Your Subconscious Mind is really your soul and this soul is infinite. Your Subconscious Mind is in direct contact with the Universal Super conscious Mind of God. Your Subconscious Mind is the Creator. It will create into reality whatever the Conscious Mind commands and you control your Conscious Mind, or at least you are supposed to.
How simple can it be? You tell God WHAT you want and God tells you HOW to get it. This is not a new concept. The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you.” I’m really amazed when you quote this. People say that they all know it, but very few believe it and even fewer use it to their good.
The “Doubting Thomases” are our Conscious Minds. We grow up hearing the word, “No,” a hundred times a day. Our mindset becomes anything we want that is good for us we can’t have. No wonder we stop asking. No wonder we can’t handle rejection. No wonder we think there is not enough to go around. Plain and simple, our parents brainwashed us, just as their parents brainwashed them. It goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, where the story goes they ate the forbidden fruit and we have been paying the price ever since. What nonsense this story is. What an injustice to humankind from those who started this fairytale. God has condemned us to Hell for eternity just because Adam ate an apple. I don’t think so. Some religions have started man out with an original sin, through no fault of you and me. No wonder we are all basket cases. What happened to love and kindness? People want to make God in their likeness: judgmental, cruel, vindictive, unforgiving, unkind, unreasonable, and all the other un-'s in the dictionary. God is none of these things and shame on those who would have us believe differently.
Today’s Exercise: Spread the truth. No soul is ever lost.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Some religious teachings have started humankind out with an original sin, through no fault of ours. I don’t know about you, but I have enough of my own problems without inheriting somebody else’s.