True imagination is a belief in the impossible? It is your launching pad for creativity. Somerset Maugham once said, “Man consists of body, mind, and imagination. His body is faulty, his mind untrustworthy, but his imagination has made him remarkable.” Think of the imagination of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Brahms, Bach, etc. What a poorer world this would be without their imagination! Were these people extraordinary? No, they were ordinary people with extraordinary imagination.
Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far-fetched. Dream on. Let your imagination loose; let it trigger your creativity. There is one simple rule: Never suppress your curiosity.
Do not stifle your children’s imagination; don’t yell at them if they crayon outside the lines. Look at it as a blessing if your child daydreams a lot. Encourage your children to ask a million questions and if they have this imaginary friend that only they can see, don’t tell them the imaginary friend doesn’t exist. The world needs dreamers; your children are the Edison’s or Einstein’s of tomorrow.
If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end. Visualize in your mind what it will look like when it’s completed and then work backwards to see what you have to do each step of the way. When you get to the beginning, you will know exactly what you have to do to take the first step. Then take it. Don’t look for problems. Look for solutions. There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Keep trying until you find one that works. Please do not try to go it alone. Tune in your Subconscious Mind to the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. God already knows the answer and God has been giving you hints through your imagination. God does not give you a dream without the ability to accomplish the dream.
“I would rather fail attempting something great than succeed in doing nothing at all.” I probably said this several times in these messages and it bears repeating. From Think and Grow Rich, “Whatsoever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Today’s Exercise: Take a half of an hour, find a quiet place and let your imagination out of its cell.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: Don’t stifle your dreams because they sound impossible or too far fetched. If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end.
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