It seems so difficult for us to open our hearts to Love. We have been rejected so many times that our Ego says, “No more!” Every rejection and denial we endure magnifies our resistance to accept the power that lives within us. We isolate ourselves like a hermit and retire to our lairs like a hurt animal to lick our wounds. We build walls around us like a castle to keep the hurt out, only to find we have built ourselves a jail. Like all trapped prisoners, we slowly kill ourselves, not physically, but mentally, and more importantly, spiritually. Open the gate, tear down the walls, and allow love to enter. Life is for living and we must experience some pain and sorrow. How else can we appreciate life’s pleasure and joys?
Love heals our bodies; comforts us when we are lonely; lights up the darkness; releases us from our hurts; helps us overcome our fears; brings us unlimited prosperity; builds our true character and the greatest of all, reveals the true meaning of life. This word “Love” can mean many things to many people, and true Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains. We become loving when we have faith. Love of life is Love of all things created by God. That means don’t step on that ant. Our Subconscious Mind answers our every thought. If we continue to dwell on what we have not, then, our Subconscious Mind will continue to make sure we are fulfilled with an prosperity of have-nots. Control your thinking and you will control your destiny.
Today’s Exercise: Ignore your shortcomings. Concentrate on Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: True Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains.