If you really want a happy life then it is imperative that you pursue happiness both internally and externally. One must pursue happiness with a mental development. A mental development is a spiritual development. It is not necessarily any kind of religious faith, but a development of good qualities. These are love, kindness, honesty, empathy, discipline, and order. These qualities, guided by a positive motivation will develop the happiness you seek. We are blessed because God gives each and everyone of us these qualities at our birth.
There are no bad seeds. Everyone is born equal; everyone is born a genius, and everyone is born with a connecting link to God. This link is your mind, spirit, or soul, whatever you want to call it. It works twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Happiness is a pre-determined mental state. Will Rogers, once said, “I’m as happy as I make up my mind to be.” If someone needs outside influences to make them happy, then they are at the mercy of their circumstances.
Human beings are the dominant creatures on this planet because they have the potential not only to create happy lives for themselves, but also to help others be happy. We are the part of God that can create and we either, create happiness in this world, or we create sadness. Once we realize our potential and develop self-confidence in our ability to create happiness, then we can build a better world. Happiness is the gift of life; it is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet. Happiness is our birthright.
Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind to be happy one day at a time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is the gift of life. It is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet.
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