Success and happiness go together like Siamese twins. Where one is, the other should be. Unfortunately, many people can’t seem to get them together. The reason is that they go for success first and figure that their success will automatically make them happy. The truth is you start with happiness and that will lead to success.
Why happiness first? Because happiness is a condition that you decide on ahead of time. Happiness is simply a predetermined decision. Once you are happy with your life as it is, then you can go forward to be successful in all facets of your life. Most people look at the hole and not the donut. We all have something to be happy about no matter what our status is in life. Happiness is the easiest condition to accomplish. You just say, “I am happy,” and say it enough and you will start to believe it. Remember the law, your Subconscious Mind will create into reality whatever command you give it.
Choose a word to answer people when they ask you how you’re doing or how’s things. I use two when they ask me how I am doing. I automatically say, “Fantastic.” I now have people answering me back the same way. If they ask me how it is going or how’s business, I always answer, “Unbelievable.” It catches them off guard. Most people are not use to that kind of response. They are expecting okay or good. After a while, it gets to be a game to see how many people you can literally wake up.
Today’s Exercise: Make “fantastic” and “unbelievable” part of your daily vocabulary.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Once you are happy with your life as it is, then you can go forward to be successful in all facets of your life.
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