An immature person says I love because I am loved. A mature person says I am loved because I love.
Look at the headlines in any newspaper. The headlines are appalling. Hundreds of people are killed and maimed every day in wars, and for what? The insurgents are claiming that they are doing this in the name of God. How wrong can they be! Most spiritual belief systems say, “In the beginning God created everything that was good.” Killing is not good so they can’t claim they are killing in the name of God.
The question is what can we do about it? More killing is certainly not the universal answer. Complaining and getting all stressed out is not going to change anything. The answer is what a mature person says, “I am loved because I love.” You as an individual can do something about it right now. You can show love and kindness to the very next person you come in contact with. Start with a smile and friendly Hello. If you see a co-worker struggling with something, help them out. On the way home, if you see a homeless person on the street corner with a cardboard sign, stop; give him a dollar or at least a quarter. Here is what will happen.
Every time you do an act of kindness and Love, the person doing the act will feel good. The person receiving the act will feel good and everyone in the immediate vicinity will feel good. Every act of love and kindness will spur two other acts of Love and kindness and it will be like the wave at a football stadium. Pretty soon, the whole world will feel good.
To feel good is to feel God. Then, the killing will stop. “If you change the way you pray, the results of your prayers will change.”
Today’s Exercise: Be mature person who says I am loved because I love and love is good.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love..
Points to Ponder: World peace starts with you.
God Loves You
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