Take a long look at this shape.
Is it convex or concave? Some of you will say it’s convex, others it’s concave. The truth is you’re both right. It is both convex and concave depending how you look at it. If you focus to the left of the shape it will appear concave, if you focus to the right it will appear convex. However, it cannot be both at the same time.
When you focus one way the other becomes invisible to you. Think about that, and how it applies in your life and on your job. Does this mean that you are creating your reality from moment to moment by the choices and distinctions you make about the objects around you? I believe it does; I believe you play a very large part in creating the world you will live in by the way you decide to see it. We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
“Change the way you see things and the things you see will change.”
Today’s Exercise: Let your mind show you the world.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.