Bot Revolt

Friday, June 18, 2010

Broken Heart

Who out there has not suffered a broken heart at one time or another? Some may have experienced it when they were teenagers; some while they were looking for a lifetime companion, while others experienced it at a time when they thought their love life was secure. Many of us get over a broken heart, but some choose to carry the scars with them, by closing the wound so tightly that Love can never enter again.
It seems so difficult for us to open our hearts to Love. We are constantly being reminded of feelings of hurt and rejection. We take advice from those who know less about Love than we do. We are so steeped in our own problems, failures, and Egos that we isolate ourselves from the world, neither giving Love nor accepting Love. We retreat into our shells like turtles and build our own protective walls to keep us from feeling further hurt, but far from protecting us, our walls, become a prison. We lock ourselves into solitary confinement, and slowly we die, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Open your heart and allow Love to enter. What does it matter if we hurt for a little while if it is a step towards happiness? Happiness can never really be achieved without Love. Life is for the living. How can we truly appreciate pleasure and joy unless we experience some pain and sorrow?
I like this poem written by Chalmers Smith.
There is no gain, except by Loss.
There is no life, except by Death.
There is no vision, but by Faith.
Love heals the body; comforts the lonely; lights the way; overcomes fears; brings prosperity and builds character. Most of all, Love reveals the meaning of life.

Today Exercise: Open your heart. Love yourself.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: Happiness can be never really achieved without Love.

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