Imagine your one-hundredth birthday. Most people will say they don’t want to live that long, because by that time they will be old and feeble, alone in a nursing home and unable to do anything for themselves. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Your body is designed to last several hundred years, but we abuse it so much that it breaks down way before its time. All through this book we talk about how your mind controls your body and that over eighty percent of all disease and illness is psychosomatic.
What happens if we finally stop feeding our mind with negative prompters and commands? What happens when we realize that happiness is a pill we take to eliminate aging, sickness, disease, boredom, hatred, jealousy, frustration, and fear? What happens when we eliminate the idea of retirement from our thinking process?
Retirement is working forty years at a job we hate with our mind fixated on retiring and doing what we like, only to find out that at age sixty-five or older, our body cannot do the things we wanted to retire for. There is no balance in most people’s lives. They work fifty weeks, take two weeks off and try to cram a years worth of fun in those two weeks, only to find out they are really too tired or broke to do anything meaningful. I have a friend who spent his vacation painting his house. I asked him if he loved painting, he said no and that he hated it. Some vacation, huh?
In some European countries, vacations are four or five weeks and most of the time is spent traveling to new countries and cultures. In the United States, there are many, many people who have never traveled more than one hundred miles away from their home. The secret of longevity is happiness and work. Take a lot of small vacations and get a hobby that makes your heart sing.
I’m seventy years old. I just bought a new home with a thirty-year mortgage. I intend to pay off this mortgage. I’m Chief Executive Officer of three different companies. I intend to write a new book every year for the next thirty years. I’m writing this page at 5:00 A.M. and I’m not the least bit tired. My best advice to you is to get a life. Happiness is the magic pill.
Today’s Exercise: Get up at 5:00 A.M. and do something you Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: The secret of longevity is happiness and work.
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