Bot Revolt

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Born to Be Rich

Why is it that most people born into riches seem to accomplish very little on their own? Because people born with early advantages are taught to look to material things for success and if material things fail them, they are at a loss where to turn to next. But, this is when a person with no special skill, ability, or riches or influence must turn to something else for success, something beyond material means. They turn to the God that dwells within them. They turn to their Subconscious Mind, that almighty power that lies dormant in their being waiting to be called to action. This mighty mind knows not of defeat.
Its sole existence is to turn into reality whatever the Conscious Mind demands with persistent faith. In every adversity, lays the seed of greatness. Each defeat is but a stepping-stone to victory. Greatness is like heroes, ordinary people doing extraordinary feats at a time of crisis. When everything looks dark and there seems no way out, this is when they turn to their inner selves, when they seek a silent partner, when they let go and let God.
We are part of one universe, one soul, and one intelligence. God has incarnated as humankind. God seeks to know through you. Give God work to do. Give God a chance to express. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used. It matters not how old you are or what your present circumstances or position is, you can use the full power of God by simply believing. You were born rich; you were born with all the knowledge of the universe in your Subconscious Mind. You were born with an intelligent energy that is with you twenty-four hours a day, every day just waiting for your command. This intelligent energy, God, will provide you with every good thing this world can supply. Don’t you think it’s time for you to claim your inheritance? Hear the voice of silence say, “All joys are yours if you put forth your claim.”

Today’s Exercise: Claim your inheritance.
Daily Affirmation: My Subconscious Mind will make into reality whatever I ask of it.
Points to Ponder: Give God work to do. Use your Subconscious Mind as God has intended it to be used.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dream Big Dreams

We grow great by dreams. All great people are dreamers. They see greatness in everything: the sunset; the ocean at 6:00 in the morning; the birds chirping in the back yard; the smile of a child, and the devotion of a pet well, dogs anyway, cats have their own agenda.
What separates the great dreamers from the common daydreamers? Successful people take those vivid, compelling, exciting dreams and back them up with specific plans and goals.

“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.”
Thomas Carlyle

“Either control your own destiny, or someone else will.”
Jack Welch

Let me make it simple. You need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve; you must have vision.” Clarity of vision gives you focus of effort. Focus of effort gives you an intended outcome.
I’ll make it even simpler:
Dream Big.
Focus on one goal at a time.
Have faith that success is yours.

Today’s Exercise: Daydream for a half of an hour.
Today’s Affirmation: I attract success and happiness into my life every day.
Points to Ponder: The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.

Friday, March 25, 2011

How to Make God Smile

God smiles every time you or I do an act of kindness. Kindness is the answer to all of the world’s problems.
I used to laugh at the Miss America Pageant when a contestant would say, “If I win the Miss America title, I would try for world peace.” I would say to myself, Oh sure, you are going to do what nobody else has ever been able do to. Ha!
Well, I was wrong. If one person does one act of kindness to someone who then goes out and does two acts of kindness and this process is duplicated over and over, we will have world peace within thirty days. I used to use this analogy in speaking to new sales recruits. What would you rather have one hundred thousand dollars cash or one penny a day doubled each day for thirty days? Most would answer one hundred thousand and I would know instantly I didn’t have a good sales person in the making. (See today’s exercise).
Think about it, if everybody tried to do one act of kindness today, there would be no murders, no robberies, no hatred, no prejudice, no wars, and no fear. Then God would really smile. But, for today let’s you and I go out and look for opportunities to hold the door open for someone or give someone a lift, or just smile and say, “How are you today?”
The other day, when I left my condo for work, the elevator stopped at the first floor and as I started to step out, in front of me was an elderly woman blocking my way. A year ago, I probably would have given her an annoying look and tried to blow past her. But not this day, I simply smiled and said, “How are you?”
Her answer was, “I just lost my husband.”
I backed up into the elevator and said, “I’m sorry,” and proceeded to ride up eighteen floors as she told me all about her husband. I didn’t really say anything but she thanked me with the most generous, thanks I had ever received. After she got off at her floor, I continued my journey to start my day. As I rode the elevator down, I was the only person in the elevator, but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.

Today’s Exercise: Get your calculator out, take a penny a day double it every day for thirty days.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: I was the only person in the elevator but I wasn’t alone, I felt her husband’s presence.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


How we interfere with the innate principle of harmony. To think correctly and scientifically we must know the truth. There is a saying that goes, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” To know the truth is to be in harmony with God and the power of your Subconscious Mind, which is always moving in the right direction.
Every thought you have that is not harmonious, whether through ignorance or design, will result in disorder and limitation of all kinds. If you’re building defects into your body by thoughts of fear, anger, jealousy, and ill will, then you have no one to blame but yourself. You are the sum total of your own thoughts. Think about that every time you have a negative or inharmonious thought.
It’s like climbing a mountain. When the mountain gets too high and you can’t see over it, your life and the way you see the world becomes distorted. You start to believe everyone is against you, you are unlucky, or that this world sucks! You can overcome the mountain from this moment on, by overcoming negative thoughts by substituting positive thoughts.
Affirm the good and the bad will vanish. Know this and know it well. It is not too late. You are not too old to change, or too miserable to be happy. It’s not normal to be sick, unhappy, unloved, unproductive, and miserable. All of your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs will operate with greater potential when they are in harmony with God who is forever seeking to preserve and protect you. It follows from this, that normal conditions can be restored with greater ease and certainty than abnormal conditions can prevail.
Likewise, in the healing of disease, you must increase the inflow and distribution of the vital forces of your Subconscious Mind throughout your belief system. By eliminating thoughts of fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, and every other destructive thought, you can do this. These feelings tend to tear down and destroy your nerves, glands, and body tissues that control the elimination of all waste material. In other words the phrase, “You’re full of S@%T!,” is an accurate description of someone who is not in harmony with the universe. Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole. “Peace and harmony are yours, sayeth the Lord.”

Today’s Exercise: Change your routine. Drive a different route to work or the store; see what’s new.

Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.

Points to Ponder: Faith in your subconscious powers will make you whole.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Are You a Coward?

Before you answer the above question, let’s define the word “coward.”
1. Afraid. Are you afraid to take chances?
2. Scared. Do you panic when you are asked to give a speech?
3. Yellow. Do you sit in the back of the room?
4. Chicken. Do you let someone else take the lead?
5. Jellyfish. Do you blend into the mob?
Now what’s your answer? If you could silently, quietly, and clearly peer into the hearts of the sad failures in life, if you could learn the secrets of men and women who merely go through the motions, who make up the masses of humanity that have complained their way through life, then you would discover the tale of fear, cringing, hesitating, shrinking, and mental cowardice.
It is a tragedy. It is the life history of a well-meaning soul seeking higher levels of Success and Happiness but bound and handcuffed to that ever present “Oh, I better not; I don’t think it will work, or I tried it before and it can’t be done.” Instead of a life of health, happiness, and financial ease, they sink into oblivion, only to rise up and tell you that it cannot be done. They hear, “Who do you think you are? There is no way you can do that!”
The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great. In order to dare to be great you must go through four stages to be mentally tough.
1. I wish for success.
Wishing is simply having the craving.
2. I desire success.
Desire is having the passion for success.
3. I am resolved upon my success.
Resolved is the determination to overcome all obstacles.
4. I demand and insist that I become successful.
Demand is a “full speed ahead, damned the torpedoes” attitude.
If you are to go all the way with me, you must have an open mind.

Today’s Exercise: Open your mind. Go through the four steps, then either put the book away or turn the page.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: The race for Success and Happiness requires men and women who dare to be great.