? Do you want a quietness that cannot be
disturbed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep abiding comfort,
and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? All this, forgiveness offers you.”
What is forgiveness after all, but a willingness to be kind? More than that, forgiveness is knowing.
• It is knowing that the other person is not aware of the force.
• It’s knowing that the other person is a product of many generations of separation from the force.
• It’s knowing that deep down the other person does not want to be angry, unkind, or destructive.
• It’s knowing that you don’t always have to be right.
• It’s knowing that winning an argument is losing the relationship.
• It’s knowing that forgiveness and kindness are God’s messages.
• It’s knowing that the meek shall inherit the earth.
• It’s knowing that when you do an act of kindness or forgiveness your serotonin level in your brain increases.
Serotonin is the body’s way of strengthening your immune system and makes you feel good. Imagine an act of forgiveness can make you feel good and prevent you from getting a disease. Not only will you feel good, the recipient of your act will also feel good. Try forgiveness and kindness. They are better than any medication known to humankind.
Today’s Exercise: Call up someone in your family who you haven’t spoken to in years and say, “Hi, I’ve been thinking about you.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Forgiveness is but a willingness to be kind.
This passage from A Course in Miracles says it all:
“Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness,
a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty
that transcends the world? Do you want a quietness that cannot be
disturbed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep abiding comfort,
and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? All this, forgiveness offers you.”
What is forgiveness after all, but a willingness to be kind? More than that, forgiveness is knowing.
• It is knowing that the other person is not aware of the force.
• It’s knowing that the other person is a product of many generations of separation from the force.
• It’s knowing that deep down the other person does not want to be angry, unkind, or destructive.
• It’s knowing that you don’t always have to be right.
• It’s knowing that winning an argument is losing the relationship.
• It’s knowing that forgiveness and kindness are God’s messages.
• It’s knowing that the meek shall inherit the earth.
• It’s knowing that when you do an act of kindness or forgiveness your serotonin level in your brain increases.
Serotonin is the body’s way of strengthening your immune system and makes you feel good. Imagine an act of forgiveness can make you feel good and prevent you from getting a disease. Not only will you feel good, the recipient of your act will also feel good. Try forgiveness and kindness. They are better than any medication known to humankind.
Today’s Exercise: Call up someone in your family who you haven’t spoken to in years and say, “Hi, I’ve been thinking about you.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Forgiveness is but a willingness to be kind.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tough Love
Tough love is harder on you than it is on the recipient but sometimes it is the only way to go. Sometimes we need to say no, and anytime you say, “No,” you need to justify the “no.” “No” without a legitimate explanation of your decision is akin to saying ‘go away, don’t bother me’. No’s must be given with compassion and understanding. Your needs are the most important needs in the world and that doesn’t mean that you exclude the needs of others. What it means is that you must take care of your needs first, and then you have the capacity to take care of others in a more loving way.
A mother’s love for a child requires her to say, “No” sometimes, however it doesn’t mean that you can say no any time you don’t feel like getting involved. Our children learn from us and sometimes we don’t take this responsibility seriously enough. “No” is the worst word in any language. It teaches us that we are not in charge of our life. When you are two years old, it is probably necessary but we learn ninety percent of everything we will ever know between the ages of 2 and 4. If we learn everything is no, you can’t have that or no you can’t do that then, this NO is with us for life and we give up on any worth while endeavor.
I read a story about a five-year-old boy who used to ride his bike on the top rail of a fence. He rode this fence for a long time. An adult saw him riding on the rail and told him to get down. The adult told him he would fall and that it was impossible to ride on that narrow top rail. Naturally, he fell and he was never able to ride the top rail again. Look at what kids can do on a skateboard today, the impossible is a piece of cake to them. Be very, very selective in your use of the word no, if any other word will do, use it.
Today’s Exercise: Bite your tongue before you say, “NO.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Only a grown-up can destroy the creativity of a child.
A mother’s love for a child requires her to say, “No” sometimes, however it doesn’t mean that you can say no any time you don’t feel like getting involved. Our children learn from us and sometimes we don’t take this responsibility seriously enough. “No” is the worst word in any language. It teaches us that we are not in charge of our life. When you are two years old, it is probably necessary but we learn ninety percent of everything we will ever know between the ages of 2 and 4. If we learn everything is no, you can’t have that or no you can’t do that then, this NO is with us for life and we give up on any worth while endeavor.
I read a story about a five-year-old boy who used to ride his bike on the top rail of a fence. He rode this fence for a long time. An adult saw him riding on the rail and told him to get down. The adult told him he would fall and that it was impossible to ride on that narrow top rail. Naturally, he fell and he was never able to ride the top rail again. Look at what kids can do on a skateboard today, the impossible is a piece of cake to them. Be very, very selective in your use of the word no, if any other word will do, use it.
Today’s Exercise: Bite your tongue before you say, “NO.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Only a grown-up can destroy the creativity of a child.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A Golden Rule
This little poem pretty much says it all:
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” - Anonymous
1. You have to stop and smell the roses.
2. You must take the time to be kind.
3. You must look for reasons to be kind.
4. Be kind to your loved ones.
5. Be kind to strangers.
6. Be kind to animals.
7. Most of all be kind to yourself.
A Golden Rule is the act of kindness. Every time you do an act of kindness, God smiles, for this is your purpose for living. This is what life is all about. This is your quest, how many individuals today can you get to smile?
Today is all we have; we can’t undo the wrongs of yesterday; tomorrow never comes; today is all there is. Today you make your mark, you are judged by what you do today. The world needs kindness; we are in a constant state of war because humankind has not learned the golden rule. World peace is our quest. Kindness is our tool. Who dares to challenge our quest? Who dares to say it can’t be done? Who dares to get in our way? NO ONE. It is up to us. Kindness – kindness – kindness. It’s that simple.
Today’s Exercise: You guessed it. Do at least ONE simple little act of kindness and like the movie Ground Hog Day do it again and again.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Today is all we have. Yesterday is a canceled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is Cash…spend it wisely.
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” - Anonymous
1. You have to stop and smell the roses.
2. You must take the time to be kind.
3. You must look for reasons to be kind.
4. Be kind to your loved ones.
5. Be kind to strangers.
6. Be kind to animals.
7. Most of all be kind to yourself.
A Golden Rule is the act of kindness. Every time you do an act of kindness, God smiles, for this is your purpose for living. This is what life is all about. This is your quest, how many individuals today can you get to smile?
Today is all we have; we can’t undo the wrongs of yesterday; tomorrow never comes; today is all there is. Today you make your mark, you are judged by what you do today. The world needs kindness; we are in a constant state of war because humankind has not learned the golden rule. World peace is our quest. Kindness is our tool. Who dares to challenge our quest? Who dares to say it can’t be done? Who dares to get in our way? NO ONE. It is up to us. Kindness – kindness – kindness. It’s that simple.
Today’s Exercise: You guessed it. Do at least ONE simple little act of kindness and like the movie Ground Hog Day do it again and again.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Today is all we have. Yesterday is a canceled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is Cash…spend it wisely.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
How Will You Act when You Are Successful?
Want to be successful? Well act that way right now. If you think success and act successful, before you know it you will be successful. I asked my sales force if they thought they could earn one hundred thousand dollars a year. As a person, they said yes. Then I asked them if they were earning one hundred thousand dollars a year would they come to work dressed the way they were. Sheepishly they said nothing, but the next day every one of them improved their dress code.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Love to Eat
Let’s face it, most of us love to eat. Do you live to eat or do you eat to live? There are thousands of books on cooking, diets, exotic foods, etc. For some people eating is a way of handling a broken heart, a failed career, or just plain boredom.
On a recent trip to Disney World, I started to note how many people I saw who were overweight. The results were outstanding! I would say that at least twenty percent of the people I saw could be classified as obese; another thirty percent were at least thirty to fifty pounds overweight and another forty percent could loose ten to fifteen pounds. That leaves only ten percent of all of the thousands of people I observed who you would classify as not overweight and this number included all the teenaged girls who were down right skinny. Now maybe this is just because it was Disney World or maybe it was a mindset of people who let themselves go once they have children. I noticed that these percentages kind of hold true at sporting events too.
How does overeating coincide with being successful or unsuccessful? Overeating is lack of control and it shows a strong desire to be pleased. We feel good when we eat and if there is nothing else in our lives to feel good about we simply do what pleases us and that is to eat more. Once you have a plan to succeed, then the need to overeat is replaced by the need to contribute to society.
Most people who are overweight blame it on genes, having big bones, or anything except for the hunger for love, respect, and happiness. Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Today’s Exercise: The plan to stop overeating is to be loving, respectful, kind, and happy.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
On a recent trip to Disney World, I started to note how many people I saw who were overweight. The results were outstanding! I would say that at least twenty percent of the people I saw could be classified as obese; another thirty percent were at least thirty to fifty pounds overweight and another forty percent could loose ten to fifteen pounds. That leaves only ten percent of all of the thousands of people I observed who you would classify as not overweight and this number included all the teenaged girls who were down right skinny. Now maybe this is just because it was Disney World or maybe it was a mindset of people who let themselves go once they have children. I noticed that these percentages kind of hold true at sporting events too.
How does overeating coincide with being successful or unsuccessful? Overeating is lack of control and it shows a strong desire to be pleased. We feel good when we eat and if there is nothing else in our lives to feel good about we simply do what pleases us and that is to eat more. Once you have a plan to succeed, then the need to overeat is replaced by the need to contribute to society.
Most people who are overweight blame it on genes, having big bones, or anything except for the hunger for love, respect, and happiness. Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Today’s Exercise: The plan to stop overeating is to be loving, respectful, kind, and happy.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Spiritual Love
The negative of spiritual love is fear and fear is the father of hate. It is fear and hate that spawn all Evil. The only weapon we have to defeat Evil is Love. Where there is Love, there is no fear. Where there is Love, hate cannot exist. Where there is love, Evil becomes what it really is, an illusion. True Love is simple recognition of our unity with God and with all forms of life. When we finally learn that our neighbors and we are one and the same and we truly love ourselves then it would be impossible to perform an act of unkindness to our neighbor. War would cease to exist. Hate would have no place; you could not hate yourself. All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self, the Universal Superconscious Mind, God. God does not fight with itself, nor does God chastise itself. God does not destroy itself.
Anyone who takes up arms against another human takes up arms against the self. The universe cries: “One! One! One!” We are each a creation from one intelligence. We will all return to this one intelligence. There is but one immortal self to all creation and we are part of that one, separated from it in our physical bodies. We all seek to know this complete unity again, and it’s to this never ending emotional drive we call love.
Why do babies cry and ask for all things immediately? Could it be that babies remember where they recently came from, where there was no denial and every thing they needed was provided for them? Little by little, the child realizes that it is no longer the center of the universe and needs someone else to fulfill its needs. Parents then must give unconditional love through this period. If a child is aware of anger and malice, then with each denial, rejection and fear take root. We know fear is the father of hate and people fear that which they think may hurt them. Once they are hurt, they hate that which hurts them. Thus, a viscous cycle begins, as fear and hate are reactions to frustrated love. Our society is full of unwanted and unloved children. When they grow up how will they treat their children? Only one of two ways: either they will love their kids, or the sins of the father will be passed to the children. Everything we do affects someone and we must break this viscous cycle.
Today’s Exercise: Look at your children as the parents of your grandchildren. Nobody wants messed up grandchildren.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self
Anyone who takes up arms against another human takes up arms against the self. The universe cries: “One! One! One!” We are each a creation from one intelligence. We will all return to this one intelligence. There is but one immortal self to all creation and we are part of that one, separated from it in our physical bodies. We all seek to know this complete unity again, and it’s to this never ending emotional drive we call love.
Why do babies cry and ask for all things immediately? Could it be that babies remember where they recently came from, where there was no denial and every thing they needed was provided for them? Little by little, the child realizes that it is no longer the center of the universe and needs someone else to fulfill its needs. Parents then must give unconditional love through this period. If a child is aware of anger and malice, then with each denial, rejection and fear take root. We know fear is the father of hate and people fear that which they think may hurt them. Once they are hurt, they hate that which hurts them. Thus, a viscous cycle begins, as fear and hate are reactions to frustrated love. Our society is full of unwanted and unloved children. When they grow up how will they treat their children? Only one of two ways: either they will love their kids, or the sins of the father will be passed to the children. Everything we do affects someone and we must break this viscous cycle.
Today’s Exercise: Look at your children as the parents of your grandchildren. Nobody wants messed up grandchildren.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self
Thursday, July 8, 2010
In football, a team that has good balance between offense and defense is a team that usually makes it to the playoffs. In our daily lives, we need a good balance between the spiritual offense and physical defense. The spiritual always comes first because we are a spirit with a body. If we improve our spiritual outlook, we will automatically improve our physical world. The sense of spiritual contentment is one of the key factors for reaching the state of happiness and balance.
Happiness is determined by three factors: material wealth, good health, and true friends. We possess the power to control our physical world when we learn to use our spiritual powers. Our minds are God’s link to humanity. If we open our minds, have faith, and do all things with Love and kindness, we open up the channel that allows God’s power to flow through us. With God as your senior partner, you can attain the balance that you seek. This balance will put you ahead of eighty-seven percent of the world’s population and provide a stepping-stone for you to reach your true potential.
When your main focus is on material things, such as your property, home, car, and belongings, you develop a strong attachment to these things. You then become less content and remain in an agitated state of dissatisfaction, always wanting more. In a way, you then really become poor because the concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you already have. This feeling of discontentment leaves a void in your life. You start to sacrifice health, family, friends, and peace of mind to try to fill this void only to realize that when you get the material possessions, you’re not happy after all. You strike out on a new get rich scheme, only to find out that you can’t take the money with you. There are no pockets in our pants or drawers in our coffin.
Today’s Exercise: Strive for balance.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: If you improve your spiritual outlook, you will automatically improve your physical world. The concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you all ready have.
Happiness is determined by three factors: material wealth, good health, and true friends. We possess the power to control our physical world when we learn to use our spiritual powers. Our minds are God’s link to humanity. If we open our minds, have faith, and do all things with Love and kindness, we open up the channel that allows God’s power to flow through us. With God as your senior partner, you can attain the balance that you seek. This balance will put you ahead of eighty-seven percent of the world’s population and provide a stepping-stone for you to reach your true potential.
When your main focus is on material things, such as your property, home, car, and belongings, you develop a strong attachment to these things. You then become less content and remain in an agitated state of dissatisfaction, always wanting more. In a way, you then really become poor because the concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you already have. This feeling of discontentment leaves a void in your life. You start to sacrifice health, family, friends, and peace of mind to try to fill this void only to realize that when you get the material possessions, you’re not happy after all. You strike out on a new get rich scheme, only to find out that you can’t take the money with you. There are no pockets in our pants or drawers in our coffin.
Today’s Exercise: Strive for balance.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: If you improve your spiritual outlook, you will automatically improve your physical world. The concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you all ready have.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The human brain and human compassion are by nature in some kind of balance. As we grow older, we have a tendency to neglect human affection and concentrate on the physical aspect of life, thus losing the balance. It is then that misfortune and undesirable things happen.
One of the most important features of the human face is the ability to smile. A kind and genuine smile is very important in our day-to-day lives. How you create that smile largely depends on your attitude. If you have a negative attitude or a poor outlook on life, it is almost impossible to smile.
It is illogical to expect smiles from others if you do not smile yourself. Thus, you create a negative and hostile environment and drive away those individuals who would otherwise be an important asset to the development of your well-being. This is an important development for long and short-term happiness.
The body is the best test of what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. If you’re allergic to seafood, your body will let you know in a hurry. Your intelligence may oppose your immediate short-term desire because it knows your long-term consequences. Thus, the role of intelligence is to determine the positive and negative potential of a factor that could have both positive and negative results. When you have a balance of spiritual and physical development, then you can help others reach the same level of balance, increasing your potential to live a happier and more successful life.
Today’s Exercise: Smile. Be happy; be kind!
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: One of the most important capabilities of the human’s face is the ability to smile.
One of the most important features of the human face is the ability to smile. A kind and genuine smile is very important in our day-to-day lives. How you create that smile largely depends on your attitude. If you have a negative attitude or a poor outlook on life, it is almost impossible to smile.
It is illogical to expect smiles from others if you do not smile yourself. Thus, you create a negative and hostile environment and drive away those individuals who would otherwise be an important asset to the development of your well-being. This is an important development for long and short-term happiness.
The body is the best test of what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. If you’re allergic to seafood, your body will let you know in a hurry. Your intelligence may oppose your immediate short-term desire because it knows your long-term consequences. Thus, the role of intelligence is to determine the positive and negative potential of a factor that could have both positive and negative results. When you have a balance of spiritual and physical development, then you can help others reach the same level of balance, increasing your potential to live a happier and more successful life.
Today’s Exercise: Smile. Be happy; be kind!
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: One of the most important capabilities of the human’s face is the ability to smile.
Monday, June 28, 2010
If you really want a happy life then it is imperative that you pursue happiness both internally and externally. One must pursue happiness with a mental development. A mental development is a spiritual development. It is not necessarily any kind of religious faith, but a development of good qualities. These are love, kindness, honesty, empathy, discipline, and order. These qualities, guided by a positive motivation will develop the happiness you seek. We are blessed because God gives each and everyone of us these qualities at our birth.
There are no bad seeds. Everyone is born equal; everyone is born a genius, and everyone is born with a connecting link to God. This link is your mind, spirit, or soul, whatever you want to call it. It works twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Happiness is a pre-determined mental state. Will Rogers, once said, “I’m as happy as I make up my mind to be.” If someone needs outside influences to make them happy, then they are at the mercy of their circumstances.
Human beings are the dominant creatures on this planet because they have the potential not only to create happy lives for themselves, but also to help others be happy. We are the part of God that can create and we either, create happiness in this world, or we create sadness. Once we realize our potential and develop self-confidence in our ability to create happiness, then we can build a better world. Happiness is the gift of life; it is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet. Happiness is our birthright.
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind to be happy one day at a time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is the gift of life. It is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet.
There are no bad seeds. Everyone is born equal; everyone is born a genius, and everyone is born with a connecting link to God. This link is your mind, spirit, or soul, whatever you want to call it. It works twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Happiness is a pre-determined mental state. Will Rogers, once said, “I’m as happy as I make up my mind to be.” If someone needs outside influences to make them happy, then they are at the mercy of their circumstances.
Human beings are the dominant creatures on this planet because they have the potential not only to create happy lives for themselves, but also to help others be happy. We are the part of God that can create and we either, create happiness in this world, or we create sadness. Once we realize our potential and develop self-confidence in our ability to create happiness, then we can build a better world. Happiness is the gift of life; it is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet. Happiness is our birthright.
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind to be happy one day at a time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is the gift of life. It is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet.
Friday, June 25, 2010
How Do We Become Loving?
It seems so difficult for us to open our hearts to Love. We have been rejected so many times that our Ego says, “No more!” Every rejection and denial we endure magnifies our resistance to accept the power that lives within us. We isolate ourselves like a hermit and retire to our lairs like a hurt animal to lick our wounds. We build walls around us like a castle to keep the hurt out, only to find we have built ourselves a jail. Like all trapped prisoners, we slowly kill ourselves, not physically, but mentally, and more importantly, spiritually. Open the gate, tear down the walls, and allow love to enter. Life is for living and we must experience some pain and sorrow. How else can we appreciate life’s pleasure and joys?
Love heals our bodies; comforts us when we are lonely; lights up the darkness; releases us from our hurts; helps us overcome our fears; brings us unlimited prosperity; builds our true character and the greatest of all, reveals the true meaning of life. This word “Love” can mean many things to many people, and true Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains. We become loving when we have faith. Love of life is Love of all things created by God. That means don’t step on that ant. Our Subconscious Mind answers our every thought. If we continue to dwell on what we have not, then, our Subconscious Mind will continue to make sure we are fulfilled with an prosperity of have-nots. Control your thinking and you will control your destiny.
Today’s Exercise: Ignore your shortcomings. Concentrate on Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: True Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains.
Love heals our bodies; comforts us when we are lonely; lights up the darkness; releases us from our hurts; helps us overcome our fears; brings us unlimited prosperity; builds our true character and the greatest of all, reveals the true meaning of life. This word “Love” can mean many things to many people, and true Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains. We become loving when we have faith. Love of life is Love of all things created by God. That means don’t step on that ant. Our Subconscious Mind answers our every thought. If we continue to dwell on what we have not, then, our Subconscious Mind will continue to make sure we are fulfilled with an prosperity of have-nots. Control your thinking and you will control your destiny.
Today’s Exercise: Ignore your shortcomings. Concentrate on Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: True Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains.
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