Bot Revolt

Monday, June 28, 2010


If you really want a happy life then it is imperative that you pursue happiness both internally and externally. One must pursue happiness with a mental development. A mental development is a spiritual development. It is not necessarily any kind of religious faith, but a development of good qualities. These are love, kindness, honesty, empathy, discipline, and order. These qualities, guided by a positive motivation will develop the happiness you seek. We are blessed because God gives each and everyone of us these qualities at our birth.
There are no bad seeds. Everyone is born equal; everyone is born a genius, and everyone is born with a connecting link to God. This link is your mind, spirit, or soul, whatever you want to call it. It works twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Happiness is a pre-determined mental state. Will Rogers, once said, “I’m as happy as I make up my mind to be.” If someone needs outside influences to make them happy, then they are at the mercy of their circumstances.
Human beings are the dominant creatures on this planet because they have the potential not only to create happy lives for themselves, but also to help others be happy. We are the part of God that can create and we either, create happiness in this world, or we create sadness. Once we realize our potential and develop self-confidence in our ability to create happiness, then we can build a better world. Happiness is the gift of life; it is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet. Happiness is our birthright.

Today’s Exercise: Make up your mind to be happy one day at a time.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is the gift of life. It is our obligation to spread happiness to everyone we meet.

Friday, June 25, 2010

How Do We Become Loving?

It seems so difficult for us to open our hearts to Love. We have been rejected so many times that our Ego says, “No more!” Every rejection and denial we endure magnifies our resistance to accept the power that lives within us. We isolate ourselves like a hermit and retire to our lairs like a hurt animal to lick our wounds. We build walls around us like a castle to keep the hurt out, only to find we have built ourselves a jail. Like all trapped prisoners, we slowly kill ourselves, not physically, but mentally, and more importantly, spiritually. Open the gate, tear down the walls, and allow love to enter. Life is for living and we must experience some pain and sorrow. How else can we appreciate life’s pleasure and joys?
Love heals our bodies; comforts us when we are lonely; lights up the darkness; releases us from our hurts; helps us overcome our fears; brings us unlimited prosperity; builds our true character and the greatest of all, reveals the true meaning of life. This word “Love” can mean many things to many people, and true Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains. We become loving when we have faith. Love of life is Love of all things created by God. That means don’t step on that ant. Our Subconscious Mind answers our every thought. If we continue to dwell on what we have not, then, our Subconscious Mind will continue to make sure we are fulfilled with an prosperity of have-nots. Control your thinking and you will control your destiny.

Today’s Exercise: Ignore your shortcomings. Concentrate on Love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: True Love is more faith than feeling and faith can move mountains.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


One of the keys to end all wars, hatred, bigotry, suffering, violence, and disease is kindness. Perform acts of kindness every single day. When you act with kindness, your brain increases its serotonin level going into your system. Serotonin is an organic compound, found in the brain, which makes you feel good. It also boosts your immune system. So, with acts of kindness, you get two for one. You feel good and you ward off illness. However, here’s the best part, the person who is the recipient of the act of kindness also feels an increase in his or her serotonin level as well as does everyone in the immediate vicinity. This is beautiful stuff. If we all performed one little act of kindness each day eventually we would have a world at peace and free of disease!
Look for the opportunity to act with kindness. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. I was at the supermarket one day and it was raining as I got out of my car. I noticed a man walking toward the supermarket. He used a walker and was getting wet. Several people walked past him and no one paid any attention to him. I was going to run to the supermarket door. Instead, I got my umbrella out of the trunk of my car and without saying a word, walked up to the man, held the umbrella over his head and walked beside him. He didn’t say much, but the smile he gave me lasted the whole weekend. I really felt good and for the first time in a long time no one ran their shopping cart up the back of my legs.
Your quest in life is to feel good. God is good, so your quest in life is to feel God. Start today by performing three small acts of kindness. Hold the door open for someone behind you; pick something up that someone drops. Just say “Hello” to everyone. Go out of your way to be kind; your health depends on it.

Today’s Exercise: Pick up some trash on the street. You could use the exercise and you’ll feel good.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Your quest in life is to feel good. Kindness is the key.

Love Is God

Love is the supreme spiritual law. This law is our salvation. The supreme spiritual law, Love makes our life meaningful. Without Love, our life is a waste of time. Without Love, we are breaking God’s supreme spiritual law. We will never become successful or happy without Love.
Who must we Love? We must Love ourselves for we are the physical realization of God’s spirit. We must love all human beings for they are the realization of God’s spirit. We must Love all living creatures for God has placed them here as a symbol of his Love. Lastly, we must Love our Earth, for God has given us this home so that we may share in its prosperity.
Christian beliefs have taught that we are here to keep the Ten Commandments. A noble thought, but why? The answer is so that we can go to Heaven as winged angels. Why? What do we do when we get there? How is anything going to change? Won’t we be jealous if our kindred angel has bigger wings? With all the time we will have on our hands, wouldn’t it be logical for some of us to want to start a war? One of the Ten Commandments says, “Thou shall not kill.” How do we explain the justification of war and jealousy? We cannot! Such behaviors break the supreme spiritual law, Love.
If we break the Ten Commandments, do we go to Hell and do we take our bodies with us? Logic says no; our bodies turn to dust. Do we take our souls? Our souls are God’s Universal Superconscious Mind. Does God send itself to Hell? No. Some organized belief systems are based on fear and God is not fear. God is Love and Love is the First Commandment. Actually, Love is all Ten Commandments. To change our station in life we must change our perception of life. The first step is Love, the supreme spiritual law.

Today’s Exercise: Take the first step to love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Without Love, our life is a waste of time.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phoenix Bird

Just as the mystical Phoenix bird rises out of the ashes to begin a new life, so must humankind rise out of the ashes of Dark Age beliefs and superstitions. No longer must humankind be afraid of death or the hereafter. No longer must we waste this life thinking that everything will be better in the next life. No, this life is to be enjoyed, to prosper, to live in peace, to create miracles, and to be happy.
No longer must we think of ourselves as sinners, not worthy to enjoy all of God’s beauty. We must become “born again: human beings. To re-quote the words of Jesus, “What has been created by me, all men and women can create and that which I am, all men and women will be.”
Reread the following sentence every day of your life. Our destiny is to achieve the spiritual awareness that we are part of God and that Jesus was a man who reached the highest level of human awareness, a destiny that someday all humans will reach.
Our task now is to be reborn, to rid ourselves of untruths such as, sin, Hell, devil, pain, stress, anger, greed and yes, even death. For when we lay down this body, our spirit like the mystical Phoenix will rise more glorious than we ever could imagine. This life is our Heaven or Hell depending on HOW we live it. The choice is ours.

Today’s Exercise: Mentally rid yourself of all negative thoughts and deeds.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: This life is to be enjoyed, to prosper, to live in peace, to create miracles, and to be happy.

Love = Creation

All of existence is the creation of God’s Love and all creation is a manifestation of God’s Love. Everything created was from within God’s desire to contribute to the betterment of creation and as resulting humanity. At this point, each of us must do some soul searching. Are we contributing to humanity or are we taking away from humanity? Do we spend most of our time destroying this planet that God has created for our home?
The essence of creativeness is the love of all life. Every creature has a purpose and every flower is here for a reason. Too often, we treat these essences as having no value and yet, every time we step on a bug we destroy ourselves.
God gave each of us a special talent, and sometimes our talent appears more than just one. Through God we have become unique, a unique expression in the universe created by God. We are here to make a conscious decision to return God’s love. This love develops our talent, contributing to humanity.
I always thought I didn’t have any talent; that my brother had it all. I now know that by denying myself Love is denying God to work through me, and that is the greatest fear we can take into our minds. No matter what we do in this life, we will never be completely happy unless we allow our talents to be developed; our destinies to be fulfilled; and our visions to expand so that we know and understand our partnership with God. By allowing God’s love to work in our lives as a power for good we become free, to explore these special gifts that God has set aside for us.
We may contribute to humanity in general. This contribution, no matter how insignificant we think it is, advances humankind along the path of knowledge, and only then can we hope to move in harmony with life itself. This becomes so evident that we finally realize that failure and unhappiness are our own creations. This is not an angry God punishing us, nor a vengeful God getting even. This is Love gone astray. The perfect seed of success and happiness lies within each of us. There is within us a channel in which God expresses Love. This channel is your mind. Love is the key to opening this channel and once it is opened, nothing may close it, except for the perceived lack of Love.

Today’s Exercise: Open your mind. Look for your special talent.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: There is within us a channel in which God expresses Love. This channel is your mind.

Monday, June 21, 2010

We Have Been Told Who to Hate

If the year were 1763, you would have been told to hate the French, because we were in the middle of the French and Indian War. A few years later, because of the War of Independence, the French were our friends and you were told to hate the English. Later, we were told to hate Native Americans (Indians). It seems they, the Native Americans had the audacity to be living on land that the settlers decided they wanted.
Then, we ran out of countries to hate so, we decided to have a civil war. It was easy. Depending on which side of the Mason Dixon Line you lived on, you just hated the other side. It didn’t matter if your own mother lived on the other side, she was the enemy, and you had to kill the enemy.
Then, in 1917, we were told to hate Germans, because we were in the “War to End All Wars.” Ha! Twenty-five years later, we decided to hate the Germans again. This time we threw the Japanese in to make it more interesting. Oh, by the way we liked the English, French, Russians, and sometimes the Italians. Now, that the war was over we thought we could rest for a while. Wrong, now we hate the Koreans, at least the ones that live north of the 38th Parallel.
From 1951 to 1953, I was in high school and I had never heard of Korea. It’s hard to hate somebody you didn’t know even existed. What’s the deal? North and South Koreans look the same. You could end up hating the wrong one. Well, we got through that war and since we were pretty good at meddling into other peoples’ Civil Wars, we decided to try it again. This time, we go to Vietnam. We are now supposed to hate somebody named “Charlie.”
Just about now, we begin to think there is no one left to hate, but we decide it’s Russia’s turn. Then we began something called the Cold War. We spend billions of dollars making weapons to wipe each other off the face of the earth. Well, somehow we got through that one without killing anyone and turned our attention to the Middle East. Now here comes Iraq, with the third largest army in the world. Yes indeed, we hate those guys, go in kick their butt, kill a lot of Iraqi, and get out relatively clean. Later, junior comes along and says, “You call that a war dad, I’ll show you a real war,” and we are still there.
In my opinion, the next twenty years we will go full cycle and hate the French again, wait a minute; we already hate the French. Who are we supposed to hate now? We are supposed to hate HATRED.

Today’s Exercise: Do one act of kindness towards someone you would not normally look at.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: War is an excuse for fear. Fear is an illusion. War is stupid.

The Golden Key

From time to time in everyone’s life, we are faced with a problem situation or person that seems to dominate our thinking. It could be something very simple like an argument or more serious like a lawsuit. The situation eats at the very fiber of our being. We spend countess hours looking for revenge or sleepless nights trying to figure out how to strike back. Emmett Fox says it so well.
The answer is to LET GO AND LET GOD. It is the golden key
to harmony and peace in your hands. By letting go and letting God
work through you, you open the channel through which divine
intervention takes place. It is not our job to figure out how to solve
this problem. All we must do is get out of the way and let God’s divine
action take place.
The process is very simple and works every time for everyone. All you have to do is this: stop thinking about the problem, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is infallible, God never fails. You must substitute thinking of your problem and think about God and nothing else. Your objective is to drive the thought of your problem out of your consciousness and replace it with your vision of God. Don’t think of God in the religious vein but think of God as beauty, kindness, love, goodness, peace of mind or anything else that warms your heart.
In order to “Golden Key” someone or a difficult situation, think “ I am going to ‘Golden Key’ (person’s name or that threatened danger)” and then proceed to drive all thoughts of the person or danger out of your mind replacing it with thoughts of God.
This will not be easy the first time you try it so I recommend you start with simple problems. Constantly reaffirming a statement of absolute truth such as: there is no power but God; God is good; I am surrounded by the perfect peace of God or simply God is with me.
Remember the law you decide the What and the Why and leave the HOW to God.

Today’s Exercise: Golden Key someone or something right now.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: You decide the What and the Why and leave the HOW to God.

Love Dissolves Our Hidden Fears

Armageddon • War • Old Age • Loosing a Loved One
Hurricanes • Ghosts • The Dark • Ex-Wife • Unloved
Tornadoes • Electric Bill • Dentist Visit • Airplanes

How many hidden fears do we have? A few hundred or a few thousand? Psychiatrists say that our hidden fears go back to when the egg and sperm united in the womb.
These buried fears are so deep that in order to uproot them, expose them, and heal them, could be an impossible task. Actually, the time it would take to heal them could use up several life times. So, we ignore, them at least we think so. For each of us, those deeply rooted fears are waiting for the right time to explode at the slightest provocation. This paints a pretty dim picture of our future except for one thing, Love.
Love dissolves our hidden fears and love is waiting for us to ask recognition of its existence to deal with our hidden fears individually and en masse at the roots of fear’s existence. We can cast out all negative thinking, fears, and hate from the mind by choice; at the center of our consciousness. Love and only Love is strong enough to dissolve all discontent and fear.
Where do we start? We start with God, the Creator. God is Love. God loves you and all creation, for God created everything in the cosmos. You need not worry for you will always be loved. Wherever you look, you see God’s work. Wherever you look, you see but a reflection of yourself. All things then return your love, your prayers, and your wishes to move the very mountains of the world. God dissolves our hidden fears with love.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Love God with your whole heart and soul.
2. Love yourself.
3. Love your neighbor as thyself.

Today’s Exercise: Do 1, 2, and 3.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love and only Love is strong enough to dissolve all discontent and fear.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Unending Search

What are we looking for? Why is this unending search such a mystery?
The unending search is not such a mystery. We have evolved from a pure and eternal spirit; from a place where space, time, and numbers do not exist; from the infinity of our souls to the finiteness of our bodies.
Talk about “sticker shock!” What are we spiritual or physical? We can see our bodies, we can feel pain, and we see loved ones die, so we must be physical. Yet, we know we are spiritual because we can think and thinking is the communication between God and us. So in reality, the act of thinking is what makes us a spiritual being.
The first and most important step on your success and happiness journey is to Love. God has made it easy for us. God loves us unconditionally and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.
All of our waking hours are spent seeking Love, for we are lost without it. Who can explain the hurt we feel when we reach out for Love and are rejected? All the negative reminders of our Conscious Mind makes it feel like the rejection is permanent. If you have all the money in the world and you are not Loved, you have nothing.
Love never fails. Love is the cornerstone to this life. True love is something you don’t fall into. It’s amazing when two people say they fell in love and met their soul mate, yet, a few years later they are involved in a bitter divorce. To have the kind of Love we want, we must be worthy of this Love. There are no short cuts. You must believe that there is a force that created you out of Love and that you need to Love yourself before you can ever truly Love another human being.
Through the ages, some misguided religious teachers tried to tell us that God is vengeful, judgmental, and destructive. This is not so! God is Love, the purest love imaginable. God is infinite. God does not know vengeance, judgments, or punishment. Men and women who did not know love dreamed up these negative attributes. These teachings have ruined many people over the last two thousand years.
Point to any spot on the globe today and you will see people hating people for no reason at all. Did the Union soldiers hate the Southern soldiers during the Civil War? Did you personally hate the Iraqi people before we dropped the first bomb? The world needs Love more now than any other time in our history.
Today’s Exercise: Forgive one person that you think you hate.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: God Loves us unconditionally and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.

Love of a Puppy

I’m sitting here with my nine-week old, four-pound, Boston Terrier, named Jack. It took me fifteen minutes to write this message between the licking, the chewing of my shoelaces, and every once in a while a disappearing act. It was fifteen minutes that I would not have changed for anything. How do you measure the love a pet gives to its owner? God created cats and dogs for only one reason and that reason is to teach us to give perfect love.
If you could duplicate the Love of a puppy, your worries would be over. As the puppy grows, the Love grows unconditionally. The bond becomes stronger and stronger. We can duplicate this Love for all humanity by being the first person to Love and not waiting for someone to love us first.
Be like a puppy and give unquestionable Love. It’s free, fun, and it’s the only way to live. As I have said before, Love, real Love, is the main ingredient for success in any venture. In your personal life, it is the difference between a happy and long lasting relationship or it’s a nightmare. True Love for another person can only be effective if you Love God and Love yourself. Without loving God or yourself, you will never satisfy anyone else.

Today’s Exercise: Look in the mirror and see the real you. Are you happy with what you see?
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Be like a puppy and give unquestionable Love.

Broken Heart

Who out there has not suffered a broken heart at one time or another? Some may have experienced it when they were teenagers; some while they were looking for a lifetime companion, while others experienced it at a time when they thought their love life was secure. Many of us get over a broken heart, but some choose to carry the scars with them, by closing the wound so tightly that Love can never enter again.
It seems so difficult for us to open our hearts to Love. We are constantly being reminded of feelings of hurt and rejection. We take advice from those who know less about Love than we do. We are so steeped in our own problems, failures, and Egos that we isolate ourselves from the world, neither giving Love nor accepting Love. We retreat into our shells like turtles and build our own protective walls to keep us from feeling further hurt, but far from protecting us, our walls, become a prison. We lock ourselves into solitary confinement, and slowly we die, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Open your heart and allow Love to enter. What does it matter if we hurt for a little while if it is a step towards happiness? Happiness can never really be achieved without Love. Life is for the living. How can we truly appreciate pleasure and joy unless we experience some pain and sorrow?
I like this poem written by Chalmers Smith.
There is no gain, except by Loss.
There is no life, except by Death.
There is no vision, but by Faith.
Love heals the body; comforts the lonely; lights the way; overcomes fears; brings prosperity and builds character. Most of all, Love reveals the meaning of life.

Today Exercise: Open your heart. Love yourself.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness can be never really achieved without Love.

What Is Hate?

Hate is the absence and the perceived lack of love.
People have been accepting opinions that evolved during the darkest ages of humankind; when all things were judged by appearances. Men seeking power chose to use these opinions to place fear in the hearts of those they wished to dominate. Hate is the lack of Love and Fear is the lack of faith. This separation of humans and God was a deliberate attempt by power-seeking individuals to rule by Fear.
Human beings have showed hate towards other human beings for eons. War and conflicts have been waged on this planet every single day of its existence. Many people want us to believe that there are two opposing forces at work in the universe, God and the Devil. However, if God is good and everything that God created is good, where could the Devil and Hell have come from?
We no longer think Earth is flat. We no longer believe that the sun revolves around the Erth. We know this because it has been scientifically proven, yet, there are still those who believe otherwise.
If you consider yourself an intelligent being, you know that both God and the Devil could not exist at the same time. There can only be one Creator, God. God would not and could not make the Devil and the Devil could not make God. There is only one truth to the universe. That truth is Love. If you accept God as being the truth, then you perceive truth is beauty; that beauty is Love; Love is prosperity; and that all Evil is false. If you accept the Devil as being the truth you are forced to believe that hate, violence, robbery, murder, war, poverty, disease, and chaos are the truth and that all goodness is an illusion.
The choice is obvious. Evil is an illusion and you must not put faith in this illusion or it will materialize in your world. The truth about hate is love moving in the wrong direction. Didn’t Jesus say, “Love your enemies, turn the other cheek.” Love creates, heals, comforts, and grows. Humans who make themselves one with Love make themselves one with God and God works through them. The whole purpose of life is to let God work through you.

Today’s Exercise: Make your mind up today, right now, that there is no Hell, no Devil and no Evil to overcome. There is only love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: This separation of humans and God was a deliberate attempt by power-seeking individuals to rule by fear.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


One of the most beautiful words in our language is “enthusiasm.” It is a Greek word, which translates to “a God within.” Within you is an infinite passionate soul that wishes to express itself. It’s the God within you urging you to fulfill a deep sense of what you were meant to be.
The beauty of feeling passionate and enthusiastic is the glorious feeling of joy and cheerfulness that comes along with it.
If you want to feel great, look into the mirror, and say to yourself, “I am eternal; this reflection will fade, but I am infinite. I am here temporarily for a reason. I will be passionate about all that I do.” Then, notice how you feel as you stare at your reflection in the mirror. You will get a sense of belonging to eternity. In a world that lasts forever, you certainly must belong! It’s impossible for you not to belong, because your presence here is evidence that a passionate, enthusiastic divine source, intended you to be here.
Any idea that our life is temporary and that you aren’t a piece of God’s infinite perfection devoid of passion leads you to self-doubt, anxiety, self-rejection, depression, and many more low energy feelings of misery.
If you change the way you feel about things, the things you feel about will change.

Today’s Exercise: Be passionate in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Enthusiasm is from the Greek words “entheos” and “yashim.” Enthusiasm means the God within.

Your Choice

When all is said and done there are only two feelings to choose from, love or fear. Love is the ultimate expression of life, and self-expression is our purpose in this life. There are several different forms of love, with only one degree. Either you love or you don’t. Filial love is the love you feel for your family. This love is in born and grows stronger every day. Agape is the love you feel for a friend. This love must be earned and sometimes becomes stronger than filial love. Eros is the love you feel for a romantic lover or spouse. This love can be fickle and can be transferred to another.
These are all forms of love simply expressed in different ways.
One of the underlying effects of death is losing our individual identity. If individuality is lost, who will there be to love? This is why so many people cry at funerals. We lose the ability to love the deceased person because they no longer can react to our love. This love turns into grief. This grief turns into a feeling of unfulfilled love and loneliness and we in turn fear death even more.
Losing the ability to love means losing the ability to understand who we really are. This loss depending on your core beliefs either brings you closer to God or widens the gap between you and God.
The good news is you never need to fear the loss of self-love, because you and God are one. Even if you were the last person on Earth, you would feel Love because God does not abandon anyone.
You and Love cannot be separated, for Love is God and you were never apart from God, nor will you ever be.

Today’s Exercise: Don’t be afraid to tell people you love them and why. It will go a long way.
Today’s Affirmations: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love has only one degree; either you Love, or you don’t.

Love Is the Underlying Unity of the Universe

The world is constantly at war. We fight over deserts where nothing grows. We fight over oceans that we can never own. We fight over religious beliefs, none of which we can prove. We fight over cultures, most of which we don’t understand. Most of all, we fight because we don’t know and don’t understand who we are or who they are.
The answer to stop the fighting is simple. Find out who we are and find out who they are. God created the universe. At this point, to our knowledge, God put humankind on this planet. He gave humankind Earth to share, grow, and live; more importantly to love.
What have we gained by wars? How can we justify war if we understand that love is the underlying unity of the universe? Could organized religion be the real culprit here? We tried to explain God through hundreds of created religions. Some of these religions have been used and are being used as an excuse to kill our fellow humans.
The time has come to stop using God as an excuse for wars. God is Love and Love is God. Humankind is not separate from God. Humankind is the physical reality of God’s spirit (soul). If we could take our spirits (souls) and lay them out for inspection, we would only find one soul and that soul (spirit) is the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. This spirit is pure love. This spirit is eternal and all knowing. God gave us a mind to think and a body to act in kindness. Where in the heck did we lose sight of this?

Today’s Exercise: Love starts with us. Stop hating yourself today.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: The time has come to stop using God as an excuse for wars.

Love Rules All Love

The message of truth is that you, yourself, your real being, is spirit. Your physical materiality is simply your expression, your physical materiality is what you use in your expression of life. This materiality is your servant not your master. When you recognize and realize your true nature, you will be perceptive to its real relations to you and yours to it.
A supreme power and wisdom governs the universe. This supreme power, this supreme mind is measureless and pervades all space. This supreme power is in everything that exists, from the minute atom to the expansive universe. Our faith gives us the power to believe and the power to see that all things are part of the infinite spirit of God and this power must work for our good.
Faith, confidence, and expectation regarding the beneficial power of God tend to open the channels of God’s influence in our life. Doubt, disbelief, distrust, and fear tend to clog up those channels depriving you of its wonderful power.
To a great extent you determine the quality of your own life by your thoughts. By the nature of your thoughts, you live either a very productive life, or a very unproductive, miserable, fearful existence.
When you learn how to control your thoughts, you can control your world. Do you still have doubts? If you are waiting for love, money, health, happiness, or peace of mind, examine your thoughts on these subjects. You may be compounding your situation while you blame it on some outside influence. There is a four-inch space between our ears that controls our world. Control that four-inch space and live the life that God intended for you. God loves you, and would not have given you the ability to vision, without the ability to achieve your visions.
Look at your neighbor. They probably handle their situation in a way worse than you do. The good news is; most people are either standing still or going backwards. All you need to do to succeed is to dream, to believe, and to put one foot in front of the other. Don’t look back, look ahead, but look with a new perspective. See that God loves you, and that he will provide you with all that is necessary to achieve your goals. Accept it, accept God, and accept the fact that your soul is infinite and will never die.
Today’s Exercise: Do an audit on your values. Are they what you need them to be to succeed?
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Accept God, and accept the fact that your soul is infinite and will never die.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God Is Love

Without a doubt the most important words you will ever read or hear is “God loves you.”
God does not love you sometimes, or if you are good or if you belong to a certain religion or if you pray and make sacrifices. God loves you all the time unconditionally. God even loves you if you don’t believe in God.
As humans, we seek love and are devastated without it. Love is simple; it requires you to give it first. God gives us love every minute of every day. When we separate ourselves from God, we block God’s love so that fear, hatred, jealousy, violence, and failure are manifested into our lives.
The secret of success and happiness is love. Love is the path we must follow in order to perceive the great spiritual unity between God and humankind. This universal law called love is necessary to bridge the gap between God and all else.
The mighty truth that has been hidden from us is that we are not separate from God, as we have been led to believe. Through love, we attain a rebirth of consciousness and a unity with the Universal Superconscious Mind of God. God’s love moves through the universe expressing itself in every flower, bush, tree, butterfly, snowflake, the light and warmth of the sun, the majesty of the mountains, a field of wheat gently blowing in the breeze and in the mighty power and vastness of the oceans.
God’s love is manifested in physical form for us to see. We are the only aspect of God’s creations that can make a conscious effort to return God’s love.

Today’s Exercise: Go into the countryside and experience God’s love and perfection in nature.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: God loves you all the time unconditionally. Through love, we attain a rebirth of consciousness and a unity with the Universal Superconscious Mind of God.


Love is God, God is Love. Without love, you have nothing. Where love is absent, hate takes up residence. Where love is missing, failure steps in. Where love is misunderstood, chaos grows. Love is the first commandment of God. There is no need for other commandments.

Monthly Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.