Stress has a stealthy and sometimes perplexing influence on our lives. It can motivate us to great accomplishments or it can nearly paralyze us.
The good news is that, while we often can’t control the “in box” of external pressures that weigh on us, we can always control how we think about them and how we choose to deal with them.
The bad news is that, if we have not been taking care of ourselves physically and mentally, our ability to handle inevitable stressors may be severely limited and our health compromised.
The ugly news is that if we are not aware of our ability to control stress, we will continue to be a victim of ourselves.
You must start each day saying:
Today I choose to feel good.
No one is going to make me feel bad.
Today I will feel healthy; nothing will make me feel ill.
Today I will feel happy; nothing will make me feel sad.
Only you can change your world and you can do it the instant you make up your mind to see the good in everything.
Evil, pain, suffering, hatred, racism, worry, stress, greed; sickness, and sin, are all man made, and are just as well eliminated by changing our thoughts.
Today’s Exercise: Today, I will change the way I think and the things I think will change.
Today’s Affirmation: Only you can change your world and you can do it the instant you make up your mind to see the good in everything.
Points to Ponder: … and God created every thing that was good.