Bot Revolt

Monday, January 6, 2014

God Is Love

Without a doubt the most important words you will ever read or hear is “God loves you.”
God does not love you sometimes, or if you are good or if you belong to a certain religion or if you pray and make sacrifices. God loves you all the time unconditionally. God even loves you if you don’t believe in God.
As humans, we seek love and are devastated without it. Love is simple; it requires you to give it first. God gives us love every minute of every day. When we separate ourselves from God, we block God’s love so that fear, hatred, jealousy, violence, and failure are manifested into our lives.
The secret of success and happiness is love. Love is the path we must follow in order to perceive the great spiritual unity between God and humankind. This universal law called love is necessary to bridge the gap between God and all else.
The mighty truth that has been hidden from us is that we are not separate from God, as we have been led to believe. Through love, we attain a rebirth of consciousness and a unity with the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. God’s love moves through the universe expressing itself in every flower, bush, tree, butterfly, snowflake, the light and warmth of the sun, the majesty of the mountains, a field of wheat gently blowing in the breeze and in the mighty power and vastness of the oceans.
God’s love is manifested in physical form for us to see. We are the only aspect of God’s creations that can make a conscious effort to return God’s love.

Today’s Exercise: Go into the countryside and experience God’s love and perfection in nature.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: God loves you all the time unconditionally. Through love, we attain a rebirth of consciousness and a unity with the Universal Superconscious Mind of God

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