Just as your body needs exercise to stay in shape, so does your mind. Now, reach out and stretch your mind. Try to comprehend unlimited thought and unlimited supply.
Plant the seed of desire. Nourish it with a clear visualization of the ripened fruit. Water it with sincere faith, but leave the HOW to God.
Open your mind. Keep yourself in a state of receptivity. Gain an attitude in which you are constantly expecting good to happen to you. Don’t listen to those who say it can’t be done.
There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind. It’s kind of like your Aorta artery. If your artery gets clogged with garbage, you will die. If your Subconscious Mind gets clogged with negative thinking, fear, or self-doubt, then you become like so many other “walking dead.”
It’s not too late to call “Roto-Rooter”. Clear your thinking. Let go, and let God. You have the same channel to God as every other human being. Close your eyes and stop your thinking. Well, slow it down anyway. Be calm and listen; the next thought you hear will be a message from God. The message is clear: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be open. Why in the world would we try to go through life without using this power?
In order to clear the channel, we need to watch what we put into our Subconscious Mind. Let’s start with TV. The majority of shows on TV are about killing, prejudice, infidelity, or are just plain stupid. I have four hundred channels on my TV, and outside of sports, Discovery, PBS, and the History Channel, the rest are a waste. How about the newspaper? Really want to get screwed up? Well, that’s a good place to start. Music! Music is supposed to calm the savage beast. Music today is the savage beast. You may ask how you are supposed to be entertained? Have you ever heard of a book? You may say that you read. Playboy is not a book.
When you change the things your read, the things you read will change your life.
Today’s Exercise: Turn off the TV for twenty-four hours.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: There is a channel between you and God. It’s called your Subconscious Mind.