When all is said and done there are only two feelings to choose from, love or fear. Love is the ultimate expression of life, and self-expression is our purpose in this life. There are several different forms of love, with only one degree. Either you love or you don’t. Filial love is the love you feel for your family. This love is in born and grows stronger every day. Agape is the love you feel for a friend. This love must be earned and sometimes becomes stronger than filial love. Eros is the love you feel for a romantic lover or spouse. This love can be fickle and can be transferred to another.
These are all forms of love simply expressed in different ways.
One of the underlying effects of death is losing our individual identity. If individuality is lost, who will there be to love? This is why so many people cry at funerals. We lose the ability to love the deceased person because they no longer can react to our love. This love turns into grief. This grief turns into a feeling of unfulfilled love and loneliness and we in turn fear death even more.
Losing the ability to love means losing the ability to understand who we really are. This loss depending on your core beliefs either brings you closer to God or widens the gap between you and God.
The good news is you never need to fear the loss of self-love, because you and God are one. Even if you were the last person on Earth, you would feel Love because God does not abandon anyone.
You and Love cannot be separated, for Love is God and you were never apart from God, nor will you ever be.
Today’s Exercise: Don’t be afraid to tell people you love them and why. It will go a long way.
Today’s Affirmations: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love has only one degree; either you Love, or you don’t.
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