Bot Revolt

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happiness Is a Jelly Donut

Picture this, you’re hungry, and there is a nice big jelly donut sitting on a plate. All you have to do to get this jelly donut is ask for it. Your taste buds get active; you can see yourself taking a big bite out of it. The jelly squishes out and some of it runs down your cheek. You quickly wipe it with your finger and then stick your finger in your mouth. You want to savor every little bit. Two bites later and it’s all gone and you look for another one. After all, no one can eat just one jelly donut.
Happiness is a jelly donut. First you have to ask for it, even though it’s just sitting there waiting for you. Happiness is something you predetermine ahead of time. Happiness is taking a bite out of life, savoring every last second of it and then wanting more. Any day you are not happy, it’s because you decided to let outside influences cloud your mind. Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.
Happiness starts with desire; the desire to enjoy life to the fullest; the desire to make other people feel happy, especially those who don’t like “jelly donuts.” Happiness is appreciating the little things. Happiness is the first step to success.

Today’s Exercise: Go buy yourself a box of jelly donuts and then share them with the first person you meet.
Today’s Affirmation: I am as happy as I make up my mind to be.
Points to Ponder: Happiness is not something that happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you.

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