Bot Revolt

Thursday, September 30, 2010

When You Change The Way You Look At Things; The Things You Look At Will Change

This is not only a catchy saying, it is a quantum physics reality. When you look at an atom through a sub-atomic microscope at its smallest level you will find a quark. Now here is the interesting part, as you are looking at the quark, it will change depending on how you look at it or who is looking at it. This means, we have the ability to change matter (things) just by the way we see them!
We only have two choices, either good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happy or sad, calm or stressed out, kind or cruel, loved or unloved.
If your world is not the way you want it, then you need to change the way you see it. When you see the world as a beautiful place, full of abundance and loving people who are attracted to you, to assist you in your quest for "Success and Happiness" then you will materialize it. This leads us to the Law of Attraction .
The Law of Attraction works all the time. We will attract into our lives whatever we think about.
THINK about it... did you ever say to yourself "I need to make more money." Yet your feeling or emotion is you don't have enough so: you conceive that money is important however you believe that you don't have enough and you feel down deep that you will never have enough, thus the Law of Attraction kicks in and everything in your world turns to garbage.
Money is only paper, and millions of dollars are printed up every day. If you don't have enough it's because you are attracting the LACK of money instead of the ABUNDANCE of money.
This Law of Attraction works for everything and everyone!
Trust it will work for you, believe that you deserve it and leave the HOW to a higher authority!

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