Bot Revolt

Friday, April 20, 2012

Types of Malware: Viruses and Trojans

Typically spread through one computer to the next by emails and social networking sites. They may be used to steal personal information, ransom your computer or make your computer part of a botnet used to attack other networks or to send unsolicited emails, spam.
Is your computer protecting you from viruses and Trojans? How would you know? These cyber criminals are silent and take what they want and slip out the back door.
There are over 1 billion, three million, seven hundred and eighty eight known illegal threats that are using viruses and Trojans 24 hours a day; sneaking into computers, taking what they want and leaving without you even knowing they were there.
How does that make you feel? Do you think you might not sleep too well tonight knowing that cyber criminals are just waiting for you to turn on your computer so that they can use malware to violate your privacy and hack your accounts. They can steal email addresses, ssn, banking information, and your buying habits. The worst part is that you think your computer is secure.
To find out for sure go to: for a 10-day free trial and see how many threats are trying to get into your computer in real time. You will be shocked to see who knows more about you than your closest friend.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Art of Dying

Cheer up!  This is NOT a morbid subject.  Dying is as natural as birth.  After all, you have probably done it a thousand times or more already, and you will probably do another thousand or more times.  So, what’s the big deal?
Well, it started with early religious beliefs that we were put on this Earth as a test to see if we would go to Heaven or Hell after this life is over.  Religious leaders needed a gimmick to force people to join their religion.  So Hell and the Devil were created as an alternative go God and Heaven.  Stories were told through art: statues and paintings were created to reflect a possible destination after death.  Most of these paintings and statues are still prominently displayed in museums and private collections all over the world.
Think about it, would God who is all loving have any need for the Devil, evil or Hell?  No, this is man’s doing.  Mankind does not really know The Secret of the Universe because it has placed its fate in those who were supposed to know.  Unfortunately, those who did know or thought they knew, decided that if the masses knew the truth it would make religion as we know it today obsolete.  Why would we need a set of rules, it there was not Hell?  If you believe in reincarnation then this one life as a test would be ridiculous.  Religion made God the judge and jury of their individual rules.  None of which had any validity with the truth.
The Human Body is NOT designed to fall apart at age 65 or 75.  Our body keeps growing new cells and we have a NEW body every 7 or 8 years or so.  However, modernization is a big cause of an early death. Pollution from industrial and commercial waste are destroying our cells faster than the body can make new ones.  The food industry is killing us with the chemicals and preservatives they place in the food.  It is a poison, if it makes food last on the shelf for 3 years how long do you think in stay in your body?  Modern transportation has made walking obsolete for some people.  Modern prescriptions and over the counter drugs are doing more damage than good.  Yet, this is not the main cause of our body’s demise.  It is our thinking!
We have been led to believe we only live one life and at the end of that life we will be judged to see if we qualify to enter Heaven.  So, this life is a constant struggle of trying to live by a set of rules – man-made rules.  Each religion decided it needed its own set of rules and the other religions rules did not apply.  Mankind became confused…whose rules are the right rules?  Who’s rules are the real rules set by God?  Well, my friends, here is The Secret; God did NOT make any rules.  God has no need for rules.  Religions got frustrated and decided to pick a spokesperson for their religions.  Catholics and Christians picked Jesus Christ, Muslims picked Mohammed, Hindus picked Krishna etc…

These men became our saviors, but what are they saving us from?  The Bible, the Torah, the Koran etc. became the “official” word of God.  Yet more killing and wars have been the result of what these books state is “the word” of God.  They became symbols of the word of God.  Men go into courtrooms, put their hand on the Bible and swear they will tell the truth, then every word out of their mouth is a lie.
Let me try to put your mind at ease… there is NO test, there is NO Hell, Devil or evil.  We are God and God is us.  When we pass through this life we will return to god to be reborn at another time in another body.  We have died thousands of times already and probably have many thousands of life cycles yet to go through.  The purpose of this life and others is to seek happiness, love and success.  Mankind has been so brainwashed and misled by certain religious philosophies that the world is in one BIG mess.
Now I know this is going to be hard for most people to accept but if you really but if you really question these people, you will hear them quote the Bible or some other religious text.  When you ask for proof they keep referring back to the Bible as if it were infallible.
The Bible was put together by Constantine who was the Emperor of Rome at the time.  Constantine wanted to have ONE Catholic Religion, so he brought the religious leaders like Cardinals, Bishops and Priests together.  They sat down and went through all the scrolls, manuscripts and gospels and put together what Constantine, who by the way was also the Pope and Emperor of Rome.  It was Constantine who decided what went into the Bible and what was kept out.  The Bible is NOT the word of God, the Bible is the word of Constantine the Emperor of Rome.  Thus Christianity and the Catholic Church were born.
Okay, let’s say you are not convinced and think I’m against religion.  Here is a fact:  When I was born, 74 years ago, I was baptized into the Catholic Religion, and to my knowledge I am still a Catholic.  However, we are entering into the Age of Enlightenment and the superstitions and family stories of Heaven and Hell are no longer valid.
Here is the truth:
We are infinite, yes our body will die, but our soul (subconscious mind) will never die, neither was it ever born.  Death is just a doorway into the next realm.  When our body dies, so does our conscious mind, so all of our trials and frustrations are wiped away clean.  We unite with our inner being which is perfect.  The real world is a world of spirit and is perfect.  This physical life is simply a temporary interruption.  The purpose of this physical life is to seek happiness, a condition that only a small portion of us really achieve.

Happiness is NOT what happens to us, but an attitude that we decide on ahead of time.  To be happy, successful, healthy, loving, kind and at peace is what this life is all about.
How are you doing with that?



Seniors and computers

 If you’re like me, you grew up with manual type writers, carbon paper for copes and mimeograph machines. Today everyone has a computer or two. And guess what? Ever since, everyone is being hacked by 1,004,794,486 known illegal threats. Oh and by the way, that number is growing by about 3,000 every day. 
According to the FBI, senior citizens are the most vulnerable to cyber crime because seniors are more interested in and susceptible to products promising increased cognitive function, virility, physical conditioning, anti-cancer properties, and so on. Older Americans are less likely to report a fraud because they don’t know who to report it to, are too ashamed at having been scammed, or don’t know they have been scammed.
So be very careful when surfing online.
Let me tell you a little bit about what I’ve learn through the last few months.
Do you know what a key logger is?
Probably not, the average person doesn’t. However a cyber criminal can put a key logger on your computer so that when you are typing checking your bank account, giving out your social security number, shopping online giving your credit card information and billing information, the cyber crooks are reading that information as you type it.
Are you willing to share this information with the world?
It works like the old party lines on your telephone. You could be on your phone and your neighbor could pick up the phone and listen to your entire conversation.
Well not that I have scared the heck out of you. Let me show you how to protect your valuable and sensitive information. No need to be a computer wizard, just go to: http://www.botrevolt.comsign up for a 10-day free trial and see how many bad guys you slammed the door on.
For your peace of mind and protection it’s only $4.95 a month to be protected permanently. Pretty soon you wont be able to buy a gallon of gas for $4.95.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Quiz

How many illegal Robots, Worms, Trojans and/or viruses are penetrating you computer system in a 3 day period.
     A. none
     B. less than 10
     C. 11 to 100
     d.  101 to 1000
     E   over a thousand
For the exact number go to and try our 10 day free no obligation trial period. Then let us know how far off you were. Leonardmrubino@

Friday, April 13, 2012


You would be,if you knew how many illegal cyber criminals are hacking into your computer every hour your computer is turned on. Cyber criminals using worms, robots, viruses and Trojans are violating your system by the hundreds every hour every day.
You say you have a security system but how would you know if it is being breached? want to find out for sure?
Go to for a FREE five day trial period, that will:
1.  Identify who's been breaking into your computer
2.  Block them
3.  and even count them for you.
On my computer this morning over a three hour period my BotRevolt program stopped 3168 attempts by hackers to enter my computer and steal my valuable information.
Can you afford to have over 3000 crooks nosing around inside your computer. I doubt it. Want to know for sure? Go to and take advantage of our FREE trial period.
Thank you, Len 

How many illegal cyber criminals are in your computer with you right now

Want to know how many illegal cyber criminals are violating your computer space. In a hour's time my program blocked 2482 attempts to enter my computer for the purpose of stealing valuable information like E-mail addresses social security numbers credit card numbers and other personal and private information. Thank you BotRevolt. Bu the way by the time it took me to type this the number went up to 2487.
For a free no obligation trial to see who is stealing YOUR STUFF go to

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The average person is usually between $200 and $300 a month short of paying their bills.The culprit in many cases is credit cards.We use credit cards as if the money was ours. No you borrowed the Bank's money and they want it back. 85% of the money the Bank requires as a minimum payment goes to the bank as finance charges.
If you are looking for a sure way to earn extra money without any investment or selling on your part. Check out Our affiliates average about $300 to $500 per month just by directing people to this program. The program sells itself. protect user's computers by automatically blocking,identifying and counting over 1.2 Billion known cyber criminals. TRY IT YOU WILL Like It
.Len Rubino, President
Bimo Marketing
Think your computer is safe from Robots, worms and viruses? THINK AGAIN I thought I had complete security with my business system. Then I installed What a shock, I turned it on 9 AM April 12 by 2PM April 12th BotRevolt BLOCKED, IDENTIFIED AND COUNTED 1261 ILLEGAL ATTEMPTS TO INFILTRATE MY COMPUTER.
BotRevolt blocks 1,002,551,227 known illegal threats every minute of every day your computer is turned on.
Go to and get your 5 day FREE TRIAL
you will be schocked and amazed. Thank you
Len Rubino,

cyber crimes what can you do about it.

Cyber crimes have gone beyond just being a nusense, they are now infected by viruses run by organized gangs.
These gangs record every single email or Google search coming from your computer. If you make a purchase on line using your credit card, these criminals are going to have all the information needed to use your credit card to buy anything they want on line.How does that make you feel?
Here is another crime you should be aware of. Criminals use Robots, worms, viruses and other methods to steal E-Mail addresses. They then sell these addresses to Spammers. Who then send out hundreds of thousands of illegal Spam to entice people to buy worthless junk and Get Rich Scheme programs.

                     WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT
Go to www, for a free no obligation trial period that will block over 1.2 Billion known bad guys from breaking into your computer and making you a victim or even making your computer a carrier for these vicious crimes. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Have you ever been hacked? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?

Has a cyber-criminal invaded your computer and sent illegal e-mails, and scams to your contact list? Are evil worms, bots or viruses wreaking havoc in your computer system? Maybe you have the latest anti-virus protection and you feel secure. HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? 

Bot Revolt keeps the hackers out and your sensitive data in for the price of a cheeseburger a month!
You will know for sure that your system is secure. Most security software looks the “front door” of your computer. Bot Revolt locks the “back door” and double locks the “front door” against over 1 Billion known bad guys out there and tells you who they are.
There’s a 10-day free trial you can download and see for yourself, how many intruders are breaking into your computer every hour of every day. Watch in real time how many are blocked from invading your system.
Bot Revolt automatically protects you 24/7 and tells you who they blocked.
You will sleep better and one less cheeseburger a month is probably good for you too.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Who Am I - Life Questions

These are probably the three most important questions that any human being can ask.  The religions of the world have their answer for these questions, but in my opinion, they would be wrong.  All religions at their base teach love for God and love for your fellow mankind. However, at that point they start to differ on the above three questions. 
Question #1: Who am I?  Most religions don’t really answer this question.  Usually you will get that we are human beings with a soul.  For question #2: “Why am I here?” they say we are here to prove our worthiness to go to Heaven when this life is done.  We are here to obey certain laws of conduct; if we violate these laws then we could possibly go to hell for all eternity when we die.  For question #3: “Where am I going?” some religions say our final destination is one of three places: heaven, hell or purgatory.  That we will be judged by God for breaking the laws set up by individual religions. 

Who am I?
You are pure spirit, cast into a human mold as a manifestation of Divine Intelligence, existing this little while on Earth to help carry on the Divine Plan.  Being pure spirit, you are a part of the only intelligence there is and all the power and understanding of this intelligence are yours to draw upon.

Why am I here?
The only reasonable and intelligent answer that makes sense to me is that the Universal Superconscious Mind (GOD) is seeking to know itself by becoming things because it cannot know itself as infinity.  Thus we are born, we live, we have free will, we do well, we do badly, we suffer, and we die.  All the while we are expanding our consciousness.  GOD seeks to know itself by becoming you and me and every other thing in the Universe.  Thus, human purpose is destined to expand self-consciousness to Infinity.

Where am I going?
To understand Infinity, we need to be infinite.  Our body will clearly die, but our soul, our Subconscious Mind will never die.  Neither was it ever born.  What do the Great Teachers of all time keep saying?  WE ARE ONE WITH GOD! And GOD has no intention of doing anything with your soul except to bring it back home where it belongs.
Here is a theory that makes a lot of sense to me!
There is no such place in the hereafter as Heaven or Hell.  Heaven or Hell is right here on Earth.  We either live a happy, fruitful and rewarding life or we live an unhappy and meaningless life.  The devil and sin are non-existent and are creations made up by early religions to put fear into the hearts of people in order to control them.
God is everything in the Universe, God is us and we are God.
God is love, beauty, and the truth.  To understand God fully, think of God as the ocean and of mankind as individual drops of water in the ocean.  When you come into this life God places your soul (subconscious mind) into a new body and you are born.  The purpose of this life is to enjoy the experience and to grow in enlightenment.  When we die (there is no death, just a transition from one realm to another) our soul, that little drop of water, goes back into the ocean (God) to reincarnate over and over.  God does not judge, God does not condemn, God does not punish.  Our soul, our subconscious mind, that little drop of water is infinite, thus it reincarnates into another human body.  We have lived thousands of lives and will live thousands of more lives until we reach the level of the great Lords of our planet such as Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Krishna, etc.  When we reach this level we will return as teachers. 
In the words of the great poet John Kents:
“Truth is beauty
Beauty is truth
That is all we know on Earth
And all we need to know.”