Who doesn’t? Even the people with money have financial worries, sometimes even worse than the people with no money? When you have money you become the target of those small minded people who have no money. These people feel it’s their obligation to get some of your money, no matter how they do it. If you lend it to them no matter how much they’ll tell you they will pay it back, they never do. Why do you think that is? It’s because they do not have a prosperity consciousness; they have no faith that they can earn or have all the money they need so they look for ways to get it from those that have it. This, of course, doesn’t seem fair but in the long run the person with a prosperity consciousness will always re-coup any loss, stolen or failure to pay back funds. It’s the Law of Supply and Demand. Once you have this prosperity consciousness you will become a magnet and money will seek you out.
How do I know? Because for sixty-five years of my life I did not have a prosperity consciousness and so I had just enough to get by. For the last five years when I developed faith in the prosperity of the universe I have no more financial worries. I see money as only paper that is backed up by service to humanity. This book and my workshops, One Day at a Time are services to humanity. I’m doing what I love and I have faith that my reasons for being on this planet are being fulfilled.
Today’s Exercise: Look for your faith in your heart.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: It’s the Law of Supply and Demand. Once you have the prosperity consciousness, you will become a magnet and money will seek you out.
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