As I mentioned in my earlier blog post, all humans are born with Three Minds. In order to understand how to make The Law of Attraction work for you, you must understand the power of Our Three Minds.
Our Conscious Mind – is your body. It gathers data from your five senses: taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch. This data is then stored in your brain (body) as memory, we then become a product of that memory. Our conscious mind is exclusive only to us as individuals and no two humans share the same conscious mind. Our body (conscious mind) is finite. It has a definite beginning and will have a definite end. Since our conscious mind is exclusive to our body, and when the body dies it stands to reason that the conscious mind will be absorbed back into The Universal Subconscious Mind of God. Our conscious mind is the creator of our thoughts, thus our conscious mind creates our universe around us based on whether we give out positive vibrations or negative vibrations. (This is one of the secrets mentioned in the DVD Movie “The Secret”)
Our Subconscious Mind – is your soul (spirit). This is the least known and understood minds. This is not the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is your conscious mind in an unawake state. The subconscious mind is infinite, it is Universal, it is One, it is the Mind of God and there is only ONE SOUL (Mind of God) in the Universe. All humans share this Subconscious Mind. Your Subconscious Mind is like “Google” on your computer. It holds every word, thought and feeling of every human being on this planet and beyond.
The Universal Super-Conscious Mind –is the entity also known as GOD. The Creator, The Source, The Force, The Universe, Infinity, The I AM, YAHWEH and the thousands of other names religion chose to call it. GOD is A.L.I.V.E. –A Living Intelligent Vibrating Energy. GOD is in every quark, which is in every atom, which is in http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifeverything in the Universe including us! When you think of our Three Minds, think of the Holy Trinity of religion: GOD the Father is the Universal Super-Conscious Mind. GOD the Son is mankind –The Conscious Mind. GOD the Holy Spirit is the One and Only Subconscious Mind. Think of your three minds like a computer: The Conscious Mind is you, the operator. Without an operator the computer is worthless. You must turn your mind on! Your Conscious Mind’s main function is to decide WHAT you want in life. Your Subconscious Mind is the search engine. It contains ALL the information in the Universe. Your Subconscious Mind’s main function is to tell you HOW to get what you want in life.
Brought to you by Bimo Marketing
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