Think of the journey called success as if you were climbing a ladder. In order to get to the top you must put one foot in front of the other. If you slip and fall down a few rungs, you must gather yourself together and start climbing again. The higher we go the bigger the risk of falling and getting hurt. But, like climbing a ladder, we never look down (back). If we are afraid then we freeze and stop climbing and hang on for dear life. We may be passed by, by those with more courage or maybe even too dumb to be scared.
Climbing this ladder successfully requires help. Most of us can only go so far and then fear and doubt take over. The cure for this is simple, find a mentor. There is always someone who is successful doing what you do. Most successful people would love to be able to help someone reach greater heights, but you must ask for the help. There’s an old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” As you are climbing reach up with one hand and grab your mentor’s hand and hold on so that they can help pull you up over the rough spots. When you have your mentor’s hand reach down with your other hand and grab hold of your student’s hand and the three of you go up together.
As soon as you learn something, teach it to your prodigy. Success is a lot more fun if you can share it. If you don’t have a mentor now but want to get started today, let books be your guide. Here’s a list of books that have helped me:
- How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Caregie, (year)
- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, 1938
- The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier, 1926
- Three Magic Words, U.S. Anderson, 1954
- The Active Side of Infinity, Carlos Castaneda, 1998
- Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach, 1970
- Infinite Mind, Valerie Hunt, 1989
- The Power of Intention, Wayne W. Dyer, 2003
- Happiness Is, Shawn Shea, 2004
- The God Code, Gregg Braden, 2004
- Power vs. Force, David Hawkins, 2004
Today’s Exercise: Read a book or climb a ladder, your choice.
Today’s Affirmation: I am perfect, God made me.
Points to Ponder: When the student is ready the teacher will appear.