Wouldn’t it be great if you had unlimited prosperity in wealth, health, peace of mind, intelligence, and relationships? Well, you can; all you need to do is to turn your “I can’t” into “I can”.
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? It can’t be that simple, can it? Yes, it can. You have the ability to change your life right now, right where you are, and it won’t cost you a dime. If it is so simple then why doesn’t everyone do it? First, because they don’t believe it. And, second, because we’ve been programmed since childhood; we are told, “don’t do this, don’t do that, you cannot have it”, etc. We are all guilty of this behavior and so are our parents, and so are our parent’s parents, way back to the so-called Garden of Eden.
Your Subconscious Mind will grant anything you ask of it, as long as you really desire it, and if it doesn’t hurt someone else. Your Subconscious Mind has been granting your wishes since you were born. When you say, “I can’t do that,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I will make sure you fail every time you try it.” If you say, “Every September I come down with a cold,” your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, let me put that on my calendar.” How about I can’t roller skate? Your Subconscious Mind says, “Okay, I’ll make you fall just as soon as you put on the skates.” How about “I can’t quit smoking, besides it relaxes me?” Your Subconscious Mind says, “Fine, stay relaxed at least until it burns a hole in your lungs.” How about, “I can’t change; this is just the way I am?” Your Subconscious Mind loves this one. It says, “Okay you’re broke, unhappy, sickly, and unloved, this is the way I will keep you.”
Look at people who want to use their race or religion as an excuse for not succeeding. Folks, the statue of limitations has run out on those excuses. I was flipping through my four hundred channels the other day trying to find something to look at that wasn’t a waste of my time. I came across a George Lopez special and the first thing out of his mouth was, “We are MexiCANS, not MexiCAN’TS.” I wonder how many got the message. Bill Cosby was ridiculed by black leaders when he tried to get the same message across. The message is simple. Say, “No” to I can’t.” Say, “No” to it can’t be done.” Say, “No” to I can’t change.” Say, “No” to illness, hatred, poverty, prejudice.
Today’s Exercise: Eliminate the word “can’t” from your vocabulary.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: Your Subconscious Mind will grant you anything you ask.
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