Einstein’s theory of relativity: E=MC2 does not mean matter is converted into energy, it means matter is energy!
Now, Quantum Physics comes along and asks: “ What is inside these protons and neutrons?” So, scientists got to work and put these protons and neutrons into a sub-atomic accelerator and opened them up and they discovered the Quark. As of this writing, the Quark is the smallest bit of matter known to man. Now this next discovery is quite unique and exciting. Scientists discovered that a quark will change shape depending on WHO was looking at it. In other words mankind can change the shape of matter by simply observing it. This made the scientific world excited, and now they want to know what is inside the Quark, and why does it change shape when being observed. Back to the drawing board for the scientists… back to the sub-atomic accelerator to crack open the Quark. What do you think they found?
They found NO-THING!
What they found was: A.L.I.V.E.-A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy.
They found GOD!
The source, the Creator of all things, they found the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of all things!
Since all things including mankind have at its source a living God that is with us every second of every day, then the only conclusion I have is that we are God experiencing a human existence. That we can create our world around us, and we do. This intelligent vibration is also conscious and infinite. Therefore, it is actually an infinite living mind! Everything in the Universe has its source from this infinite living intelligent energy.
Let us go back to the Bible for a minute. The Bible states that God created mankind in His own image and likeness. I already stated that the ancient Hebrew’s name of God is YAHWEH, and the Hebrew letters of YHVH are the chemical equivalent of Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen; the building blocks of the Universe. And I also stated that the DNA of mankind is Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon, making us an infinite intelligent energy with a physical body. How come it took me 74 years to figure out this basic and most wonderful truth? Now that you know it, how will it change your life? I always knew that religion would not prove the existence of God, and that science would. The problem is that science is too new for their discoveries to be accepted and religion is too old to change their points of view. For many centuries there have been three major questions that have yet to be answered.
Who Am I?, Why Am I Here? And Where Am I Going?
I am going to give you my opinion…my answers to these age old questions.
Who Am I? –You are pure spirit, cast into a human mold as a manifestation of Diving Intelligence, existing this little while on Earth to help carry on the Divine Plan. Being pure spirit, you are part of the only intelligence there is and all the power and understanding of this intelligence are yours to draw upon.
Why Am I Here? – The only reasonable and intelligent answer that makes sense to me is that the Universal Super-Conscious Mind (GOD) is seeking to know itself by becoming things because it cannot know itself as infinity. Thus we are born, we live, we have free will, we do well, we do badly, we suffer and we die. All the while we are expanding our consciousness. GOD seeks to know itself by becoming you and me and every other thing in the Universe. Thus, human purpose is destined to expand self-consciousness to Infinity.
Where Am I Going? –To understand Infinity, we need to be infinite. Our body will clearly die, but our soul, our Subconscious Mind http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifwill never die. Neither was it ever born. What do the great teachers of all time keep saying? WE ARE ONE WITH GOD! And GOD has no intention of doing anything with your soul except to bring it back home where it belongs.
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