Bot Revolt

Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Lose Weight Using The Law of Attraction

If you have been trying all your life to lose or maybe even gain weight with no success, you may be going around it the wrong way.
You’ve probably heard of the DVD Movie: “The Secret”, you may have even seen it 2 or 3 times, but you think the movie is only about money.
The Secret” is simple; it states: “What is liken to itself is drawn.”  Which means you are what you think about all day long.  So, if losing weight is what you are interested in, it is only natural for you to think you are FAT (or too skinny).  After all, every time you look in the mirror or step on a scale there it is staring you right in the face, and you mentally state to yourself: “I NEED TO LOSE _______ POUNDS.  MY CLOTHES DON’T FIT. I LOOK UGLY AND I’M ALWAYS TIRED.”
There goes at least 5 negative vibrational energy shouts out into the Universe to align itself with every other overweight, ugly, tired vibration floating around just waiting to align itself with you.  The results are that you don’t lose any weight you actually gain a few more pounds.

So, you try a diet.  Guess what?  The results are the same as the last 3 diets you tried.  You lose weight for a little while and then you put it all back on and then some.  So you look for an excuse.  “It’s in my genes, my family has a history of being overweight.”  “Every time I walk by the refrigerator I gain 5 pounds.”  Diets don’t work, and you give in by saying: “I’m doomed.”  You then give up, not wanting to put your make-up on, not going to get your hair done or even buying new clothes.  Now you are stressed out and you decide that eating an extra piece of pie or the whole pie isn’t so bad.

Let’s take a little bit of the blame off you…
10,000 years ago our ancestors huddled together in caves.  They went out as a group to hunt for their food.  When they were able to kill an animal the entire group would feast together for a week.  There was no refrigeration so they had to eat it all in one sitting, stuffing themselves.  The human body developed a hypothalamus gland, which in effect directs the food we eat to certain parts of the body.  For instance some food goes to our blood system, some to our muscles, some to be stored as fat and the rest to be turned into waste to be eliminated from our body.  Our ancestors, the cavemen, did not eat everyday; maybe a week or more between meals the hypothalamus gland would send a major portion of what they ate to be stored as a fat reserve to be redirected to vital parts of the body when food was scarce.  The problem with humans today is that their food source is not weeks away, but hours away and when they eat in excess this food becomes excess baggage.

So, losing weight is not a physical process but a mental one.
Let’s start with the movie “The Secret”, The Law of Attraction states: “We are what we think about.”  Every time you look into the mirror and say:”I need to lose some weight.” – the word need means wish and your subconscious only obeys orders not wishes.  So in order to lose that weight you must fully understand how the Three Minds work.
Our Conscious Mind is our physical body, it gathers data from our five senses.  This information becomes our memory and we are a product of that memory.

Let’s look at our five senses at work:
Taste: “Oh, I love the TASTE of chocolate cake.”
Smell: “Oh, doesn’t that freshly baked bread SMELL delicious.”
Sight: “Oh, doesn’t that big, fat, greasy cheeseburger and French fries LOOK like heaven.”
Sound: “Oh, I can HEAR my stomach grumbling just looking at that ice cream sundae.”
Touch: “Oh, I can’t wait to get my HANDS on that apple pie.”

Tell me you didn’t just put on three pounds reading that.
So, even though your Conscious Mind wants to lose weight, it is fighting a losing battle.
Our Subconscious Mind, it is a collection or data base of all the vibrational energies of every thought, word or feeling in the Universe.  These vibrations are waiting to attach themselves to whatever you think, say or feel.  Like all magnets a positive will always attract a positive and a negative will always attract a negative.
So, a statement like: “I need to lose some weight.” Is a negative command to your Subconscious Mind.  The word NEED means: “I don’t have it, I don’t know how to get it, I guess I’m stuck with all this weight it must be in my genes.  That damn hypothalamus gland must be working overtime.”
Because you have sent out a negative vibration, this negative vibration will attach itself to every FAT thought in the Universe and you will eventually justify the fact that everything you eat ends up on your hips.
The Universal Super-Conscious Mind is the link between you and God.  God did not create mankind with an imperfect body in mind.  Your body is the most sophisticated piece of machinery in the Universe.  Mankind cannot duplicate the human body.  All sickness, disease and imperfections of the body are caused b negative and erroneous thinking of the collective Conscious Minds of humanity.  To bring our body back to perfection will not be accomplished by science, medicine or any other artificial method.  Only our Three Minds working in harmony can change the condition of our physical body.  Our minds are perfect and when used right our bodies will become perfect.

Conscious Mind
It’s job is to decide WHAT we want.
Subconscious Mind
It’s job is to decide HOW to get it.
Universal Super-Conscious Mind
God will make it so.

Your Conscious Mind must decide WHAT the perfect weight is for you.  Let’s say that the perfect weight for you is ___(fill in a number)__ pounds.  You then give your Conscious Mind the command by saying:
I AM enjoying my life, I have a perfect body for me.  My weight is __(desired weight)__.  My body will redistribute the weight so that I AM most pleasing to me.  With this new look I will upgrade my appearance to take advantage of my new shape.   My new hairstyle, my new clothes and posture will reflect the new me.  I will refrain from abusing my body by subjecting it to over eating, over drinking, drugs, worries, stress or any other harmful habit.  I AM PERFECT, GOD MADE ME.” 
Your Subconscious Mind will then vibrate these words and feelings to the Universe and will be joined by a multitude of positive vibrations that will automatically do the right think without thinking.  Your whole outlook on life will change and you will use this process to attain more love, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.
Your Super-Conscious Mind (God) will simply smile and welcome back another prodigal son or daughter.
Learn all you can about The Law of Attraction.  Study it, practice it and spread the truth.  If you can do it anyone can do it.  Change the world one mind at a time.
