How we interfere with the innate principle of harmony. To think correctly and scientifically we must know the truth. There is a saying that goes, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” To know the truth is to be in harmony with God and the power of your Subconscious Mind, which is always moving in the right direction.
Every thought you have that is not harmonious, whether through ignorance or design, will result in disorder and limitation of all kinds. If you’re building defects into your body by thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, and ill will, then you have no one to blame but yourself. You are the sum total of your own thoughts. Think about that every time you have a negative or inharmonious thought.
It’s like climbing a mountain. When the mountain gets too high and you can’t see over it, your life and the way you see the world becomes distorted. You start to believe everyone is against you, you are unlucky, or that this world sucks! You can overcome the mountain from this moment on, by overcoming negative thoughts by substituting positive thoughts.
Affirm the good and the bad will vanish. Know this and know it well. It is not too late. You are not too old to change, or too miserable to be happy. It’s not normal to be sick, unhappy, unloved, unproductive, and miserable. All of your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs will operate with greater potential when they are in harmony with God who is forever seeking to preserve and protect you. It follows from this, that normal conditions can be restored with greater ease and certainty than abnormal conditions can prevail.
Likewise, in the healing of disease, you must increase the inflow and distribution of the vital forces of your Subconscious Mind throughout your belief system. By eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, and every other destructive thought, you can do this. These feelings tend to tear down and destroy your nerves, glands, and body tissues that control the elimination of all waste material. In other words the phrase, “You’re full of S@%T!,” is an accurate description of someone who is not in harmony with the universe. Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole. “Peace and harmony are yours, sayeth the Lord.”
Today’s Exercise: Change your routine. Drive a different route to work or the store; see what’s new.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole.