About Attraction:
Attraction is that state of being which allows good things to find us. We are like a magnet. We either attract Godly things, or we attract ungodly things. It’s our choice. Attraction is our creation. We bring and attract all experiences to our lives.
The First Law of Attraction -If you had a wishing well, what is one thing you would wish for? Is it wealth, fame, honor, or love? What one thing do you desire above everything else in life? Whatever it is, you can have it! The First Law of Attraction says, “Whatever you desire whole heartily, with singleness of purpose you can have.”First, you must know what that one thing is. Do you remember the character Curly in the movie City Slickers? He kept sticking one finger in Billy Crystal character’s face saying, “This is the secret to life.” When Crystal’s character asked him what the secret was, Curly said, “It’s for you to find out.” You have to find out what your heart’s desire is. Otherwise, all you will do is run around in circles and you won’t stand much chance of getting it.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you. Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Your reservoir of Power:
Your Subconscious Mind is a great storehouse of knowledge. Your mind is receiving millions of bits of information every day; yet, your Conscious Mind only retains a very small portion of this knowledge. The balance has sunk down into your subconscious storehouse, your reservoir of power. It is a creative force waiting to be retrieved. The person who has learned the secret of making the Subconscious Mind yield up its unlimited wealth is a genius. What is the secret of reaching this reservoir of power and knowledge? How can we command this creative force in a masterly fashion? People who are considered to be geniuses access this force. Genius is the result of hard work. Genius is mind power turned into action. Oh, you thought there was some big mystical secret. No there is no big secret. You were born a genius and life slowly “de-geniused” you. We are caught up in the crap of the world and the know-it-alls who tell us “You can’t do it. You’re too dumb; too small; the wrong color; the wrong sex,” etc. If you believe any of what the know-it-alls tell you, you are living in Hell. Break these bonds. Say no to the know-it-alls. Say yes to your Subconscious Mind. Say yes to the genius just below the surface, waiting for you to take action on the dreams God so blessed you with. When I started to write this book, I had all these negative thoughts:“Hey, you never wrote anything in your life. What makes you think you can write? This is going to be something! You can’t spell worth a darn. Besides, your grammar is terrible. And your memory, you can’t remember what you ate for breakfast. Besides, you are seventy years old; it’s too late.”
But, I picked up a pen and package of note pads and I started to put my ideas on paper. Noted authors first wrote most of these ideas, but I didn’t care. They needed to be said again, and again, until we get the message.
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