Bot Revolt

Monday, April 2, 2012

Who Am I - Life Questions

These are probably the three most important questions that any human being can ask.  The religions of the world have their answer for these questions, but in my opinion, they would be wrong.  All religions at their base teach love for God and love for your fellow mankind. However, at that point they start to differ on the above three questions. 
Question #1: Who am I?  Most religions don’t really answer this question.  Usually you will get that we are human beings with a soul.  For question #2: “Why am I here?” they say we are here to prove our worthiness to go to Heaven when this life is done.  We are here to obey certain laws of conduct; if we violate these laws then we could possibly go to hell for all eternity when we die.  For question #3: “Where am I going?” some religions say our final destination is one of three places: heaven, hell or purgatory.  That we will be judged by God for breaking the laws set up by individual religions. 

Who am I?
You are pure spirit, cast into a human mold as a manifestation of Divine Intelligence, existing this little while on Earth to help carry on the Divine Plan.  Being pure spirit, you are a part of the only intelligence there is and all the power and understanding of this intelligence are yours to draw upon.

Why am I here?
The only reasonable and intelligent answer that makes sense to me is that the Universal Superconscious Mind (GOD) is seeking to know itself by becoming things because it cannot know itself as infinity.  Thus we are born, we live, we have free will, we do well, we do badly, we suffer, and we die.  All the while we are expanding our consciousness.  GOD seeks to know itself by becoming you and me and every other thing in the Universe.  Thus, human purpose is destined to expand self-consciousness to Infinity.

Where am I going?
To understand Infinity, we need to be infinite.  Our body will clearly die, but our soul, our Subconscious Mind will never die.  Neither was it ever born.  What do the Great Teachers of all time keep saying?  WE ARE ONE WITH GOD! And GOD has no intention of doing anything with your soul except to bring it back home where it belongs.
Here is a theory that makes a lot of sense to me!
There is no such place in the hereafter as Heaven or Hell.  Heaven or Hell is right here on Earth.  We either live a happy, fruitful and rewarding life or we live an unhappy and meaningless life.  The devil and sin are non-existent and are creations made up by early religions to put fear into the hearts of people in order to control them.
God is everything in the Universe, God is us and we are God.
God is love, beauty, and the truth.  To understand God fully, think of God as the ocean and of mankind as individual drops of water in the ocean.  When you come into this life God places your soul (subconscious mind) into a new body and you are born.  The purpose of this life is to enjoy the experience and to grow in enlightenment.  When we die (there is no death, just a transition from one realm to another) our soul, that little drop of water, goes back into the ocean (God) to reincarnate over and over.  God does not judge, God does not condemn, God does not punish.  Our soul, our subconscious mind, that little drop of water is infinite, thus it reincarnates into another human body.  We have lived thousands of lives and will live thousands of more lives until we reach the level of the great Lords of our planet such as Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Krishna, etc.  When we reach this level we will return as teachers. 
In the words of the great poet John Kents:
“Truth is beauty
Beauty is truth
That is all we know on Earth
And all we need to know.”

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