Before you answer the above question, let’s define the word “coward.”
1. Afraid. Are you afraid to take chances?
2. Scared. Do you panic when you are asked to give a speech?
3. Yellow. Do you sit in the back of the room?
4. Chicken. Do you let someone else take the lead?
5. Jellyfish. Do you blend into the mob?
Now what’s your answer? If you could silently, quietly, and clearly peer into the hearts of the sad failures in life, if you could learn the secrets of men and women who merely go through the motions, who make up the masses of humanity that have complained their way through life, then you would discover the tale of fear, cringing, hesitating, shrinking, and mental cowardice.
It is a tragedy. It is the life history of a well-meaning soul seeking higher levels of Success and Happiness but bound and handcuffed to that ever present “Oh, I better not; I don’t think it will work, or I tried it before and it can’t be done.” Instead of a life of health, happiness, and financial ease, they sink into oblivion, only to rise up and tell you that it cannot be done. They hear, “Who do you think you are? There is no way you can do that!”
The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great. In order to dare to be great you must go through four stages to be mentally tough.
1. I wish for success.
Wishing is simply having the craving.
2. I desire success.
Desire is having the passion for success.
3. I am resolved upon my success.
Resolved is the determination to overcome all obstacles.
4. I demand and insist that I become successful.
Demand is a “full speed ahead, damned the torpedoes” attitude.
If you are to go all the way with me, you must have an open mind.
Today’s Exercise: Open your mind. Go through the four steps, then either put the book away or turn the page.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great.