Bot Revolt

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fear + Separation = Negative Faith

The message today is for those who survived yesterday’s message. You have put a crack in the armor of fear. You have reduced the Devil and Hell to a myth. You have begun to see what great opportunities lay ahead for you. In today’s world a strange situation has evolved, a situation in which people today find it effortless to use faith to attract evil and they find it exceedingly hard work to use faith for good. But, the veil is lifted; evil, sin, suffering, poverty, hatred, the devil, and Hell are just negative faith.
            It is but a simple change in direction to positive faith. We have the tool for this momentous change, it called positive thinking. We must take the Conscious Mind of humanity and direct our positive thinking one day at a time to convince the Universal Superconscious Mind that evil, poverty, hatred, sickness, jealousy, and every other negative thought is an illusion that we as God’s divinity here on Earth have no need for.
            The definition of fear is False Education Appearing Real. The only thing we need to fear is fear itself. To rid ourselves of fear we need the truth. The truth has been handed down since the beginning of time. WE ARE IMMORTAL. Religions call it a soul; science calls it the Subconscious Mind. Jesus called it the father within. St. Augustine wrote:
                        “I Lord went wandering like a strayed sheep seeking thee with
                        anxious reasoning without, whilst thou was within me. I went round
                        the streets and squares of the city seeking thee; and I found thee not,
                        because in vain I sought without for him who was within myself.”

That part of us that is immortal, our soul, our Subconscious Mind, the father who dwelleth within this is God. God does not punish or destroy himself. When our human body is through our soul will go back from whence it came, to God.

Today’s Exercise: Take five deep breaths. If your still here go on to tomorrow.
Today’s Affirmation: The kingdom of God is within me.
Points to Ponder: We are immortal. When our human body is through our soul will go back from whence it came, to God.

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