Bot Revolt

Thursday, July 8, 2010


In football, a team that has good balance between offense and defense is a team that usually makes it to the playoffs. In our daily lives, we need a good balance between the spiritual offense and physical defense. The spiritual always comes first because we are a spirit with a body. If we improve our spiritual outlook, we will automatically improve our physical world. The sense of spiritual contentment is one of the key factors for reaching the state of happiness and balance.
Happiness is determined by three factors: material wealth, good health, and true friends. We possess the power to control our physical world when we learn to use our spiritual powers. Our minds are God’s link to humanity. If we open our minds, have faith, and do all things with Love and kindness, we open up the channel that allows God’s power to flow through us. With God as your senior partner, you can attain the balance that you seek. This balance will put you ahead of eighty-seven percent of the world’s population and provide a stepping-stone for you to reach your true potential.
When your main focus is on material things, such as your property, home, car, and belongings, you develop a strong attachment to these things. You then become less content and remain in an agitated state of dissatisfaction, always wanting more. In a way, you then really become poor because the concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you already have. This feeling of discontentment leaves a void in your life. You start to sacrifice health, family, friends, and peace of mind to try to fill this void only to realize that when you get the material possessions, you’re not happy after all. You strike out on a new get rich scheme, only to find out that you can’t take the money with you. There are no pockets in our pants or drawers in our coffin.

Today’s Exercise: Strive for balance.
Today’s Affirmation: I am loved, because I love.
Points to Ponder: If you improve your spiritual outlook, you will automatically improve your physical world. The concept of poverty is the suffering of wanting something and not being content with what you all ready have.