God smiles every time you or I do an act of kindness. Kindness is the answer to all of the world’s problems.
I used to laugh at the Miss America Pageant when a contestant would say, “If I win the Miss America title, I would try for world peace.” I would say to myself, Oh sure, you are going to do what nobody else has ever been able do to. Ha!
Well, I was wrong. If one person does one act of kindness to someone who then goes out and does two acts of kindness and this process is duplicated over and over, we will have world peace within thirty days. I used to use this analogy in speaking to new sales recruits. What would you rather have one hundred thousand dollars cash or one penny a day doubled each day for thirty days? Most would answer one hundred thousand and I would know instantly I didn’t have a good sales person in the making. (See today’s exercise).
Think about it, if everybody tried to do one act of kindness today, there would be no murders, no robberies, no hatred, no prejudice, no wars, and no fear. Then God would really smile. But, for today let’s you and I go out and look for opportunities to hold the door open for someone or give someone a lift, or just smile and say, “How are you today?”
The other day, when I left my condo for work, the elevator stopped at the first floor and as I started to step out, in front of me was an elderly woman blocking my way. A year ago, I probably would have given her an annoying look and tried to blow past her. But not this day, I simply smiled and said, “How are you?”
Her answer was, “I just lost my husband.”
I backed up into the elevator and said, “I’m sorry,” and proceeded to ride up eighteen floors as she told me all about her husband. I didn’t really say anything but she thanked me with the most generous, thanks I had ever received. After she got off at her floor, I continued my journey to start my day. As I rode the elevator down, I was the only person in the elevator, but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.
Today’s Exercise: Get your calculator out, take a penny a day double it every day for thirty days.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: I was the only person in the elevator but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.