There is no hope for you if you don’t have a definite goal to aim for. This goal may change from time to time, but change is always necessary to zone in on your target. Changing a goal reminds me of watching scenes from World War II on The History Channel. An enemy plane is diving in on a ship; the gunners are firing furiously into the sky, and yet, the plane still bears down on the ship. Unless the plane actually flies into the wall of lead, it ends up hitting the ship.
Success can elude us if we are firing out of control. In today’s warfare the ship fires one missile before the plane is even in sight, when the plane zigzags, the missile zigzags. Usually the plane is destroyed before the gunner actually sees it. Our new philosophy is Ready, Fire, Aim. So, if you are Ready, Fire, and Aim high. It is better to aim at the stars and hit only the moon, than to aim at the moon and hit your front yard.
There is a price for success, as well as a price for failure. You must be willing to pay the price. I can tell you from my own experience that the price for failure is always much higher than the price for success.
God did not give us the ability to dream without the ability to fulfill our dreams. Ambition is part of dreaming. Know this and know it well. Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest. Ambition will always outdo skill. Ambition is simply your decision to write your own ticket. Ambition is disguised in the beginning as being enthusiastically discontented. Ambition is reading this book and books like it.
Today’s Exercise: Set your goals high; you take care of the “WHAT” and God will take care of the HOW.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest.
For anyone following the Law of Attraction, success and happiness. Here's some of my knowledge.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Lack of Sucess: Lack of a Well-defined Purpose in Life
This is perhaps the major cause of most failures. Most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they do in figuring out what they want to do with their life. People who do not succeed in life blame it on just about everything. There is an old saying that if you are not planning to succeed, you most certainly are planning to fail. When do you start planning for success? You plan now. People do not plan for success. If they did, every writer in the world would write a book called Success for Dummies.
A key word in cause number one is “purpose.” A life purpose is measured in service to humanity. A purpose in life is not measured in dollars and cents. In some cases, we measure life purpose in terms of financial wealth. But more often it is measured in personal happiness, satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment.
I made a lot of money in my life but my purpose in life is to write this book. I started this book on my seventieth birthday yet, I don’t feel as though I should have completed it sooner. Quite frankly, I couldn’t have even written it ten or fifteen years ago.
It is better if you don’t worry about money and look for a life purpose that will really make you happy. Then, see if you can make other people happy. Then, see if you can turn it into a financial success.
Today’s Exercise: Get a diary or a planner with blank pages in it and start to define your purpose in life.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: If you are not planning to succeed you most certainly are planning to fail.
A key word in cause number one is “purpose.” A life purpose is measured in service to humanity. A purpose in life is not measured in dollars and cents. In some cases, we measure life purpose in terms of financial wealth. But more often it is measured in personal happiness, satisfaction, and sense of accomplishment.
I made a lot of money in my life but my purpose in life is to write this book. I started this book on my seventieth birthday yet, I don’t feel as though I should have completed it sooner. Quite frankly, I couldn’t have even written it ten or fifteen years ago.
It is better if you don’t worry about money and look for a life purpose that will really make you happy. Then, see if you can make other people happy. Then, see if you can turn it into a financial success.
Today’s Exercise: Get a diary or a planner with blank pages in it and start to define your purpose in life.
Today’s Affirmation: I do only those things that make me successful.
Points to Ponder: If you are not planning to succeed you most certainly are planning to fail.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Before you can make accomplishments, you must be possessed with ambition. Before you can feel ambition, you must have a preceding hunger to accomplish things. Anything that will stimulate that mental hunger will arouse ambition and thus create that eagerness for action and attainment.
How can you produce that mental hunger? In order for mental hunger to be manifested, it must first have ideals presented to our subconscious. If you are content with your present life and want nothing better, it’s because you have seen nothing better: have heard of nothing better, or else you are mentally and physically lazy.
I heard an interesting story when I visited Berlin. Do you know what caused the fall of Communism and the literal and figural destruction of the Berlin Wall? It was VCRs. VCRs were smuggled from Sweden and Finland, into Russia and East Berlin. When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it. They had a burning desire to share in the good life and Communism disappeared practically overnight. Instead of the bombs and money spent on the military to defeat Communism, all they had to do was send over all of the extra VCRs and videotapes. They had a mental hunger for our way of life; a free life.
With the dawn of ambition comes the arousing of the will and a strong will aroused a strong desire. Maybe we ought to send all our old VCRs and videotapes to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and a few other choice locations.
To manifest ambition fully, you must first have an eager desire for ambition. A mere wanting or wishing for it is not enough. You must have a fierce, eager, all consuming hunger, demanding satisfaction. Then, you must have a strong will aroused sufficiently to get that which you desire.
If you want something bad enough, the easier it will be to achieve it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the paper for real estate and check out the million dollar homes.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it.
How can you produce that mental hunger? In order for mental hunger to be manifested, it must first have ideals presented to our subconscious. If you are content with your present life and want nothing better, it’s because you have seen nothing better: have heard of nothing better, or else you are mentally and physically lazy.
I heard an interesting story when I visited Berlin. Do you know what caused the fall of Communism and the literal and figural destruction of the Berlin Wall? It was VCRs. VCRs were smuggled from Sweden and Finland, into Russia and East Berlin. When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it. They had a burning desire to share in the good life and Communism disappeared practically overnight. Instead of the bombs and money spent on the military to defeat Communism, all they had to do was send over all of the extra VCRs and videotapes. They had a mental hunger for our way of life; a free life.
With the dawn of ambition comes the arousing of the will and a strong will aroused a strong desire. Maybe we ought to send all our old VCRs and videotapes to Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, and a few other choice locations.
To manifest ambition fully, you must first have an eager desire for ambition. A mere wanting or wishing for it is not enough. You must have a fierce, eager, all consuming hunger, demanding satisfaction. Then, you must have a strong will aroused sufficiently to get that which you desire.
If you want something bad enough, the easier it will be to achieve it.
Today’s Exercise: Look in the paper for real estate and check out the million dollar homes.
Today’s Affirmation: I am enthusiastic and confident.
Points to Ponder: When people saw how the free world lived, they wanted a part of it.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Stress Busting Attitude
Developing a positive, stress-busting attitude, is the first step to taking charge of stress. Remember: Your can’t control many things that happen to you, but you can control your attitude. One technique to thwart stress involves doing a “Gross Impact Activity.” Pound something to release tension in a productive way. Opportunities to fight stress range from hitting a punching bag, running, jogging, or cleaning up the garage or yard.
As pressures build in the office, you may vent in frustration or anger, which only raises the level of stress around you. Other employees may absorb the pent-up stress that you release.
Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress. You may not be operating from a position of accountability. I recommend these steps to build accountability.
1. Adopt the right attitude.
2. Be accountable yourself.
3. Hold others accountable.
4. Write down your priorities.
5. Make and expect commitments.
6. Get and give support.
In order to manage yourself, I recommend creating two types of lists:
1. A master To Do List
2. A six month, Important Things To Do List
Remember:“ If you change the way you handle stress, the stress you handle will dissipate.”
Today’s Exercise: Make your lists.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress.
As pressures build in the office, you may vent in frustration or anger, which only raises the level of stress around you. Other employees may absorb the pent-up stress that you release.
Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress. You may not be operating from a position of accountability. I recommend these steps to build accountability.
1. Adopt the right attitude.
2. Be accountable yourself.
3. Hold others accountable.
4. Write down your priorities.
5. Make and expect commitments.
6. Get and give support.
In order to manage yourself, I recommend creating two types of lists:
1. A master To Do List
2. A six month, Important Things To Do List
Remember:“ If you change the way you handle stress, the stress you handle will dissipate.”
Today’s Exercise: Make your lists.
Today’s Affirmation: I am a calm, peaceful and patient person.
Points to Ponder: Accountability is one of the keys to defusing stress.
Monday, July 26, 2010
What Is Faith?
For most of us, faith is a term used by all religions in sermons and theological books as a position we take when we don’t understand something. Faith has no practical place or meaning in the physical world. This is the world we live in and perform most of our actions. So consequently, faith is for the little old ladies sitting in the back of the church or temple. Yet, we need faith to jump start enthusiasm and we need enthusiasm to jump start action for without action everything is academic.
However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane.
If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day.
Knowledge, experience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
Today’s Exercise: Take your best friend, stand in front of him/her and say, “I’m going to fall backwards, catch me. Then, fall.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: If you are looking to change your life for the better, then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
However, we believe that the most important reasoning of practical everyday life is based on faith. We can’t guarantee the sun will rise tomorrow and the Universal Law or the Law of Causation says, “The same causes, under the same conditions will produce the same effects.” If you are looking to change your life for the better then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
So, in order to succeed, you must change your thinking from mostly negative to mostly positive. Faith is not difficult, you have faith every time you board an airplane that the captain knows how to fly the plane, the plane is in excellent condition and that you will arrive safely at your destination. Millions of people fly every day, without faith, they will not board the plane.
If you believe that a person is dishonest, incompetent, or crazy, you would not trust your affairs or money with that person. You have faith in that person’s wrongness not rightness but it’s still faith. Every belief without one hundred percent positive knowledge is a form of faith. Since we rarely have one hundred percent knowledge, we practice some form of faith every day.
Knowledge, experience, or intuition helps us to decide what we should have faith in. There is the Law of Averages or the Law of Probabilities that helps us to make decisions, and it comes down to faith. You cannot get away from faith in your thoughts and beliefs concerning the present and the future any more than you can avoid death. Without faith, there is no desire. Without desire, there is no determination. Without determination, there is no persistence. Without persistence, there is no action. Without action, there is no accomplishment. The Bible says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.”
Today’s Exercise: Take your best friend, stand in front of him/her and say, “I’m going to fall backwards, catch me. Then, fall.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: If you are looking to change your life for the better, then it is absurd for you to keep doing the same old thing and expect different results.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Mind
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe.
Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words.
This chapter will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind.
Monthly Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Your Subconscious Mind is your soul. It is the direct and only link to God. Your Subconscious Mind is infinite, thus, you are infinite, and your soul is one, one with God, one with the universe. God has separated humankind from all of his creations by giving humankind the ability to think, to create, and to know the secrets of the universe.
Eighty-seven percent of the people on this planet do not know how the Subconscious Mind works and how to use it to gain success and happiness. Our Subconscious Mind creates into reality all of our thoughts and words.
This chapter will change your world forever. No longer will you be the victim of circumstance, luck or prejudices. You are the master of your ship, the captain of your soul. We carry around the secret of success and happiness twenty-four hours a day in our Subconscious Mind.
Monthly Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The First Law of Attraction
If you had a wishing well, what is one thing you would wish for? Is it wealth, fame, honor, or love? What one thing do you desire above everything else in life? Whatever it is, you can have it! The First Law of Attraction says, Whatever you desire whole heartily, with singleness of purpose you can have. First, you must know what that one thing is. Do you remember the character Curly in the movie City Slickers? He kept sticking one finger in Billy Crystal character’s face saying, “This is the secret to life.” When Crystal’s character asked him what the secret was, Curly said, “It’s for you to find out.” You have to find out what your heart’s desire is. Otherwise, all you will do is run around in circles and you won’t stand much chance of getting it.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you.
Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Today’s Exercise: Take the first step in the direction toward that project you have been thinking about.
Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future.
You must be moving toward your desire all the time because what you are after is constantly moving. Standing still is really an illusion. You think you are not moving but since you’re standing on this planet Earth, you are rotating. Earth rotates one complete turn every 24 hours and it is traveling thousands of miles an hour as it rotates around the Sun once every 365 days. And the whole kit and caboodle is racing thousands of miles per hour through space. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get off your butt and do something?
Most people just sit around waiting for something good to happen, and then they get angry when what they desire happens to someone else. If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future. The Bible says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” This passage is telling us that we must have a burning desire for what we want. The magic of doing something actually attracts your desire to you.
Lucky you, if you have what I call enthusiastic “discontentment”; if you are never satisfied, and always looking for a new height to scale; and you never settle for the crumbs of life.
Today’s Exercise: Take the first step in the direction toward that project you have been thinking about.
Affirmations: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: If you are doing nothing, if there is no driving force; no sense of urgency, you can count upon it that you will have no results and no real future.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Secret of Life
The big question is, why are we here? The object of this life is the pursuit of happiness. Most people feel that if they become successful, then they will find happiness. Wrong, it is the other way around. You must find happiness in order to be successful. Now, you may say I know a lot of wealthy people who are unhappy and you would be right. Maybe the way they got their riches is what’s making them unhappy. For you and me, let’s keep it simple.
Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind.
Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.
Today’s Exercise: Find something you really like to do and do it. Then capture the essence of your feeling. This is how you want to feel in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You must find happiness in order to be successful.
Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind.
Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.
Today’s Exercise: Find something you really like to do and do it. Then capture the essence of your feeling. This is how you want to feel in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You must find happiness in order to be successful.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Time to Forgive
One of the keys to having peace in your family relationships is forgiveness. Your relatives are simply doing what they’ve been taught to do over a lifetime and the lifetimes of their ancestors. Shower them with understanding and forgiveness from your heart.
This passage from A Course in Miracles says it all:
“Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness,
a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty
that transcends the world? Do you want a quietness that cannot be
disturbed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep abiding comfort,
and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? All this, forgiveness offers you.”
What is forgiveness after all, but a willingness to be kind? More than that, forgiveness is knowing.
• It is knowing that the other person is not aware of the force.
• It’s knowing that the other person is a product of many generations of separation from the force.
• It’s knowing that deep down the other person does not want to be angry, unkind, or destructive.
• It’s knowing that you don’t always have to be right.
• It’s knowing that winning an argument is losing the relationship.
• It’s knowing that forgiveness and kindness are God’s messages.
• It’s knowing that the meek shall inherit the earth.
• It’s knowing that when you do an act of kindness or forgiveness your serotonin level in your brain increases.
Serotonin is the body’s way of strengthening your immune system and makes you feel good. Imagine an act of forgiveness can make you feel good and prevent you from getting a disease. Not only will you feel good, the recipient of your act will also feel good. Try forgiveness and kindness. They are better than any medication known to humankind.
Today’s Exercise: Call up someone in your family who you haven’t spoken to in years and say, “Hi, I’ve been thinking about you.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Forgiveness is but a willingness to be kind.
This passage from A Course in Miracles says it all:
“Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it. Do you want happiness,
a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty
that transcends the world? Do you want a quietness that cannot be
disturbed, a gentleness that can never be hurt, a deep abiding comfort,
and a rest so perfect it can never be upset? All this, forgiveness offers you.”
What is forgiveness after all, but a willingness to be kind? More than that, forgiveness is knowing.
• It is knowing that the other person is not aware of the force.
• It’s knowing that the other person is a product of many generations of separation from the force.
• It’s knowing that deep down the other person does not want to be angry, unkind, or destructive.
• It’s knowing that you don’t always have to be right.
• It’s knowing that winning an argument is losing the relationship.
• It’s knowing that forgiveness and kindness are God’s messages.
• It’s knowing that the meek shall inherit the earth.
• It’s knowing that when you do an act of kindness or forgiveness your serotonin level in your brain increases.
Serotonin is the body’s way of strengthening your immune system and makes you feel good. Imagine an act of forgiveness can make you feel good and prevent you from getting a disease. Not only will you feel good, the recipient of your act will also feel good. Try forgiveness and kindness. They are better than any medication known to humankind.
Today’s Exercise: Call up someone in your family who you haven’t spoken to in years and say, “Hi, I’ve been thinking about you.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Forgiveness is but a willingness to be kind.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tough Love
Tough love is harder on you than it is on the recipient but sometimes it is the only way to go. Sometimes we need to say no, and anytime you say, “No,” you need to justify the “no.” “No” without a legitimate explanation of your decision is akin to saying ‘go away, don’t bother me’. No’s must be given with compassion and understanding. Your needs are the most important needs in the world and that doesn’t mean that you exclude the needs of others. What it means is that you must take care of your needs first, and then you have the capacity to take care of others in a more loving way.
A mother’s love for a child requires her to say, “No” sometimes, however it doesn’t mean that you can say no any time you don’t feel like getting involved. Our children learn from us and sometimes we don’t take this responsibility seriously enough. “No” is the worst word in any language. It teaches us that we are not in charge of our life. When you are two years old, it is probably necessary but we learn ninety percent of everything we will ever know between the ages of 2 and 4. If we learn everything is no, you can’t have that or no you can’t do that then, this NO is with us for life and we give up on any worth while endeavor.
I read a story about a five-year-old boy who used to ride his bike on the top rail of a fence. He rode this fence for a long time. An adult saw him riding on the rail and told him to get down. The adult told him he would fall and that it was impossible to ride on that narrow top rail. Naturally, he fell and he was never able to ride the top rail again. Look at what kids can do on a skateboard today, the impossible is a piece of cake to them. Be very, very selective in your use of the word no, if any other word will do, use it.
Today’s Exercise: Bite your tongue before you say, “NO.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Only a grown-up can destroy the creativity of a child.
A mother’s love for a child requires her to say, “No” sometimes, however it doesn’t mean that you can say no any time you don’t feel like getting involved. Our children learn from us and sometimes we don’t take this responsibility seriously enough. “No” is the worst word in any language. It teaches us that we are not in charge of our life. When you are two years old, it is probably necessary but we learn ninety percent of everything we will ever know between the ages of 2 and 4. If we learn everything is no, you can’t have that or no you can’t do that then, this NO is with us for life and we give up on any worth while endeavor.
I read a story about a five-year-old boy who used to ride his bike on the top rail of a fence. He rode this fence for a long time. An adult saw him riding on the rail and told him to get down. The adult told him he would fall and that it was impossible to ride on that narrow top rail. Naturally, he fell and he was never able to ride the top rail again. Look at what kids can do on a skateboard today, the impossible is a piece of cake to them. Be very, very selective in your use of the word no, if any other word will do, use it.
Today’s Exercise: Bite your tongue before you say, “NO.”
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Only a grown-up can destroy the creativity of a child.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A Golden Rule
This little poem pretty much says it all:
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” - Anonymous
1. You have to stop and smell the roses.
2. You must take the time to be kind.
3. You must look for reasons to be kind.
4. Be kind to your loved ones.
5. Be kind to strangers.
6. Be kind to animals.
7. Most of all be kind to yourself.
A Golden Rule is the act of kindness. Every time you do an act of kindness, God smiles, for this is your purpose for living. This is what life is all about. This is your quest, how many individuals today can you get to smile?
Today is all we have; we can’t undo the wrongs of yesterday; tomorrow never comes; today is all there is. Today you make your mark, you are judged by what you do today. The world needs kindness; we are in a constant state of war because humankind has not learned the golden rule. World peace is our quest. Kindness is our tool. Who dares to challenge our quest? Who dares to say it can’t be done? Who dares to get in our way? NO ONE. It is up to us. Kindness – kindness – kindness. It’s that simple.
Today’s Exercise: You guessed it. Do at least ONE simple little act of kindness and like the movie Ground Hog Day do it again and again.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Today is all we have. Yesterday is a canceled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is Cash…spend it wisely.
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” - Anonymous
1. You have to stop and smell the roses.
2. You must take the time to be kind.
3. You must look for reasons to be kind.
4. Be kind to your loved ones.
5. Be kind to strangers.
6. Be kind to animals.
7. Most of all be kind to yourself.
A Golden Rule is the act of kindness. Every time you do an act of kindness, God smiles, for this is your purpose for living. This is what life is all about. This is your quest, how many individuals today can you get to smile?
Today is all we have; we can’t undo the wrongs of yesterday; tomorrow never comes; today is all there is. Today you make your mark, you are judged by what you do today. The world needs kindness; we are in a constant state of war because humankind has not learned the golden rule. World peace is our quest. Kindness is our tool. Who dares to challenge our quest? Who dares to say it can’t be done? Who dares to get in our way? NO ONE. It is up to us. Kindness – kindness – kindness. It’s that simple.
Today’s Exercise: You guessed it. Do at least ONE simple little act of kindness and like the movie Ground Hog Day do it again and again.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Today is all we have. Yesterday is a canceled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is Cash…spend it wisely.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
How Will You Act when You Are Successful?
Want to be successful? Well act that way right now. If you think success and act successful, before you know it you will be successful. I asked my sales force if they thought they could earn one hundred thousand dollars a year. As a person, they said yes. Then I asked them if they were earning one hundred thousand dollars a year would they come to work dressed the way they were. Sheepishly they said nothing, but the next day every one of them improved their dress code.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
I then asked them to raise their hand if they were driving the car of their dreams. No one put a hand up. I told them to go to the car dealer of their choice, sit in the car, smell the leather, get a brochure, and negotiate the price of the car, as if they were going to purchase it that day. The next day, they were all excited. There were new car brochures on every desk.
Then, I proceeded to break it down into sales activity so they could understand the amount of additional sales they needed to afford the monthly lease payment. In most cases, it came to less than four extra sales per month, or one per week.
Then, I asked them to picture the car sitting in their driveway. The system is now in place. Most of them will be driving brand new Lexus’, Infinitis, Mercedes’, etc. within the next three months. Piece of cake.
The attitude in the room was high. People were excited and they then knew that not only was it possible, but well within reach without anything drastic happening.
You can do this with everything, home, car, vacation, etc. You just have to believe. As Tug McGraw of the NY Mets once said, “You gotta believe.” Open the channel to God’s help, and then act as though you already possess what you want.
Today’s Exercise: Go to the car dealer and get your brochure. Take a camera with you. Have someone take your picture with you sitting in the car.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Do you want to be successful? Well, then, act that way right now. Fake it until you make it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Love to Eat
Let’s face it, most of us love to eat. Do you live to eat or do you eat to live? There are thousands of books on cooking, diets, exotic foods, etc. For some people eating is a way of handling a broken heart, a failed career, or just plain boredom.
On a recent trip to Disney World, I started to note how many people I saw who were overweight. The results were outstanding! I would say that at least twenty percent of the people I saw could be classified as obese; another thirty percent were at least thirty to fifty pounds overweight and another forty percent could loose ten to fifteen pounds. That leaves only ten percent of all of the thousands of people I observed who you would classify as not overweight and this number included all the teenaged girls who were down right skinny. Now maybe this is just because it was Disney World or maybe it was a mindset of people who let themselves go once they have children. I noticed that these percentages kind of hold true at sporting events too.
How does overeating coincide with being successful or unsuccessful? Overeating is lack of control and it shows a strong desire to be pleased. We feel good when we eat and if there is nothing else in our lives to feel good about we simply do what pleases us and that is to eat more. Once you have a plan to succeed, then the need to overeat is replaced by the need to contribute to society.
Most people who are overweight blame it on genes, having big bones, or anything except for the hunger for love, respect, and happiness. Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Today’s Exercise: The plan to stop overeating is to be loving, respectful, kind, and happy.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
On a recent trip to Disney World, I started to note how many people I saw who were overweight. The results were outstanding! I would say that at least twenty percent of the people I saw could be classified as obese; another thirty percent were at least thirty to fifty pounds overweight and another forty percent could loose ten to fifteen pounds. That leaves only ten percent of all of the thousands of people I observed who you would classify as not overweight and this number included all the teenaged girls who were down right skinny. Now maybe this is just because it was Disney World or maybe it was a mindset of people who let themselves go once they have children. I noticed that these percentages kind of hold true at sporting events too.
How does overeating coincide with being successful or unsuccessful? Overeating is lack of control and it shows a strong desire to be pleased. We feel good when we eat and if there is nothing else in our lives to feel good about we simply do what pleases us and that is to eat more. Once you have a plan to succeed, then the need to overeat is replaced by the need to contribute to society.
Most people who are overweight blame it on genes, having big bones, or anything except for the hunger for love, respect, and happiness. Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Today’s Exercise: The plan to stop overeating is to be loving, respectful, kind, and happy.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Love, respect, and happiness must be given first before it is returned to us.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Spiritual Love
The negative of spiritual love is fear and fear is the father of hate. It is fear and hate that spawn all Evil. The only weapon we have to defeat Evil is Love. Where there is Love, there is no fear. Where there is Love, hate cannot exist. Where there is love, Evil becomes what it really is, an illusion. True Love is simple recognition of our unity with God and with all forms of life. When we finally learn that our neighbors and we are one and the same and we truly love ourselves then it would be impossible to perform an act of unkindness to our neighbor. War would cease to exist. Hate would have no place; you could not hate yourself. All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self, the Universal Superconscious Mind, God. God does not fight with itself, nor does God chastise itself. God does not destroy itself.
Anyone who takes up arms against another human takes up arms against the self. The universe cries: “One! One! One!” We are each a creation from one intelligence. We will all return to this one intelligence. There is but one immortal self to all creation and we are part of that one, separated from it in our physical bodies. We all seek to know this complete unity again, and it’s to this never ending emotional drive we call love.
Why do babies cry and ask for all things immediately? Could it be that babies remember where they recently came from, where there was no denial and every thing they needed was provided for them? Little by little, the child realizes that it is no longer the center of the universe and needs someone else to fulfill its needs. Parents then must give unconditional love through this period. If a child is aware of anger and malice, then with each denial, rejection and fear take root. We know fear is the father of hate and people fear that which they think may hurt them. Once they are hurt, they hate that which hurts them. Thus, a viscous cycle begins, as fear and hate are reactions to frustrated love. Our society is full of unwanted and unloved children. When they grow up how will they treat their children? Only one of two ways: either they will love their kids, or the sins of the father will be passed to the children. Everything we do affects someone and we must break this viscous cycle.
Today’s Exercise: Look at your children as the parents of your grandchildren. Nobody wants messed up grandchildren.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self
Anyone who takes up arms against another human takes up arms against the self. The universe cries: “One! One! One!” We are each a creation from one intelligence. We will all return to this one intelligence. There is but one immortal self to all creation and we are part of that one, separated from it in our physical bodies. We all seek to know this complete unity again, and it’s to this never ending emotional drive we call love.
Why do babies cry and ask for all things immediately? Could it be that babies remember where they recently came from, where there was no denial and every thing they needed was provided for them? Little by little, the child realizes that it is no longer the center of the universe and needs someone else to fulfill its needs. Parents then must give unconditional love through this period. If a child is aware of anger and malice, then with each denial, rejection and fear take root. We know fear is the father of hate and people fear that which they think may hurt them. Once they are hurt, they hate that which hurts them. Thus, a viscous cycle begins, as fear and hate are reactions to frustrated love. Our society is full of unwanted and unloved children. When they grow up how will they treat their children? Only one of two ways: either they will love their kids, or the sins of the father will be passed to the children. Everything we do affects someone and we must break this viscous cycle.
Today’s Exercise: Look at your children as the parents of your grandchildren. Nobody wants messed up grandchildren.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: All life and all matter in this universe are but a manifestation of our one immortal self
Thursday, July 8, 2010
In football, a team that has good balance between offense and defense is a team that usually makes it to the playoffs. In our daily lives, we need a good balance between the spiritual offense and physical defense. The spiritual always comes first because we are a spirit with a body. If we improve our spiritual outlook, we will automatically improve our physical world. The sense of spiritual contentment is one of the key factors for reaching the state of happiness and balance.
Happiness is determined by three factors: material wealth, good health, and true friends. We possess the power to control our physical world when we learn to use our spiritual powers. Our minds are God’s link to humanity. If we open our minds, have faith, and do all things with Love and kindness, we open up the channel that allows God’s power to flow through us. With God as your senior partner, you can attain the balance that you seek. This balance will put you ahead of eighty-seven percent of the world’s population and provide a stepping-stone for you to reach your true potential.
When your main focus is on material things, such as your property, home, car, and belongings, you develop a strong attachment to these things. You then become less content and remain in an agitated state of dissatisfaction, always wanting more. In a way, you then really become poor because the concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you already have. This feeling of discontentment leaves a void in your life. You start to sacrifice health, family, friends, and peace of mind to try to fill this void only to realize that when you get the material possessions, you’re not happy after all. You strike out on a new get rich scheme, only to find out that you can’t take the money with you. There are no pockets in our pants or drawers in our coffin.
Today’s Exercise: Strive for balance.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: If you improve your spiritual outlook, you will automatically improve your physical world. The concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you all ready have.
Happiness is determined by three factors: material wealth, good health, and true friends. We possess the power to control our physical world when we learn to use our spiritual powers. Our minds are God’s link to humanity. If we open our minds, have faith, and do all things with Love and kindness, we open up the channel that allows God’s power to flow through us. With God as your senior partner, you can attain the balance that you seek. This balance will put you ahead of eighty-seven percent of the world’s population and provide a stepping-stone for you to reach your true potential.
When your main focus is on material things, such as your property, home, car, and belongings, you develop a strong attachment to these things. You then become less content and remain in an agitated state of dissatisfaction, always wanting more. In a way, you then really become poor because the concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you already have. This feeling of discontentment leaves a void in your life. You start to sacrifice health, family, friends, and peace of mind to try to fill this void only to realize that when you get the material possessions, you’re not happy after all. You strike out on a new get rich scheme, only to find out that you can’t take the money with you. There are no pockets in our pants or drawers in our coffin.
Today’s Exercise: Strive for balance.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: If you improve your spiritual outlook, you will automatically improve your physical world. The concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you all ready have.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The human brain and human compassion are by nature in some kind of balance. As we grow older, we have a tendency to neglect human affection and concentrate on the physical aspect of life, thus losing the balance. It is then that misfortune and undesirable things happen.
One of the most important features of the human face is the ability to smile. A kind and genuine smile is very important in our day-to-day lives. How you create that smile largely depends on your attitude. If you have a negative attitude or a poor outlook on life, it is almost impossible to smile.
It is illogical to expect smiles from others if you do not smile yourself. Thus, you create a negative and hostile environment and drive away those individuals who would otherwise be an important asset to the development of your well-being. This is an important development for long and short-term happiness.
The body is the best test of what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. If you’re allergic to seafood, your body will let you know in a hurry. Your intelligence may oppose your immediate short-term desire because it knows your long-term consequences. Thus, the role of intelligence is to determine the positive and negative potential of a factor that could have both positive and negative results. When you have a balance of spiritual and physical development, then you can help others reach the same level of balance, increasing your potential to live a happier and more successful life.
Today’s Exercise: Smile. Be happy; be kind!
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: One of the most important capabilities of the human’s face is the ability to smile.
One of the most important features of the human face is the ability to smile. A kind and genuine smile is very important in our day-to-day lives. How you create that smile largely depends on your attitude. If you have a negative attitude or a poor outlook on life, it is almost impossible to smile.
It is illogical to expect smiles from others if you do not smile yourself. Thus, you create a negative and hostile environment and drive away those individuals who would otherwise be an important asset to the development of your well-being. This is an important development for long and short-term happiness.
The body is the best test of what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. If you’re allergic to seafood, your body will let you know in a hurry. Your intelligence may oppose your immediate short-term desire because it knows your long-term consequences. Thus, the role of intelligence is to determine the positive and negative potential of a factor that could have both positive and negative results. When you have a balance of spiritual and physical development, then you can help others reach the same level of balance, increasing your potential to live a happier and more successful life.
Today’s Exercise: Smile. Be happy; be kind!
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: One of the most important capabilities of the human’s face is the ability to smile.
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