Let’s face it, most of us love to eat. Do you live to eat or do you eat to live? There are thousands of books on cooking, diets, exotic foods, etc. For some people eating is a way of handling a broken heart, a failed career, or just plain boredom.
On a recent trip to Disney World, I started to note how many people I saw who were overweight. The results were outstanding! I would say that at least twenty percent of the people I saw could be classified as obese; another thirty percent were at least thirty to fifty pounds overweight and another forty percent could loose ten to fifteen pounds. That leaves only ten percent of all of the thousands of people I observed who you would classify as not overweight and this number included all the teenaged girls who were down right skinny. Now maybe this is just because it was Disney World or maybe it was a mindset of people who let themselves go once they have children. I noticed that these percentages kind of hold true at sporting events too.
How does overeating coincide with being successful or unsuccessful? Overeating is lack of control and it shows a strong desire to be pleased. We feel good when we eat and if there is nothing else in our lives to feel good about we simply do what pleases us and that is to eat more. Once you have a plan to succeed, then the need to overeat is replaced by the need to contribute to society.
Most people who are overweight blame it on genes, having big bones, or anything except for the hunger for love, respect, and happiness. Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Today’s Exercise: The plan to stop overeating is to be loving, respectful, kind, and happy.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.