Before you can make accomplishments, you must be possessed with ambition. Before you can feel ambition, you must have a preceding hunger to accomplish things. Anything that will stimulate that mental hunger will arouse ambition and thus create that eagerness for action and attainment.
How can you produce that mental hunger? In order for mental hunger to be manifested, it must first have ideals presented to our subconscious. If you are content with your present life and want nothing better, it’s because you have seen nothing better: have heard of nothing better, or else you are mentally and physically lazy.
I heard an interesting story when I visited Berlin. Do you know what caused the fall of Communism and the literal and figural destruction of the Berlin Wall? It was VCRs. VCRs were smuggled from Sweden and Finland, into Russia and East Berlin. When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it. They had a burning desire to share in the good life and Communism disappeared practically overnight. Instead of the bombs and money spent on the military to defeat Communism, all they had to do was send over all of the extra VCRs and videotapes. They had a mental hunger for our way of life; a free life.
With the dawn of ambition comes the arousing of the will and a strong will aroused a strong desire. Maybe we ought to send all our old VCRs and videotapes to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and a few other choice locations.
To manifest ambition fully, you must first have an eager desire for ambition. A mere wanting or wishing for it is not enough. You must have a fierce, eager, all consuming hunger, demanding satisfaction. Then, you must have a strong will aroused sufficiently to get that which you desire.
If you want something bad enough, the easier it will be to achieve it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the paper for real estate and check out the million dollar homes.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it.
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