Bot Revolt

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Preparing the Mind

Before you can understand any of the philosophy stated here, you must prepare your mind to receive it. It begins with identifying, studying, understanding, and the clearing out of the three enemies: indecision, doubt, and fear. Your sixth sense will never function properly while any one or all three remain in your mind. The members of this destructive trinity are closely related. Where one may be found, the other two are lurking close by. Indecision spawns doubt and when the two blend, they become fear. This is usually a slow process that may grow without your awareness. There are six basic fears that will prevent you from attaining your goals:
   1. Fear of poverty – This fear forces many people to take no end jobs or stay where  they have no hope of advancement.
   2. Fear of criticism – This fear keeps people from trying new things or taking any kind of risk, whatsoever.
   3. Fear of ill health – Believe it or not this fear keeps us sick and creates illness where there was no cause.
   4. Fear of loss of love. This fear forces loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
   5. Fear of old age – This fear is debilitating, causes illness, and lack of productivity.
6. The fear of death – This fear is lack of understanding who we really are.

Fears are nothing more than states of mind. Once we control our state of mind, we will eliminate fear. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real. Just as simply turning on a light can eliminate fear of the dark, turning on your mind to the truth eliminates these fears. This whole exercise is designed to turn on the light in your mind.

Today’s Exercise: Go into a totally dark room and stay there for ten minutes. Note the feelings you are going through. Now turn on the light.
Today’s Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Fears are nothing more that states of mind. Fear is an illusion; it is False Education Appearing Real.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Secret of Life

The big question is, why are we here? The object of this life is the pursuit of happiness. Most people feel that if they become successful, then they will find happiness. Wrong, it is the other way around. You must find happiness in order to be successful. Now, you may say I know a lot of wealthy people who are unhappy and you would be right. Maybe the way they got their riches is what’s making them unhappy. For you and me, let’s keep it simple.
Pursue happiness. Find happiness with your present employment. It’s not the job, it’s you. Are you as happy as you want to be? Happiness should not come from outside influences, happiness is a state of mind, and only you control the state of your mind.
Happiness comes from living in this moment. If you are worried about tomorrow or fretting about yesterday you will not be happy today. Today, right now, this moment, is all there is. Make up your mind right now that you are happy, you are alive, that you have many blessings to be happy about. You, who are procrastinating, do it now. Say these words, “I am happy.” Say them over, and over until you feel happy. Then look at your world. What in it is making you unhappy? Identify it and then (very important) change the way you look at your unhappiness. What is good about it? How can you change to make it work for you? If it’s a person you think is making you unhappy, you can’t change that person; you can only change you. If you are unable to change, then you are unable to succeed. Don’t say “I’ve always been like this” because this is exactly what’s keeping you from enjoying success, happiness and prosperity.

Today’s Exercise: Find something you really like to do and do it. Then capture the essence of your feeling. This is how you want to feel in everything you do.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: You must find happiness in order to be successful.

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Leonard Rubino