Part I
In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth; Heaven being the Universe and Earth being our little corner of the Universe. According to ancient Jewish scriptures, God’s unspoken name is YAHWEH. (commonly pronounced: Ya-weigh) In the ancient Hebrew language they did not use vowels like we do, so YAHWEH was spelled YHVH. The V and W is the same letter. YHVH in Hebrew was the chemical equivalent to: Y=Hydrogen, H=Nitrogen, V-Oxygen and H=Nitrogen. So, Gods name is the same as the makeup of the Universe. All things in the Universe are a combination of Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen; Nitrogen being the dominant element. Now, in the 21Century, we are capable of detecting the DNA of the Human Body. Guess what we are made of? Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon. It seems that I remember a story in the Bible that went something like this: “…and God took a handful of dust (Carbon) and made man and then “God breathed into man, Gods living soul.” So, to me, this means that we are God experiencing a physical life.
Let me say that again…”We are God experiencing a physical life.”
Now, think about all the confusing information we have been taught over the years by all the organized religions. They have tried to explain our relationship with God. But, if we are God experiencing life in physical form, what does that do to the concepts of Heaven and Hell? Even the Bible states; “In the beginning everything God created was good.” Why would God put himself in a physical form on Earth only to be punished daily with hatred, jealousy, evil, wars, and the fear of going to Hell? It wasn’t God that did this, it was mankind. Mankind created religions and the fear of Hell and the devil in order to control the masses. Mankind’s unknowingness and the lack of understanding who we really are, created these negative vibrating energies. The Universe and everything in it is vibrating. This vibration is seeking similar vibrations to create things and circumstances.
Mankind is born into this Universe with three minds: the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Super-conscious Mind. So, in actuality the Universe was “created” merely by the process of energy changing from one form to another. The creation and cessation of all things physical is simply manifestation and un-manifestation. Quantum Physics states that “something can actually come into existence only when it is observed.” In other words, that “something” only exists because a mind first thought it into existence. Everything we use today is only in existence because someone thought about it. For example: One day a caveman thought: “I’m getting tired of standing all day.” So, a chair was invented. That same caveman then thought:” You know I’m getting tired of walking everywhere.” So, the wheel was invented. The caveman then said: “This mammoth meat would taste better if it wasn’t dripping with blood.” So, then fire was invented. Think of how much better your life is sitting in your car and driving up to a fast food restaurant instead of walking to the forest and killing your next meal. Sub-atomic particles are simply energy packets. Everyone living today is nothing more than a cluster of energy. This energy http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifis in constant motion and changes to form new configurations at every moment. From the beginning of time to around 1800 AD we knew nothing of atoms.
So superstitions and half-truths became the norm. Then science started to catch up to religion. We then discovered that all things (particles) are made up of atoms. Another discovery showed us that atoms are made up of protons and neutrons. These protons and neutrons are constantly in motion and seeking like protons and neutrons to link up with. To be continued….
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