For anyone following the Law of Attraction, success and happiness. Here's some of my knowledge.
Monday, August 15, 2011
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“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Read more about how the mind works!
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ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part VII: The Mind

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe. Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words. This will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind. Preparing the Mind -Before you can understand any of the philosophy stated here, you must prepare your mind to receive it. It begins with identifying, studying, understanding, and the clearing out of the three enemies: indecision, doubt, and fear. Your sixth sense will never function properly while any one or all three remain in your mind. The members of this destructive trinity are closely related. Where one may be found, the other two are lurking close by. Indecision spawns doubt and when the two blend, they become fear. This is usually a slow process that may grow without your awareness.
There are six basic fears that will prevent you from attaining your goals:
1. Fear of poverty –This fear forces many people to take no end jobs or stay where they have no hope of advancement.
2. Fear of criticism –This fear keeps people from trying new things or taking any kind of
risk, whatsoever.
3. Fear of ill health –Believe it or not this fear keeps us sick and creates illness where there
was no cause.
4. Fear of loss of love. This fear forces loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
5. Fear of old age –This fear is debilitating, causes illness, and lack of productivity.
6. The fear of death –This fear is lack of understanding who we really are. Fears are
nothing more than states of mind. Once we control our state of mind, we will eliminate fear. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real. Just as simply turning on a light can eliminate fear of the dark, turning on your mind to the truth eliminates these fears. This whole exercise is designed to turn on the light in your mind.
The Power of an Idea
The most potent, powerful, revolutionizing conception in the Subconscious Mind is an idea. Ideas are power. Ideas rule the world and an idea built the Universe. Edison had an idea and created the light bulb. Bell had an idea and created the telephone. The Wright Brothers had an idea and created the airplane. Where does an idea come from? Most people think human beings create ideas, and that line of thinking is a big misconception. Human beings alone cannot create anything. God through man creates an idea. The mind of man is one with God, the Creator. God sent the idea of the light bulb to every single human being on this planet.
Only Edison stuck with the idea until he had a finished product. Edison tried over three thousand ways to make the incandescent light. He said, “I now know three thousand ways of how not to make a light bulb.” He found one way, thank goodness; writing by candlelight is tough. Right now, that great idea bouncing around in your Subconscious Mind is already bouncing around in the Subconscious Minds of millions of other human beings. The question is who is going to make the idea into a reality? According to science, your brain has the capacity of over three billion ideas. Since God is infinite, all knowing, omnipotent, and omnipresent then only three billion ideas are limiting! Our Conscious Mind receives billions of ideas everyday through our Subconscious Mind’s connection with God.
It is up to us, you, and me, to seize the idea and take action to manifest an idea into physical reality. This manifestation is a skill every single human being is born with. Genius is attributed to do what we were born to do. I was born to write this book and it took me seventy years to figure that out. Don’t procrastinate like I did. Abraham Maslow said, “You must be what you can be.”
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