Unfortunately, some people master the power of the Subconscious Mind in some area and totally ignore it in other areas of their life. Some gain great wealth only to fail miserably in relationships with their family and loved ones. Others have a great family life and are always sick. Others are healthy and strong, and never seem to make any money. Only in a small portion of their life are they leaders and the rest of their life they are part of that large majority who do not know how to control their destiny. This power of the Subconscious Mind must work in all aspects of your life before you can find Success and Happiness.
Jesus said, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” Power used the wrong way can destroy us. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Look at dictators such as Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Castro. They are all men whose power and ideas made so many people suffer and die. This is not what we are striving for.
When you discover the center of consciousness, prosperity and achievement will fill your life and you will truly understand that this achievement was not accomplished by your Ego, the physical I; by the power of the Universal Superconscious Mind. The Universal Superconscious Mind is that part of you that is true spirit; that part of you that will never die. That is the connection you share with God. Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage. Spiritual courage comes when you discover the eternal father (God) that dwells within your soul. No dream is too high, no task too great, for you will see that you must go about your father’s (God’s) business. This life is not a test to see if you will go to Heaven or Hell. This life is much more. This is your chance to fulfill God’s wishes here on Earth. It is up to you to do what you feel your purpose here is all about. Success and Happiness is your destiny. It starts with Love and kindness, then, throw in some faith and your whole world will change.
Today’s Exercise: Let go of your Ego. Let go and let God.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: Success comes from positive thinking, which comes from spiritual courage.
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