What a silly question, Spam is the most irritating part of going online. Not only is it irritating it is illegal. For the 20 years companies have come up with spam blockers you can buy, however this doesn’t stop the spammers just like having an alarm system in your home doesn’t stop burglars. Crooks are going to crooks. However there is a way to stop spammers. Spammers are usually individuals who are computer savvy who move around on the internet and are almost impossible to identify. So how do you stop spam? Easy go after those companies who hire the spammers to push their worthless products or schemes. These companies cannot hide because in order to sell their worthless products they must have a way to receive your money. SpamRevolt came up with the solution by joining you will have the ability to report the advertiser directly to over 200 agencies and government officials by simply clicking on the fight back button on your e-mail. Spam Revolt will automatically alert the authorities immediately when they receive the spam. This will allow the authorities to shut down the advertisers immediately preventing thousands of consumers from SpamRevolt being ripped off. By shutting down the advertisers you turn off the money to the spammers. Everyone wins except the bogus advertisers and the hard to find spammers. So do your part Join SpamRevolt.org go to and make a difference. Put spam out of business once and for all.
Also if you are receiving newsletter from a legitimate business or organization you can automatically unsubscribe! So you don't have to go through the hassle of telling them why you are unsubscribing, giving them extra information, etc.
It's better to fight back than just deleting emails.
Let's be proactive about this issue that is jeopardizing the safety of the Internet. Try it out... SpamRevot.org
For anyone following the Law of Attraction, success and happiness. Here's some of my knowledge.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part IX
“I would rather fail attempting something great than succeed in doing nothing at all.” I’ve probably said this several times in this book but it bears repeating. From Think and Grow Rich, “Whatsoever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Believe in YOUR Ability. Faith is a word that has been misused, misapplied, and misunderstood. To many, it means simply an attitude of mind, which will accept anything that it is told to the mind merely because someone else said it. But, those who have penetrated deep into the meaning of the word “faith’ know it means something far more real than this. To those who understand the law, faith is the contact one rises to meet the forces of life and nature. It is the means for which one receives the inflow of the power that is behind and in all things. Understanding this power allows the ability to apply that power to the running of one’s own affairs. For you to attain financial success you must first have faith in yourself, second faith in others, and third faith in the Law of Attraction. What is the law? “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So simple, yet, so few people know this law. They may have heard of the law in every motivational book ever written from the Bible to Think and Grow Rich, yet many people think success is a matter of luck, winning the lottery, or something that always happens to someone else.
I remember an old story; I’m not sure exactly how it went. It’s something like this: The gods in the story got together one day and they said, “Let’s give every human being the secret to success but, let’s not make it too easy to find or it will be worthless.” One god suggested that they hide it at the top of the highest mountain but the other gods argued that it would be too easy to find. Another suggested that they hide it deep in the forest. They decided that it would still be too easy to find. Maybe they could hide it deep in the ocean. They figured once it was known every get rich quick mentality would rush to it and it would be worthless. Then one of the gods said, “I know a perfect place to hide the secret of success, let’s hide it in their minds, most people will never look there.” Manifestation -In the beginning was the “word” and so it is with all creation, for the “word” is the thought; speaking the “word” with conviction and with faith completes the chain of manifestation from the thought to the thing. In other words, thoughts are previews of things to come.
Talk to someone who is down, discouraged, unhappy, ill, or frustrated and listen closely to his or her words. Listen to how they are prophesizing their future, they are sending, the “word,” with a lot of conviction to the Subconscious Mind that the world is unhappy, unhealthy, and unfair. Go forward two or three months, and that person will still be in a state of despair. Their Subconscious Mind turned into reality their thoughts, while all around them is prosperity, sunshine, happiness, kindness, and love. They won’t see it; they can’t see it, and they will not see it and God cries for another lost soul who will waste this magnificent journey on an illusion. Why is it so hard for people to see the reality of their nature? Why do http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifthey fall for so many scams? Why do they claim they are religious and believe in God, when they do everything contradictory to the laws of God, nature and spirituality? Why do they pray for forgiveness when they won’t forgive themselves? Why do they sit in a house of worship thinking that’s all they need to do to fulfill their commitment to God? Why do they fight so hard to maintain their separation from God? Beats me. I guess it’s like the people on the Titanic who refused to get into the lifeboats because they believed that the Titanic was unsinkable, until it was too late. If your boat is sinking, I suggest you hang on to something that floats.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
I remember an old story; I’m not sure exactly how it went. It’s something like this: The gods in the story got together one day and they said, “Let’s give every human being the secret to success but, let’s not make it too easy to find or it will be worthless.” One god suggested that they hide it at the top of the highest mountain but the other gods argued that it would be too easy to find. Another suggested that they hide it deep in the forest. They decided that it would still be too easy to find. Maybe they could hide it deep in the ocean. They figured once it was known every get rich quick mentality would rush to it and it would be worthless. Then one of the gods said, “I know a perfect place to hide the secret of success, let’s hide it in their minds, most people will never look there.” Manifestation -In the beginning was the “word” and so it is with all creation, for the “word” is the thought; speaking the “word” with conviction and with faith completes the chain of manifestation from the thought to the thing. In other words, thoughts are previews of things to come.
Talk to someone who is down, discouraged, unhappy, ill, or frustrated and listen closely to his or her words. Listen to how they are prophesizing their future, they are sending, the “word,” with a lot of conviction to the Subconscious Mind that the world is unhappy, unhealthy, and unfair. Go forward two or three months, and that person will still be in a state of despair. Their Subconscious Mind turned into reality their thoughts, while all around them is prosperity, sunshine, happiness, kindness, and love. They won’t see it; they can’t see it, and they will not see it and God cries for another lost soul who will waste this magnificent journey on an illusion. Why is it so hard for people to see the reality of their nature? Why do http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifthey fall for so many scams? Why do they claim they are religious and believe in God, when they do everything contradictory to the laws of God, nature and spirituality? Why do they pray for forgiveness when they won’t forgive themselves? Why do they sit in a house of worship thinking that’s all they need to do to fulfill their commitment to God? Why do they fight so hard to maintain their separation from God? Beats me. I guess it’s like the people on the Titanic who refused to get into the lifeboats because they believed that the Titanic was unsinkable, until it was too late. If your boat is sinking, I suggest you hang on to something that floats.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
Monday, August 29, 2011
My Latest Blog Post: What I Like Most About Spam? NOTHING
Let me know what you think about Spam... You think we can do something about it? I think we can: http://www.spamrevolt.org
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/a1c3d3
What I Like Most About Spam? NOTHING

Spam by definition is unsolicited bulk email. The majority of spam e-mails are distasteful uninvited junk mail trying to sell some worthless product or service. They are unsolicited bulk e-mails and are actually illegal. There is the story about a guy in Russia who sent out 10 billion spams advertisements in one day. These spam emails were promoting counterfeit Viagra and Rolex watches. Can you imagine 10 billion e-mails in one day? What can we do about him… NOTHING! He lives in Moscow Russia. Somebody in Milwaukie Wisconsin has a law suit against him, fat chance this will do any good. Okay how do we fight back against this invasion the multitude of people who got ripped off on the scheme well the answer is simple the way to stop the illegal spam emails is the same way to stop anything illegal… Cut off the money. The spammers are internet savy crooks who know how to become invisible, however the advertiser who is paying the spammer is highly visible with either a pay pal program or the ability to receive credit card payments. Spam Revolt has a membership program you can join so that when you receive spam you just need to click on one icon on your e-mails(provided by Spam Revolt) that illegal worthless junk mail will then be sent to over 200 regulatory and government agencies intact. Can you imagine the FTC receiving over 1,000 e-mails at one time from concerned citizens like yourself pointing exactly who is paying for these ILLEGAL spam? By putting the advertisers in jail or out of business you stop the income to the person who is sending out the spam. When you STOP the flow of money to the spammers you STOP the spam.
If you are interested in joining the revolt against spam go to www.spamrevolt.org
Thursday, August 25, 2011
What is Faith? What is Imagination?
Faith is a preview of things to come. Faith is needed to jump start enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is needed to jump start action for without action everything is academic. For most of us, faith is a term used by all religions in sermons and theological books as a position we take when we don’t understand something. Faith has no practical place or meaning in the physical world. This is the world we live in and perform most of our actions. So consequently, faith is for the little old ladies sitting in the back of the church or temple. Yet, we need faith to jump start enthusiasm and we need enthusiasm to jump start action for without action everything is academic. However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results. So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane. If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day. Knowledge, xperience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
True imagination is a belief in the impossible! It is your launching pad for creativity. Somerset Maugham once said, “Man consists of body, mind, and imagination. His body is faulty, his mind untrustworthy, but his imagination has made him remarkable.” Think of the imagination of Leonardo DaVinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Brahms, Bach, etc. What a poorer world this would be without their imagination! Were these people extraordinary? No, they were ordinary people with extraordinary imagination. Don’t stifle your reams because they sound impossible or too far-fetched. Dream on. Let your imagination loose; let it trigger your creativity. There is one simple rule: Never suppress your curiosity. Do not stifle your children’s imagination; don’t yell at them if they crayon outside the lines. Look at it as a blessing if your child daydreams a lot. Encourage your children to ask a million questions and if they have this imaginary friend that only they can see, don’t tell them the imaginary friend doesn’t exist. The world needs dreamers; your children are the Edison’s and Einstein’s of tomorrow. If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end. Visualize in your mind what it will look http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giflike when it’s completed and then work backwards to see what you have to do each step of the way. When you get to the beginning, you will know exactly what you have to do to take the first step. Then take it. Don’t look for problems. Look for solutions. There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Keep trying until you find one that works. Please do not try to go it alone. Tune in your Subconscious Mind to the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of God. God already knows the answer and God has been giving you hints through your imagination. God does not give you a dream without the ability to accomplish the dream.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
Faith is a preview of things to come. Faith is needed to jump start enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is needed to jump start action for without action everything is academic. For most of us, faith is a term used by all religions in sermons and theological books as a position we take when we don’t understand something. Faith has no practical place or meaning in the physical world. This is the world we live in and perform most of our actions. So consequently, faith is for the little old ladies sitting in the back of the church or temple. Yet, we need faith to jump start enthusiasm and we need enthusiasm to jump start action for without action everything is academic. However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results. So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane. If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day. Knowledge, xperience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
True imagination is a belief in the impossible! It is your launching pad for creativity. Somerset Maugham once said, “Man consists of body, mind, and imagination. His body is faulty, his mind untrustworthy, but his imagination has made him remarkable.” Think of the imagination of Leonardo DaVinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Brahms, Bach, etc. What a poorer world this would be without their imagination! Were these people extraordinary? No, they were ordinary people with extraordinary imagination. Don’t stifle your reams because they sound impossible or too far-fetched. Dream on. Let your imagination loose; let it trigger your creativity. There is one simple rule: Never suppress your curiosity. Do not stifle your children’s imagination; don’t yell at them if they crayon outside the lines. Look at it as a blessing if your child daydreams a lot. Encourage your children to ask a million questions and if they have this imaginary friend that only they can see, don’t tell them the imaginary friend doesn’t exist. The world needs dreamers; your children are the Edison’s and Einstein’s of tomorrow. If you want to accomplish something of value, see it from the end. Visualize in your mind what it will look http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giflike when it’s completed and then work backwards to see what you have to do each step of the way. When you get to the beginning, you will know exactly what you have to do to take the first step. Then take it. Don’t look for problems. Look for solutions. There are many ways to accomplish your goal. Keep trying until you find one that works. Please do not try to go it alone. Tune in your Subconscious Mind to the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of God. God already knows the answer and God has been giving you hints through your imagination. God does not give you a dream without the ability to accomplish the dream.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
Monday, August 15, 2011
My Latest Blog
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Read more about how the mind works!
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/a1b5fe
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part VII: The Mind

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe. Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words. This will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind. Preparing the Mind -Before you can understand any of the philosophy stated here, you must prepare your mind to receive it. It begins with identifying, studying, understanding, and the clearing out of the three enemies: indecision, doubt, and fear. Your sixth sense will never function properly while any one or all three remain in your mind. The members of this destructive trinity are closely related. Where one may be found, the other two are lurking close by. Indecision spawns doubt and when the two blend, they become fear. This is usually a slow process that may grow without your awareness.
There are six basic fears that will prevent you from attaining your goals:
1. Fear of poverty –This fear forces many people to take no end jobs or stay where they have no hope of advancement.
2. Fear of criticism –This fear keeps people from trying new things or taking any kind of
risk, whatsoever.
3. Fear of ill health –Believe it or not this fear keeps us sick and creates illness where there
was no cause.
4. Fear of loss of love. This fear forces loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
5. Fear of old age –This fear is debilitating, causes illness, and lack of productivity.
6. The fear of death –This fear is lack of understanding who we really are. Fears are
nothing more than states of mind. Once we control our state of mind, we will eliminate fear. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real. Just as simply turning on a light can eliminate fear of the dark, turning on your mind to the truth eliminates these fears. This whole exercise is designed to turn on the light in your mind.
The Power of an Idea
The most potent, powerful, revolutionizing conception in the Subconscious Mind is an idea. Ideas are power. Ideas rule the world and an idea built the Universe. Edison had an idea and created the light bulb. Bell had an idea and created the telephone. The Wright Brothers had an idea and created the airplane. Where does an idea come from? Most people think human beings create ideas, and that line of thinking is a big misconception. Human beings alone cannot create anything. God through man creates an idea. The mind of man is one with God, the Creator. God sent the idea of the light bulb to every single human being on this planet.
Only Edison stuck with the idea until he had a finished product. Edison tried over three thousand ways to make the incandescent light. He said, “I now know three thousand ways of how not to make a light bulb.” He found one way, thank goodness; writing by candlelight is tough. Right now, that great idea bouncing around in your Subconscious Mind is already bouncing around in the Subconscious Minds of millions of other human beings. The question is who is going to make the idea into a reality? According to science, your brain has the capacity of over three billion ideas. Since God is infinite, all knowing, omnipotent, and omnipresent then only three billion ideas are limiting! Our Conscious Mind receives billions of ideas everyday through our Subconscious Mind’s connection with God.
It is up to us, you, and me, to seize the idea and take action to manifest an idea into physical reality. This manifestation is a skill every single human being is born with. Genius is attributed to do what we were born to do. I was born to write this book and it took me seventy years to figure that out. Don’t procrastinate like I did. Abraham Maslow said, “You must be what you can be.”
Brought to you by Bimo Marketing
Monday, August 8, 2011
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part VI: The Law of Attraction?

About Attraction:
Attraction is that state of being which allows good things to find us. We are like a magnet. We either attract Godly things, or we attract ungodly things. It’s our choice. Attraction is our creation. We bring and attract all experiences to our lives.
The First Law of Attraction -If you had a wishing well, what is one thing you would wish for? Is it wealth, fame, honor, or love? What one thing do you desire above everything else in life? Whatever it is, you can have it! The First Law of Attraction says, “Whatever you desire whole heartily, with singleness of purpose you can have.”First, you must know what that one thing is. Do you remember the character Curly in the movie City Slickers? He kept sticking one finger in Billy Crystal character’s face saying, “This is the secret to life.” When Crystal’s character asked him what the secret was, Curly said, “It’s for you to find out.” You have to find out what your heart’s desire is. Otherwise, all you will do is run around in circles and you won’t stand much chance of getting it.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you. Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Your reservoir of Power:
Your Subconscious Mind is a great storehouse of knowledge. Your mind is receiving millions of bits of information every day; yet, your Conscious Mind only retains a very small portion of this knowledge. The balance has sunk down into your subconscious storehouse, your reservoir of power. It is a creative force waiting to be retrieved. The person who has learned the secret of making the Subconscious Mind yield up its unlimited wealth is a genius. What is the secret of reaching this reservoir of power and knowledge? How can we command this creative force in a masterly fashion? People who are considered to be geniuses access this force. Genius is the result of hard work. Genius is mind power turned into action. Oh, you thought there was some big mystical secret. No there is no big secret. You were born a genius and life slowly “de-geniused” you. We are caught up in the crap of the world and the know-it-alls who tell us “You can’t do it. You’re too dumb; too small; the wrong color; the wrong sex,” etc. If you believe any of what the know-it-alls tell you, you are living in Hell. Break these bonds. Say no to the know-it-alls. Say yes to your Subconscious Mind. Say yes to the genius just below the surface, waiting for you to take action on the dreams God so blessed you with. When I started to write this book, I had all these negative thoughts:“Hey, you never wrote anything in your life. What makes you think you can write? This is going to be something! You can’t spell worth a darn. Besides, your grammar is terrible. And your memory, you can’t remember what you ate for breakfast. Besides, you are seventy years old; it’s too late.”
But, I picked up a pen and package of note pads and I started to put my ideas on paper. Noted authors first wrote most of these ideas, but I didn’t care. They needed to be said again, and again, until we get the message.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
Monday, August 1, 2011
Latest Blog Post: The Secret of Life
The big question is why are we here? The object of this life is the pursuit of happiness. Read more: http://bit.ly/rpAzKl
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/a1a48a
The Secret of Life

The big question is why are we here? The object of this life is the pursuit of happiness. Most people feel that if they become successful, then they will find happiness. Wrong, it is the other way around. You must find happiness in order to be successful. Now, you may say I know a lot of wealthy people who are unhappy and you would be right. Maybe the way they got their riches is what’s making them unhappy. For you and me, let’s keep it simple. Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind. Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.
What is GOD’s plan for you?
Whoever you are, God’s plan for you is simple. To enjoy all of the fruits of God’s creation. God created you to be happy and successful. How do I know? Because God created me to be happy and successful and to God, you and I are the same. There is only one soul in the Universe and that soul is the soul of God. God placed that soul within all of us; we call it a Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind is in every living human being whomever lived on this planet and probably any planet. Do not let those who would separate you from God tell you differently. God created the Earth and made it abundant. God created the seas so that we may have water. God created the air so we may breathe. God created animals to serve us, to feed us, to love us. God created the birds to show us freedom; God created humankind in its own image. God is not unhappy, God is not vengeful, and God does not judge us. God loves us so much that God speaks to us every minute of every day through our thoughts. Do we listen to God? Not really. We listen to those who seek power, who threaten us with eternal damnation if we don’t follow the rules of manmade religions. We live a life of fear.
Let me quote an article from Reverend Tita Calzada, Senior Minister of the Unity Church of Fort Lauderdale:http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Question from a reader:“To me, the main fear in life is the fear of death.”
Answer:“God is life –the activity, the energy that sustains –and is the source of everything. Life is endless on both ends, past and future, beyond our births, and after our birth. You did not begin when you entered this world. Wherever life was before you incarnated has not gone anywhere. Life is eternal.”
Death is not the opposite of life. The physical dissolution of the body is only a transition between two realms. When we finish our earthly appearance, our life continues, not in a different world, but in a different realm. The truth is that here and now God gave you the gift of physical life. Enjoy and cherish living.
Brought to you by: Bimo Marketing
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Universal Super-Conscious Mind is whatever you think GOD is.
http://leonardmrubino.blogspot.com/2011/07/alive-secret-behind-secret-part-iv.html http://amplify.com/u/a19n24
http://leonardmrubino.blogspot.com/2011/07/alive-secret-behind-secret-part-iv.html http://amplify.com/u/a19n24
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part IV

The Universal Super-Conscious Mind is whatever you think GOD is. It is with you24/7. Your Universal Super-Conscious Mind is the hard drive of our computer analogy and its main function is to turn WHAT you want into REALITY! Using The Law of Attraction you will achieve Success and Happiness, one day at a time. The message of truth is that you, yourself, your real being, are spirit. Your physical materiality is simply your expression; your physical materiality is what you use in your expression of life. This materiality is your servant not your master. When you recognize and realize your true nature, you will be perceptive to its real relations to you and yours to it. A supreme power and wisdom governs the universe. This supreme power, this supreme mind is measureless and pervades all space. This supreme power is in everything that exists, from the minute atom to the expansive universe. Our faith gives us the power to believe and the power to see that all things are part of the infinite spirit of God and this power must work for our good. Faith, confidence, and expectation regarding the beneficial power of God tend to open the channels of God’s influence in our life. Doubt, disbelief, distrust, and fear tend to clog up those channels depriving you of its wonderful power. To a great extent you determine the quality of your own life by your thoughts. By the nature of your thoughts, you live either a very productive life, or a very unproductive, miserable, fearful existence. When you learn how to control your thoughts, you can control your world. Do you still have doubts? If you are waiting for love, money, health, happiness, or peace of mind, examine your thoughts on these subjects. You may be compounding your situation while you blame it on some outside influence. There is a four-inch space between our ears that controls our world. Control that four-inch space and live the life that God intended for you. God loves you, and would not have given you the ability to vision, without the ability to achieve your visions. Look at your neighbor. They probably handle their situation in a way worse than you do. The good news is; most people are either standing still or going backwards. All you need to do to succeed is to dream, to believe, and to put one foot in front of the other. Don’t look back, look ahead, but look with a new perspective. See that God loves you, and that He will provide you with all that is necessary to achieve your goals. Accept it, accept God, and accept the fact that your soul is infinite and will never die. Love Is the Underlying Unity of the Universe. The world is constantly at war. We fight over deserts where nothing grows. We fight over oceans that we can never own. We fight over religious beliefs, none of which we can prove. We fight over cultures, most of which we don’t understand. Most of all, we fight because we don’t know and don’t understand who we are or who they are. The answer to stop the fighting is simple. Find out who we are and find out who they are. God created the universe. At this point, to our knowledge, God put humankind on this planet. He gave humankind Earth to share, grow, and live; more importantly to love. What have we gained by wars? How can we justify war if we understand that love is the underlying unity of the universe? Could organized religion be the real culprit here? We tried to explain God through hundreds of created religions. Some of these religions have been used and are being used as an excuse to kill our fellow humans. http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifThe time has come to stop using God as an excuse for wars. God is Love and Love is God. Humankind is not separate from God. Humankind is the physical reality of God’s spirit (soul). If we could take our spirits (souls) and lay them out for inspection, we would only find one soul and that soul (spirit) is the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of God. This spirit is pure love. This spirit is eternal and all knowing. God gave us a mind to think and a body to act in kindness. Where in the heck did we lose sight of this?
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part III

As I mentioned in my earlier blog post, all humans are born with Three Minds. In order to understand how to make The Law of Attraction work for you, you must understand the power of Our Three Minds.
Our Conscious Mind – is your body. It gathers data from your five senses: taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. This data is then stored in your brain (body) as memory, we then become a product of that memory. Our conscious mind is exclusive only to us as individuals and no two humans share the same conscious mind. Our body (conscious mind) is finite. It has a definite beginning and will have a definite end. Since our conscious mind is exclusive to our body, and when the body dies it stands to reason that the conscious mind will be absorbed back into The Universal Subconscious Mind of God. Our conscious mind is the creator of our thoughts, thus our conscious mind creates our universe around us based on whether we give out positive vibrations or negative vibrations. (This is one of the secrets mentioned in the DVD Movie “The Secret”)
Our Subconscious Mind – is your soul (spirit). This is the least known and understood minds. This is not the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is your conscious mind in an unawake state. The subconscious mind is infinite, it is Universal, it is One, it is the Mind of God and there is only ONE SOUL (Mind of God) in the Universe. All humans share this Subconscious Mind. Your Subconscious Mind is like “Google” on your computer. It holds every word, thought and feeling of every human being on this planet and beyond.
The Universal Super-Conscious Mind –is the entity also known as GOD. The Creator, The Source, The Force, The Universe, Infinity, The I AM, YAHWEH and the thousands of other names religion chose to call it. GOD is A.L.I.V.E. –A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy. GOD is in every quark, which is in every atom, which is in http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifeverything in the Universe including us! When you think of our Three Minds, think of the Holy Trinity of religion: GOD the Father is the Universal Super-Conscious Mind. GOD the Son is mankind –The Conscious Mind. GOD the Holy Spirit is the One and Only Subconscious Mind. Think of your three minds like a computer: The Conscious Mind is you, the operator. Without an operator the computer is worthless. You must turn your mind on! Your Conscious Mind’s main function is to decide WHAT you want in life. Your Subconscious Mind is the search engine. It contains ALL the information in the Universe. Your Subconscious Mind’s main function is to tell you HOW to get what you want in life.
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Monday, July 11, 2011
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret' Part II

Einstein’s theory of relativity: E=MC2 does not mean matter is converted into energy, it means matter is energy!
Now, Quantum Physics comes along and asks: “ What is inside these protons and neutrons?” So, scientists got to work and put these protons and neutrons into a sub-atomic accelerator and opened them up and they discovered the Quark. As of this writing, the Quark is the smallest bit of matter known to man. Now this next discovery is quite unique and exciting. Scientists discovered that a quark will change shape depending on WHO was looking at it. In other words mankind can change the shape of matter by simply observing it. This made the scientific world excited, and now they want to know what is inside the Quark, and why does it change shape when being observed. Back to the drawing board for the scientists… back to the sub-atomic accelerator to crack open the Quark. What do you think they found?
They found NO-THING!
What they found was: A.L.I.V.E.-A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy.
They found GOD!
The source, the Creator of all things, they found the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of all things!
Since all things including mankind have at its source a living God that is with us every second of every day, then the only conclusion I have is that we are God experiencing a human existence. That we can create our world around us, and we do. This intelligent vibration is also conscious and infinite. Therefore, it is actually an infinite living mind! Everything in the Universe has its source from this infinite living intelligent energy.
Let us go back to the Bible for a minute. The Bible states that God created mankind in His own image and likeness. I already stated that the ancient Hebrew’s name of God is YAHWEH, and the Hebrew letters of YHVH are the chemical equivalent of Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen; the building blocks of the Universe. And I also stated that the DNA of mankind is Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon, making us an infinite intelligent energy with a physical body. How come it took me 74 years to figure out this basic and most wonderful truth? Now that you know it, how will it change your life? I always knew that religion would not prove the existence of God, and that science would. The problem is that science is too new for their discoveries to be accepted and religion is too old to change their points of view. For many centuries there have been three major questions that have yet to be answered.
Who Am I?, Why Am I Here? And Where Am I Going?
I am going to give you my opinion…my answers to these age old questions.
Who Am I? –You are pure spirit, cast into a human mold as a manifestation of Diving Intelligence, existing this little while on Earth to help carry on the Divine Plan. Being pure spirit, you are part of the only intelligence there is and all the power and understanding of this intelligence are yours to draw upon.
Why Am I Here? – The only reasonable and intelligent answer that makes sense to me is that the Universal Super-Conscious Mind (GOD) is seeking to know itself by becoming things because it cannot know itself as infinity. Thus we are born, we live, we have free will, we do well, we do badly, we suffer and we die. All the while we are expanding our consciousness. GOD seeks to know itself by becoming you and me and every other thing in the Universe. Thus, human purpose is destined to expand self-consciousness to Infinity.
Where Am I Going? –To understand Infinity, we need to be infinite. Our body will clearly die, but our soul, our Subconscious Mind http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifwill never die. Neither was it ever born. What do the great teachers of all time keep saying? WE ARE ONE WITH GOD! And GOD has no intention of doing anything with your soul except to bring it back home where it belongs.
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5 Ways to Stop Dreaming and Start Building Your New Business Now
Dreaming is easy. Starting? Not so much. Here are five ways to make the first steps easier.
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Friday, July 8, 2011
7 Great Tips to Turn Visitors to Leads or Purchasers
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Daily Statement
Say this to yourself: It is my intention to feel successful and attract abundance into my life.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
ALIVE: The Secret Behind 'The Secret'

Part I
In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth; Heaven being the Universe and Earth being our little corner of the Universe. According to ancient Jewish scriptures, God’s unspoken name is YAHWEH. (commonly pronounced: Ya-weigh) In the ancient Hebrew language they did not use vowels like we do, so YAHWEH was spelled YHVH. The V and W is the same letter. YHVH in Hebrew was the chemical equivalent to: Y=Hydrogen, H=Nitrogen, V-Oxygen and H=Nitrogen. So, Gods name is the same as the makeup of the Universe. All things in the Universe are a combination of Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen; Nitrogen being the dominant element. Now, in the 21Century, we are capable of detecting the DNA of the Human Body. Guess what we are made of? Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon. It seems that I remember a story in the Bible that went something like this: “…and God took a handful of dust (Carbon) and made man and then “God breathed into man, Gods living soul.” So, to me, this means that we are God experiencing a physical life.
Let me say that again…”We are God experiencing a physical life.”
Now, think about all the confusing information we have been taught over the years by all the organized religions. They have tried to explain our relationship with God. But, if we are God experiencing life in physical form, what does that do to the concepts of Heaven and Hell? Even the Bible states; “In the beginning everything God created was good.” Why would God put himself in a physical form on Earth only to be punished daily with hatred, jealousy, evil, wars, and the fear of going to Hell? It wasn’t God that did this, it was mankind. Mankind created religions and the fear of Hell and the devil in order to control the masses. Mankind’s unknowingness and the lack of understanding who we really are, created these negative vibrating energies. The Universe and everything in it is vibrating. This vibration is seeking similar vibrations to create things and circumstances.
Mankind is born into this Universe with three minds: the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind and the Universal Super-conscious Mind. So, in actuality the Universe was “created” merely by the process of energy changing from one form to another. The creation and cessation of all things physical is simply manifestation and un-manifestation. Quantum Physics states that “something can actually come into existence only when it is observed.” In other words, that “something” only exists because a mind first thought it into existence. Everything we use today is only in existence because someone thought about it. For example: One day a caveman thought: “I’m getting tired of standing all day.” So, a chair was invented. That same caveman then thought:” You know I’m getting tired of walking everywhere.” So, the wheel was invented. The caveman then said: “This mammoth meat would taste better if it wasn’t dripping with blood.” So, then fire was invented. Think of how much better your life is sitting in your car and driving up to a fast food restaurant instead of walking to the forest and killing your next meal. Sub-atomic particles are simply energy packets. Everyone living today is nothing more than a cluster of energy. This energy http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifis in constant motion and changes to form new configurations at every moment. From the beginning of time to around 1800 AD we knew nothing of atoms.
So superstitions and half-truths became the norm. Then science started to catch up to religion. We then discovered that all things (particles) are made up of atoms. Another discovery showed us that atoms are made up of protons and neutrons. These protons and neutrons are constantly in motion and seeking like protons and neutrons to link up with. To be continued….
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Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Do You Have Financial Worries?

Who doesn’t? Even the people with money have financial worries, sometimes even worse than the people with no money? When you have money you become the target of those small minded people who have no money. These people feel it’s their obligation to get some of your money, no matter how they do it. If you lend it to them no matter how much they’ll tell you they will pay it back, they never do. Why do you think that is? It’s because they do not have a prosperity consciousness; they have no faith that they can earn or have all the money they need so they look for ways to get it from those that have it. This, of course, doesn’t seem fair but in the long run the person with a prosperity consciousness will always re-coup any loss, stolen or failure to pay back funds. It’s the Law of Supply and Demand. Once you have this prosperity consciousness you will become a magnet and money will seek you out.
How do I know? Because for sixty-five years of my life I did not have a prosperity consciousness and so I had just enough to get by. For the last five years when I developed faith in the prosperity of the universe I have no more financial worries. I see money as only paper that is backed up by service to humanity. This book and my workshops, One Day at a Time are services to humanity. I’m doing what I love and I have faith that my reasons for being on this planet are being fulfilled.
Today’s Exercise: Look for your faith in your heart.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: It’s the Law of Supply and Demand. Once you have the prosperity consciousness, you will become a magnet and money will seek you out.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Born to Be Rich

Why is it that most people born into riches seem to accomplish very little on their own? Because people born with early advantages are taught to look to material things for success and if material things fail them, they are at a loss where to turn to next. But, this is when a person with no special skill, ability, or riches or influence must turn to something else for success, something beyond material means. They turn to the God that dwells within them. They turn to their Subconscious Mind, that almighty power that lies dormant in their being waiting to be called to action. This mighty mind knows not of defeat.
Its sole existence is to turn into reality whatever the Conscious Mind demands with persistent faith. In every adversity, lays the seed of greatness. Each defeat is but a stepping-stone to victory. Greatness is like heroes, ordinary people doing extraordinary feats at a time of crisis. When everything looks dark and there seems no way out, this is when they turn to their inner selves, when they seek a silent partner, when they let go and let God.
We are part of one universe, one soul, and one intelligence. God has incarnated as humankind. God seeks to know through you. Give God work to do. Give God a chance to express. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used. It matters not how old you are or what your present circumstances or position is, you can use the full power of God by simply believing. You were born rich; you were born with all the knowledge of the universe in your Subconscious Mind. You were born with an intelligent energy that is with you twenty-four hours a day, every day just waiting for your command. This intelligent energy, God, will provide you with every good thing this world can supply. Don’t you think it’s time for you to claim your inheritance? Hear the voice of silence say, “All joys are yours if you put forth your claim.”
Today’s Exercise: Claim your inheritance.
Daily Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Give God work to do. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Dream Big Dreams
We grow great by dreams. All great people are dreamers. They see greatness in everything: the sunset; the ocean at 6:00 in the morning; the birds chirping in the back yard; the smile of a child, and the devotion of a pet well, dogs anyway, cats have their own agenda.
What separates the great dreamers from the common daydreamers? Successful people take those vivid, compelling, exciting dreams and back them up with specific plans and goals.
“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.”
Thomas Carlyle
“Either control your own destiny, or someone else will.”
Jack Welch
Let me make it simple. You need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve; you must have vision.” Clarity of vision gives you focus of effort. Focus of effort gives you an intended outcome.
I’ll make it even simpler:
Dream Big.
Focus on one goal at a time.
Have faith that success is yours.
Today’s Exercise: Daydream for a half of an hour.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.
What separates the great dreamers from the common daydreamers? Successful people take those vivid, compelling, exciting dreams and back them up with specific plans and goals.
“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.”
Thomas Carlyle
“Either control your own destiny, or someone else will.”
Jack Welch
Let me make it simple. You need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve; you must have vision.” Clarity of vision gives you focus of effort. Focus of effort gives you an intended outcome.
I’ll make it even simpler:
Dream Big.
Focus on one goal at a time.
Have faith that success is yours.
Today’s Exercise: Daydream for a half of an hour.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.
Friday, March 25, 2011
How to Make God Smile

God smiles every time you or I do an act of kindness. Kindness is the answer to all of the world’s problems.
I used to laugh at the Miss America Pageant when a contestant would say, “If I win the Miss America title, I would try for world peace.” I would say to myself, Oh sure, you are going to do what nobody else has ever been able do to. Ha!
Well, I was wrong. If one person does one act of kindness to someone who then goes out and does two acts of kindness and this process is duplicated over and over, we will have world peace within thirty days. I used to use this analogy in speaking to new sales recruits. What would you rather have one hundred thousand dollars cash or one penny a day doubled each day for thirty days? Most would answer one hundred thousand and I would know instantly I didn’t have a good sales person in the making. (See today’s exercise).
Think about it, if everybody tried to do one act of kindness today, there would be no murders, no robberies, no hatred, no prejudice, no wars, and no fear. Then God would really smile. But, for today let’s you and I go out and look for opportunities to hold the door open for someone or give someone a lift, or just smile and say, “How are you today?”
The other day, when I left my condo for work, the elevator stopped at the first floor and as I started to step out, in front of me was an elderly woman blocking my way. A year ago, I probably would have given her an annoying look and tried to blow past her. But not this day, I simply smiled and said, “How are you?”
Her answer was, “I just lost my husband.”
I backed up into the elevator and said, “I’m sorry,” and proceeded to ride up eighteen floors as she told me all about her husband. I didn’t really say anything but she thanked me with the most generous, thanks I had ever received. After she got off at her floor, I continued my journey to start my day. As I rode the elevator down, I was the only person in the elevator, but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.
Today’s Exercise: Get your calculator out, take a penny a day double it every day for thirty days.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: I was the only person in the elevator but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How we interfere with the innate principle of harmony. To think correctly and scientifically we must know the truth. There is a saying that goes, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” To know the truth is to be in harmony with God and the power of your Subconscious Mind, which is always moving in the right direction.
Every thought you have that is not harmonious, whether through ignorance or design, will result in disorder and limitation of all kinds. If you’re building defects into your body by thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, and ill will, then you have no one to blame but yourself. You are the sum total of your own thoughts. Think about that every time you have a negative or inharmonious thought.
It’s like climbing a mountain. When the mountain gets too high and you can’t see over it, your life and the way you see the world becomes distorted. You start to believe everyone is against you, you are unlucky, or that this world sucks! You can overcome the mountain from this moment on, by overcoming negative thoughts by substituting positive thoughts.
Affirm the good and the bad will vanish. Know this and know it well. It is not too late. You are not too old to change, or too miserable to be happy. It’s not normal to be sick, unhappy, unloved, unproductive, and miserable. All of your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs will operate with greater potential when they are in harmony with God who is forever seeking to preserve and protect you. It follows from this, that normal conditions can be restored with greater ease and certainty than abnormal conditions can prevail.
Likewise, in the healing of disease, you must increase the inflow and distribution of the vital forces of your Subconscious Mind throughout your belief system. By eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, and every other destructive thought, you can do this. These feelings tend to tear down and destroy your nerves, glands, and body tissues that control the elimination of all waste material. In other words the phrase, “You’re full of S@%T!,” is an accurate description of someone who is not in harmony with the universe. Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole. “Peace and harmony are yours, sayeth the Lord.”
Today’s Exercise: Change your routine. Drive a different route to work or the store; see what’s new.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Are You a Coward?
Before you answer the above question, let’s define the word “coward.”
1. Afraid. Are you afraid to take chances?
2. Scared. Do you panic when you are asked to give a speech?
3. Yellow. Do you sit in the back of the room?
4. Chicken. Do you let someone else take the lead?
5. Jellyfish. Do you blend into the mob?
Now what’s your answer? If you could silently, quietly, and clearly peer into the hearts of the sad failures in life, if you could learn the secrets of men and women who merely go through the motions, who make up the masses of humanity that have complained their way through life, then you would discover the tale of fear, cringing, hesitating, shrinking, and mental cowardice.
It is a tragedy. It is the life history of a well-meaning soul seeking higher levels of Success and Happiness but bound and handcuffed to that ever present “Oh, I better not; I don’t think it will work, or I tried it before and it can’t be done.” Instead of a life of health, happiness, and financial ease, they sink into oblivion, only to rise up and tell you that it cannot be done. They hear, “Who do you think you are? There is no way you can do that!”
The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great. In order to dare to be great you must go through four stages to be mentally tough.
1. I wish for success.
Wishing is simply having the craving.
2. I desire success.
Desire is having the passion for success.
3. I am resolved upon my success.
Resolved is the determination to overcome all obstacles.
4. I demand and insist that I become successful.
Demand is a “full speed ahead, damned the torpedoes” attitude.
If you are to go all the way with me, you must have an open mind.
Today’s Exercise: Open your mind. Go through the four steps, then either put the book away or turn the page.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great.
1. Afraid. Are you afraid to take chances?
2. Scared. Do you panic when you are asked to give a speech?
3. Yellow. Do you sit in the back of the room?
4. Chicken. Do you let someone else take the lead?
5. Jellyfish. Do you blend into the mob?
Now what’s your answer? If you could silently, quietly, and clearly peer into the hearts of the sad failures in life, if you could learn the secrets of men and women who merely go through the motions, who make up the masses of humanity that have complained their way through life, then you would discover the tale of fear, cringing, hesitating, shrinking, and mental cowardice.
It is a tragedy. It is the life history of a well-meaning soul seeking higher levels of Success and Happiness but bound and handcuffed to that ever present “Oh, I better not; I don’t think it will work, or I tried it before and it can’t be done.” Instead of a life of health, happiness, and financial ease, they sink into oblivion, only to rise up and tell you that it cannot be done. They hear, “Who do you think you are? There is no way you can do that!”
The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great. In order to dare to be great you must go through four stages to be mentally tough.
1. I wish for success.
Wishing is simply having the craving.
2. I desire success.
Desire is having the passion for success.
3. I am resolved upon my success.
Resolved is the determination to overcome all obstacles.
4. I demand and insist that I become successful.
Demand is a “full speed ahead, damned the torpedoes” attitude.
If you are to go all the way with me, you must have an open mind.
Today’s Exercise: Open your mind. Go through the four steps, then either put the book away or turn the page.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great.
Monday, February 28, 2011

People who tend to make excuses for their poor relationships keep justifying them by saying opposites attract. This way, they justify the miserable relationship they are currently in. Nothing is further from the truth. Opposites do not attract. Take two magnets put them together. Positives will always attract positives and negatives will always attract negatives. Poor relationships are always the result of negative thinking individuals getting together. You see it on TV and in the movies where the girl says, “I can’t understand how all these dead beats find a way to my door?” The reason is because she sends out a beacon that says, “ I really don’t like myself, so I will settle for anything.” The guy who goes after women like this in a sense says, “ I can get away with anything with a girl like this so why shouldn’t I?”
You will attract the kind of person that is a perfect match for you. So, if your relationships never seem to work out, you only have yourself to blame. The basis of all workable relationships is love and happiness and that means it’s up to you.
You must love God and love yourself before you can really love another human being. You also have to make up your mind that only you can make you happy. Once you commit yourself to matching up and be a part of a loving universe, then providence moves too, and unforeseen prosperity comes your way. The right people will arrive to assist you in every aspect of your life. Those who would support you in your career appear. The right person who will help you create your perfect home life, all of the sudden will pop up out of nowhere. If it’s money you are looking for the right financing magically appears. People with the same interest you have suddenly are everywhere. Your soul mate appears out of the crowd, a chance meeting, a missed taxi, a turn down the wrong street, nothing happens by accident.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. Coincidence is a mathematical term “coincide,” meaning when two angles come together they fit perfectly. You will have to let go of any resistance to your ability to attract the right people or you won’t recognize them when they show up.
Be aware the right people are looking for you and they won’t recognize you if you’re buried under a cloud of self-pity, loneliness, or a constant complainer. In fishing, you have to use the right bait. The right bait for you is love and happiness.
Today’s Exercise: Look for a coincidence as a sign.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: Once you commit yourself to matching up and be part of a loving Universe, then providence moves too, and unforeseen prosperity comes your way.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Shame is another cause for highly stressed people. In East Indian and Native cultures banishment was the worst kind of shame that could be administered. Those that were banished usually died in a very short while. In today’s society it’s a little more subtle yet just as effective.
Look at a high school student who may not be accepted with the “in crowd” because they are too smart or too dumb. Maybe their clothes do not represent the latest fad. Look at the country club that bars a person because of their religion or color. How about the church that doesn’t allow gay couples or the military that doesn’t allow high school drop outs. Banishment is a way of life for those who don’t fit into a particular mold.
Shame in my opinion, is the cause behind the concept of Hell, damnation and punishment. People who suffer from severe cases of shame need to accept the love of God. God loves you no matter what or who you are. God made you perfect, the shame you feel is really a lack of love for yourself. Once you love God, yourself and everything that God created then you will know peace and all stress will be eliminated.
Today’s Exercise: Never, never, never, make fun of anyone.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Shame in my opinion is the cause behind the concept of Hell.
Look at a high school student who may not be accepted with the “in crowd” because they are too smart or too dumb. Maybe their clothes do not represent the latest fad. Look at the country club that bars a person because of their religion or color. How about the church that doesn’t allow gay couples or the military that doesn’t allow high school drop outs. Banishment is a way of life for those who don’t fit into a particular mold.
Shame in my opinion, is the cause behind the concept of Hell, damnation and punishment. People who suffer from severe cases of shame need to accept the love of God. God loves you no matter what or who you are. God made you perfect, the shame you feel is really a lack of love for yourself. Once you love God, yourself and everything that God created then you will know peace and all stress will be eliminated.
Today’s Exercise: Never, never, never, make fun of anyone.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Shame in my opinion is the cause behind the concept of Hell.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Spiritual Prayers

This is how a spiritual person should pray.
I am happy. I feel great.
I am successful.
I am calm, peaceful and patient.
I am loved because I love.
I am kind.
I am healthy. I eat right and exercise every day.
I am smoke free or alcohol free.
I am perfect. God made me.
I am a good parent.
I am a good spouse.
I am always on time.
I am a successful (insert your own word.).
I am a great teacher.
I am a good learner.
I am at the perfect weight for me.
I love my (insert your own word.).
Today’s Exercise: Pick one, say it every morning for twenty-one days.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: I am whatever I say I am.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love Is Good

An immature person says I love because I am loved. A mature person says I am loved because I love.
Look at the headlines in any newspaper. The headlines are appalling. Hundreds of people are killed and maimed every day in wars, and for what? The insurgents are claiming that they are doing this in the name of God. How wrong can they be! Most spiritual belief systems say, “In the beginning God created everything that was good.” Killing is not good so they can’t claim they are killing in the name of God.
The question is what can we do about it? More killing is certainly not the universal answer. Complaining and getting all stressed out is not going to change anything. The answer is what a mature person says, “I am loved because I love.” You as an individual can do something about it right now. You can show love and kindness to the very next person you come in contact with. Start with a smile and friendly Hello. If you see a co-worker struggling with something, help them out. On the way home, if you see a homeless person on the street corner with a cardboard sign, stop; give him a dollar or at least a quarter. Here is what will happen.
Every time you do an act of kindness and Love, the person doing the act will feel good. The person receiving the act will feel good and everyone in the immediate vicinity will feel good. Every act of love and kindness will spur two other acts of Love and kindness and it will be like the wave at a football stadium. Pretty soon, the whole world will feel good.
To feel good is to feel God. Then, the killing will stop. “If you change the way you pray, the results of your prayers will change.”
Today’s Exercise: Be mature person who says I am loved because I love and love is good.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love..
Points to Ponder: World peace starts with you.
God Loves You
Friday, February 11, 2011
How Will You Act when You Are Successful?
Want to be successful? Well act that way right now. If you think success and act successful, before you know it you will be successful. I asked my sales force if they thought they could earn one hundred thousand dollars a year. As a person, they said yes. Then I asked them if they were earning one hundred thousand dollars a year would they come to work dressed the way they were. Sheepishly they said nothing, but the next day every one of them improved their dress code.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
Friday, February 4, 2011

In quantum physics, at the tiniest subatomic level, the actual act of observing a particle changes the particle.
Wow… You can change things by looking at them with a different outcome in mind? If you want more money in your life, then you cannot see money as something you don’t have.
I remember quite clearly about ten years ago, I would question, “How come money never sticks to my hands?” What do you think the message was that I was sending to my Subconscious Mind? Yeah, it was that money never sticks to my hands. Ten years ago, I was dead broke, frustrated, and confused. Then one day I heard a voice in my head say, “That’s stupid. You are broke, but you are not dead. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something.” And I did.
I started my debt management company, CRS with absolutely no money, no experience in debt management, and no idea how I was going to make it. But, I did have two things going for me: I had persistence and a wife who believed in me. I had something else but I didn’t know it at the time – my view of money. I changed the way I looked at money. I understood that money was just paper and there was paper all around me, and that prosperity was there waiting for me. It finally dawned on me, that the only people who make money are those who work in a mint. Money is a medium of exchange for service. I had to find a need.
I looked around I saw that just about everyone that I knew was up to their you-know-what in credit card debt. So, what I chose to do was help people get out of debt. Within the past ten years, we have helped over thirty thousand families get out from underneath this debt.
If just one person is living a better life, because I changed the way I looked at things, then my life means something. Do yourself a favor and change the way you see the world and your world will change.
Today’s Exercise: Stop worrying about money for twenty-four hours.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: In quantum physics, at the smallest subatomic level, the actual act of observing a particle changes the particle.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Siamese Twins

Success and happiness go together like Siamese twins. Where one is, the other should be. Unfortunately, many people can’t seem to get them together. The reason is that they go for success first and figure that their success will automatically make them happy. The truth is you start with happiness and that will lead to success.
Why happiness first? Because happiness is a condition that you decide on ahead of time. Happiness is simply a predetermined decision. Once you are happy with your life as it is, then you can go forward to be successful in all facets of your life. Most people look at the hole and not the donut. We all have something to be happy about no matter what our status is in life. Happiness is the easiest condition to accomplish. You just say, “I am happy,” and say it enough and you will start to believe it. Remember the law, your Subconscious Mind will create into reality whatever command you give it.
Choose a word to answer people when they ask you how you’re doing or how’s things. I use two when they ask me how I am doing. I automatically say, “Fantastic.” I now have people answering me back the same way. If they ask me how it is going or how’s business, I always answer, “Unbelievable.” It catches them off guard. Most people are not use to that kind of response. They are expecting okay or good. After a while, it gets to be a game to see how many people you can literally wake up.
Today’s Exercise: Make “fantastic” and “unbelievable” part of your daily vocabulary.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Once you are happy with your life as it is, then you can go forward to be successful in all facets of your life.
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Ladder of Success

Think of the journey called success as if you were climbing a ladder. In order to get to the top you must put one foot in front of the other. If you slip and fall down a few rungs, you must gather yourself together and start climbing again. The higher we go the bigger the risk of falling and getting hurt. But, like climbing a ladder, we never look down (back). If we are afraid then we freeze and stop climbing and hang on for dear life. We may be passed by, by those with more courage or maybe even too dumb to be scared.
Climbing this ladder successfully requires help. Most of us can only go so far and then fear and doubt take over. The cure for this is simple, find a mentor. There is always someone who is successful doing what you do. Most successful people would love to be able to help someone reach greater heights, but you must ask for the help. There’s an old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” As you are climbing reach up with one hand and grab your mentor’s hand and hold on so that they can help pull you up over the rough spots. When you have your mentor’s hand reach down with your other hand and grab hold of your student’s hand and the three of you go up together.
As soon as you learn something, teach it to your prodigy. Success is a lot more fun if you can share it. If you don’t have a mentor now but want to get started today, let books be your guide. Here’s a list of books that have helped me:
- How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Caregie, (year)
- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, 1938
- The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier, 1926
- Three Magic Words, U.S. Anderson, 1954
- The Active Side of Infinity, Carlos Castaneda, 1998
- Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach, 1970
- Infinite Mind, Valerie Hunt, 1989
- The Power of Intention, Wayne W. Dyer, 2003
- Happiness Is, Shawn Shea, 2004
- The God Code, Gregg Braden, 2004
- Power vs. Force, David Hawkins, 2004
Today’s Exercise: Read a book or climb a ladder, your choice.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Cause & Effect

When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. I’ve used this phrase several times in this book and you may be wondering why I’ve repeated it so much. Because we need to change the way we interpret history, the Bible, religion, Heaven, Hell, and every other great mystery.
You may be familiar with the saying, “As ye sow, so shall you reap.” If you are looking at it from a religious stance, where everything is determined by whether you go to Heaven or Hell, this might be interpreted to mean that the moral, ethical, and lawful misconduct of human beings would be punished in the hereafter.
Suppose we look at this familiar saying from the spiritual viewpoint. It is said that we are part of God and there is no Hell, then the saying would mean that a positive thought sowed in the Subconscious Mind would reap prosperity and happiness.
Whether this thought is moral or immoral, ethical or unethical, has nothing whatever to do with the inexorable process involved for the seed having been planted must grow and grow it will into a physical reality. The choice becomes yours. How do you want to look at it?
The Subconscious Mind is a garden and as a garden on Earth knows only to reproduce the seeds that are sowed; if you plant a carrot seed, a cucumber will not grow. The garden of your Subconscious Mind knows only to create reality from the seeds of your thoughts. Every word you utter, every thought you have is either plantings of prosperity or planting of weeds. What do you want to reap from your garden? Success and Happiness or failure and misery? It’s your choice.
Today’s Exercise: Control your thinking. Your thoughts are previews of things to come.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: The Subconscious Mind is a garden and is as a garden on Earth.It knows only to reproduce the seeds that are sowed. If you plant a carrot seed, a cucumber will not grow.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stress has a stealthy and sometimes perplexing influence on our lives. It can motivate us to great accomplishments or it can nearly paralyze us.
The good news is that, while we often can’t control the “in box” of external pressures that weigh on us, we can always control how we think about them and how we choose to deal with them.
The bad news is that, if we have not been taking care of ourselves physically and mentally, our ability to handle inevitable stressors may be severely limited and our health compromised.
The ugly news is that if we are not aware of our ability to control stress, we will continue to be a victim of ourselves.
You must start each day saying:
Today I choose to feel good.
No one is going to make me feel bad.
Today I will feel healthy; nothing will make me feel ill.
Today I will feel happy; nothing will make me feel sad.
Only you can change your world and you can do it the instant you make up your mind to see the good in everything.
Evil, pain, suffering, hatred, racism, worry, stress, greed; sickness, and sin, are all man made, and are just as well eliminated by changing our thoughts.
Today’s Exercise: Today, I will change the way I think and the things I think will change.
Today’s Affirmation: Only you can change your world and you can do it the instant you make up your mind to see the good in everything.
Points to Ponder: … and God created every thing that was good.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Take Action

One of the most difficult tasks is to convince a person that just because they wish something doesn’t make it so. I desired to write a book for thirty years yet in those thirty years, I never so much as wrote one page. I didn’t desire to be a writer. Why? Because I didn’t actually believe I could write.
I started listening to the negative thoughts from my Conscious Mind, telling me I was not a writer. Here’s a few reasons that could have stopped me:
1. I couldn’t spell worth a darn.
2. How could I write a book on success when I didn’t feel I was successful. I wasn’t in my mind a success.
3. My grammar is atrocious, etc., etc.
So how did I overcome these weaknesses? It was easy. The weaknesses didn’t exist. Number one, spell check on my computer worked overtime. Number two; I was a success because I never gave up. Number three, I got other people to check the grammar.
This book is a reality because I picked up a pen and started to write. My desire became my destiny. I’m sure my Subconscious Mind said, Finally, I’ve been giving you all these ideas for thirty years, what the heck were you waiting for?
Don’t waste any more of your valuable time. Start now, here, with what you have; do what your desire commands you do. Don’t try. Trying is just a whole lot of noise accomplishing nothing. Just do it. William James wrote, “Individuality is founded in feeling; and the recesses of feeling, the darker, blinder strata of character, the only places in the world in which we catch real fact in the making, and directly perceive how events happen, and how work is actually done.”
Don’t confuse true desire with wishing. Wishing is admitting to the Subconscious Mind that you want something for nothing, or that you don’t feel that you can achieve it at your present mindset. The Subconscious Mind is perfect. It will manifest your desires into reality once you believe your desires are real. Your desires then manifest into your physical reality. And then, it is so.
Today Exercise: Success is taking action on your desires.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: Start now, here, with what you have.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
About Faith

Here are some well-known quotations that are little understood, but accepted by everyone:
“Faith can move mountains.”
Do you actually believe you can move a mountain by simply having faith? Without faith, there is nothing. With faith, everything is possible.
“As you believe, so shall it be done unto you.”
If this is true, why do we have trouble believing? Why is so hard to accept the fact that we are the total sum of all our own thoughts; and if we control our thoughts, why do we think negative thoughts and have such little faith in ourselves?
How does a rich man become wealthy? Some are born into it, but usually their parents were not rich. Are some lucky? I don’t think so. There is an old saying, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” Most people say it’s timing, or being in the right place at the right time. There is no right place or time. The place is here and the time is now. It starts with your dreams, attitude, desires, and actions.
The most important element of success is faith. You only need to know that God does not create losers. Faith and faith alone will carry you as far as you want to go.
If you knew that you could not fail, would you do anything differently? Faith does not require a special skill, a level of education, rich parents, or being in the right place at the right time. Faith only requires that you believe that you are connected to God through your Subconscious Mind.
Remember: If you change the way you look at things the things you look at will change.
Today’s Exercise: Start dreaming of being a success.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: Faith and faith alone will carry you as far as you want to go. Faith only requires that you believe that you are connected to God through your subconscious mind.
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