Bot Revolt

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Follow Your Dreams

There is no such thing a good job or a bad job. There is only work you hate or work you love. If you want easy work, find work you love to do and do it. Too many people are wasting their lives because they do not enjoy their work. The father, who forces his son to go to the same college he went to and become a doctor like him, can’t figure out why his son won’t speak to him. The mother who tries to make her daughter a starlet because she never made it, is stunned when her daughter overdoses on drugs.
You were not born an attorney, a movie star, or a miner, you were born to follow your dream not someone else’s. It takes courage to follow your dreams.
I get a kick out of some of the movies you see about a small town. There is always some teenager or a young person who can’t wait to get out of town because there’s nothing there, yet, these people are totally unprepared to be a success anywhere. It is not the place or the time that determines success, it’s the person. Some of the richest men and women in America come from a small town and quite a few have made their fortune in these towns.
Success starts now where you are and at what you are doing. As you grow opportunities will present themselves. One of my definitions of success is, to be totally prepared to recognize and capitalize on an opportunity when it presents itself.

Today’s Exercise: Start preparing. Look at everything as an opportunity; the best ones come disguised as problems.
Today’s Affirmation: I have a positive mental attitude, therefore I am a success.
Points to Ponder: It takes courage to follow your dreams.

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