Developing a positive, stress-busting attitude, is the
first step to taking charge of stress. Remember: Your can’t control many things
that happen to you, but you can control your attitude. One technique to thwart
stress involves doing a “Gross Impact Activity.” Pound something to release tension in a
productive way. Opportunities to fight stress range from hitting a punching
bag, running, jogging, or cleaning up the garage or yard.
As pressures build in the office,
you may vent in frustration or anger, which only raises the level of stress
around you. Other employees may absorb the pent-up stress that you release.
Accountability is one of the keys to
defusing stress. You may not be operating from a position of accountability. I
recommend these steps to build accountability.
1. Adopt the right
2. Be accountable
3. Hold others
4. Write down your
5. Make and expect
6. Get and give support.
In order to manage yourself, I
recommend creating two types of lists:
1. A master To Do List
2. A six month,
Important Things To Do List
If you change the way you handle stress, the stress you handle will dissipate.”
Today’s Exercise: Make your lists.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Accountability is one of the keys to defusing