Why is it that most people born into riches seem to accomplish very little on their own? Because people born with early advantages are taught to look to material things for success and if material things fail them, they are at a loss where to turn to next. But, this is when a person with no special skill, ability, or riches or influence must turn to something else for success, something beyond material means. They turn to the God that dwells within them. They turn to their Subconscious Mind, that almighty power that lies dormant in their being waiting to be called to action. This mighty mind knows not of defeat.
Its sole existence is to turn into reality whatever the Conscious Mind demands with persistent faith. In every adversity, lays the seed of greatness. Each defeat is but a stepping-stone to victory. Greatness is like heroes, ordinary people doing extraordinary feats at a time of crisis. When everything looks dark and there seems no way out, this is when they turn to their inner selves, when they seek a silent partner, when they let go and let God.
We are part of one universe, one soul, and one intelligence. God has incarnated as humankind. God seeks to know through you. Give God work to do. Give God a chance to express. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used. It matters not how old you are or what your present circumstances or position is, you can use the full power of God by simply believing. You were born rich; you were born with all the knowledge of the universe in your Subconscious Mind. You were born with an intelligent energy that is with you twenty-four hours a day, every day just waiting for your command. This intelligent energy, God, will provide you with every good thing this world can supply. Don’t you think it’s time for you to claim your inheritance? Hear the voice of silence say, “All joys are yours if you put forth your claim.”
Today’s Exercise: Claim your inheritance.
Daily Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Give God work to do. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used.