In quantum physics, at the tiniest subatomic level, the actual act of observing a particle changes the particle.
Wow… You can change things by looking at them with a different outcome in mind? If you want more money in your life, then you cannot see money as something you don’t have.
I remember quite clearly about ten years ago, I would question, “How come money never sticks to my hands?” What do you think the message was that I was sending to my Subconscious Mind? Yeah, it was that money never sticks to my hands. Ten years ago, I was dead broke, frustrated, and confused. Then one day I heard a voice in my head say, “That’s stupid. You are broke, but you are not dead. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something.” And I did.
I started my debt management company, CRS with absolutely no money, no experience in debt management, and no idea how I was going to make it. But, I did have two things going for me: I had persistence and a wife who believed in me. I had something else but I didn’t know it at the time – my view of money. I changed the way I looked at money. I understood that money was just paper and there was paper all around me, and that prosperity was there waiting for me. It finally dawned on me, that the only people who make money are those who work in a mint. Money is a medium of exchange for service. I had to find a need.
I looked around I saw that just about everyone that I knew was up to their you-know-what in credit card debt. So, what I chose to do was help people get out of debt. Within the past ten years, we have helped over thirty thousand families get out from underneath this debt.
If just one person is living a better life, because I changed the way I looked at things, then my life means something. Do yourself a favor and change the way you see the world and your world will change.
Today’s Exercise: Stop worrying about money for twenty-four hours.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: In quantum physics, at the smallest subatomic level, the actual act of observing a particle changes the particle.