Hate is the absence and the perceived lack of love.
People have been accepting opinions that evolved during the darkest ages of humankind; when all things were judged by appearances. Men seeking power chose to use these opinions to place fear in the hearts of those they wished to dominate. Hate is the lack of Love and Fear is the lack of faith. This separation of humans and God was a deliberate attempt by power-seeking individuals to rule by Fear.
Human beings have showed hate towards other human beings for eons. War and conflicts have been waged on this planet every single day of its existence. Many people want us to believe that there are two opposing forces at work in the universe, God and the Devil. However, if God is good and everything that God created is good, where could the Devil and Hell have come from?
We no longer think Earth is flat. We no longer believe that the sun revolves around the Erth. We know this because it has been scientifically proven, yet, there are still those who believe otherwise.
If you consider yourself an intelligent being, you know that both God and the Devil could not exist at the same time. There can only be one Creator, God. God would not and could not make the Devil and the Devil could not make God. There is only one truth to the universe. That truth is Love. If you accept God as being the truth, then you perceive truth is beauty; that beauty is Love; Love is prosperity; and that all Evil is false. If you accept the Devil as being the truth you are forced to believe that hate, violence, robbery, murder, war, poverty, disease, and chaos are the truth and that all goodness is an illusion.
The choice is obvious. Evil is an illusion and you must not put faith in this illusion or it will materialize in your world. The truth about hate is love moving in the wrong direction. Didn’t Jesus say, “Love your enemies, turn the other cheek.” Love creates, heals, comforts, and grows. Humans who make themselves one with Love make themselves one with God and God works through them. The whole purpose of life is to let God work through you.
Today’s Exercise: Make your mind up today, right now, that there is no Hell, no Devil and no Evil to overcome. There is only love.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: This separation of humans and God was a deliberate attempt by power-seeking individuals to rule by fear.
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