Bot Revolt

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Insufficient Education

Insufficient education! What a crock! People who use this excuse are simply saying, “I’m afraid to try.” We are educated every day of our lives. History books are filled with the lives of people who accomplish great things with little or no formal education. I barely finished high school.
Education can sometimes get in the way of success. People are not paid for what they know, but more importantly, for what they do with what they know. The computer has elevated everyone
to the genius level. Information is just a keyboard away. Education never got in the way of a good idea. The real culprit here is not a lack of formal education, but fear. Fear is a whole other animal that we must address. Once you overcome your fear, you will be surprised at how smart you are.
Persistence will also make up for lack of education. Before I realized I was too dumb to know what I was doing, I had it done. My wife kids me a lot. She says if there are two ways to do something, I will always do the wrong way, first. Good thing VCRs are on the way out. I never did know how to program them. I have a new rule at my house about birthday and Christmas gifts given to me. Don’t give me anything that comes with an instructional manual.
Education for education sake is overrated. Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work. Work on your reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is the only education you need. Specialize in math. People today can’t count to two without a calculator. Read all you can get your hands on. All the education necessary is already written.

Today’s Exercise: If you are not planning on going on quiz shows in the near future, stop worrying about education.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Give me someone with street smarts, enthusiasm, and the right attitude, and I will make the worst of ideas work.

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